Rehabilitation, Modernisation, Enlargement and Equipment of the extended daycare No.5- City Mizil (Q2743513)

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Revision as of 15:14, 14 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to increase participation in pre-school education and better access to compulsory education for children from Mizil City through rehabilitation, modernisation, extension and endowment of Garden with extended program no. 5, Mizil city. The improvement of the educational infrastructure will be achieved by rehabilitation, modernisation, extension and endowment of the extended-time garden no. 5 in order to imp...)
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Project Q2743513 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Rehabilitation, Modernisation, Enlargement and Equipment of the extended daycare No.5- City Mizil
Project Q2743513 in Romania


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    4,505,914.95 Romanian Leu
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    901,182.9900000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,301,076.4 Romanian Leu
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    1,060,215.28 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    5 February 2018
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    31 May 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este creșterea gradului de participare la educatie prescolara şi acces mai bun la învăţământul obligatoriu al copiilor din Orasul Mizil prin reabilitarea, modernizarea, extinderea și dotarea Grădiniței cu program prelungit nr. 5, oraș Mizil. Imbunatatirea infrastructurii educationale se va realiza prin reabilitarea, modernizarea, extinderea și dotarea Grădiniței cu program prelungit nr. 5 in scopul imbunătățirii actului de educație a preșcolarilor prin asigurarea de spatii adecvate si dotate corespunzator pentru activitățile desfășurate. Proiectul asigura conditiile necesare educării, pregătirii și dezvoltării armonioase a copiilor de grădiniță. În prezent activitatea se desfasoara in cladirea existenta, construita in anul 1974, în încăperi subdimensionate si supraaglomerate; cele 7 grupe de copii insumeaza un numar de 194 prescolari, aproximativ 28 de copii pe sala de grupă, cu 8 mai mult decat prevad normele. Acest fapt poate duce la apariția unor diferențe între nivelul de educație al copiilor, deoarece nici educatorul și nici îngrijitorul nu au suficient timp pentru a satisface nevoile de educatie si ingrijire a fiecărui preșcolar. Investitia de fata propune intervenții asupra cladirii existente(Suprafața construită existentă Sc= 935,00mp, Suprafața construită desfășurată existentă: Sd=1.870,00mp) si lucrari( de Extindere cladire cu Suprafața construită propusă: Sc = 243,85mp, Suprafața construită desfășurată propusă: Sd = 487,70mp), suprafetele rezultate in urma realizarii investitiei devenind: Suprafaţă construită propusă rezultată: 1.195,54 mp; Suprafaţă construită desfăşurată rezultată: 2.391,08 mp, respectiv: -Lucrări de reabilitare: • reabilitări necesare conform expertizei tehnice; • reabilitarea instalaţiei electrice; • reabilitarea instalaţiei sanitare; • amenajare curte pentru activităţi în aer liber. -Lucrări de modernizare: • modernizare spălătoriei; • amenajare parcare; • instalaţie de avertizare în caz de incendiu. -Activităţi de extindere: • extindere clădire extistentă cu un corp de clădire cu 3 săli de grupă, 2 birouri adminsitrative (contabilitate, secretariat), grup sanitar personal, grup sanitar preşcolari. -Activităţi de dotare: • dotare curte pentru activităţi în aer liber (teren sport, loc de joacă, etc.); • mobilier şi echipamente specifice; • sistem de aer condiţionat; • sistem de supraveghere cu camere video; • alte dotări necesare conform normativelor aplicabile. • intervenții de adaptare a clădirii la nevoile persoanelor cu dizabilități, intervenții ce constau în crearea unor rampe, amenajarea unor grupuri sanitare speciale pentru persoanele cu dizabilități locomotorii. Prin intermediul investitiilor care se vor realiza, gradinita va deveni locul in care cadrele didactice urmaresc copiii in diverse ipostaze, indentifica preferinţele acestora pentru anumite discipline şi ariile în care cei mici au nevoie de ajutor, sunt invatati despre cooperar (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase participation in pre-school education and better access to compulsory education for children from Mizil City through rehabilitation, modernisation, extension and endowment of Garden with extended program no. 5, Mizil city. The improvement of the educational infrastructure will be achieved by rehabilitation, modernisation, extension and endowment of the extended-time garden no. 5 in order to improve the preschool education act by providing adequate and adequately equipped spaces for the activities carried out. The project provides the necessary conditions for the education, preparation and harmonious development of kindergarten children. Currently the activity takes place in the existing building, built in 1974, in undersised and overcrowded rooms; the 7 groups of children sum up a number of 194 preschoolers, about 28 children per group room, 8 more than prescribed by the norms. This may lead to differences in the level of education of children, as neither the educator nor the carer have enough time to meet the needs of each preschool education and care. The present investment proposes interventions on the existing building (Existing built area Sc= 935,00sqm, existing built area: SD=1.870,00sqm) and works (Enlargement building with proposed built area: SC = 243,85 sqm, proposed built-up area: SD = 487,70sqm), the surfaces resulting from the investment being: Resulting proposed built-up area: 1.195.54 sqm; Resulting built-up area: 2.391.08 sqm, i.e.: —Rehabilitation work: • rehabilitations required according to technical expertise; • rehabilitation of the electrical installation; • rehabilitation of the sanitary facility; • courtyard layout for outdoor activities. Modernisation work: • modernisation of the laundry; • parking arrangement; • fire warning installation. —Enlargement activities: • extension of the building with a building body with 3 group rooms, 2 administrative offices (accounting, secretariat), personal bathroom, preschool bathroom. —Equipment activities: • courtyard for outdoor activities (sport field, playground, etc.); • specific furniture and equipment; • air conditioning system; • surveillance system with cameras; • other facilities required according to the applicable regulations. • interventions to adapt the building to the needs of persons with disabilities, interventions consisting of the creation of ramps, the arrangement of special bathrooms for people with locomotor disabilities. Through the investments that will be made, kindergarten will become the place where teachers follow children in various situations, identify their preferences for certain disciplines and areas where the little ones need help, are taught about cooperation (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Mizil, Romania
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