Supporting sustainable urban mobility at the level of Mangalia, Constanta county (Q2742730)

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Revision as of 15:10, 14 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): General objective: Reducing carbon emissions in Mangalia Municipality, Constanta County, based on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. The general objective of the project will contribute to the achievement of the main objective of the 2014-2020 ROP programme – “Enhancing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure conditi...)
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Project Q2742730 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Supporting sustainable urban mobility at the level of Mangalia, Constanta county
Project Q2742730 in Romania


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    35,902,341.85 Romanian Leu
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    7,180,468.370000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    42,238,049.22 Romanian Leu
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    8,447,609.844 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 August 2019
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    31 October 2021
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    Obiectiv General: Reducerea emisiilor de carbon la nivelul municipiului Mangalia, judetul Constanta, bazată pe Planul de Mobilitate Urbană Durabilă. Obiectivul general al proiectului va contribui la indeplinirea obiectivului major al programului POR 2014-2020 – „Cresterea competitivitatii economice si imbunatatirea conditiilor de viata ale comunitatilor locale si regionale prin sprijinirea dezvoltarii mediului de afaceri, a conditiilor infrastructurale si a serviciilor, care sa asigure o dezvoltare sustenabila a regiunilor, capabile sa gestioneze in mod eficient resursele, sa valorifice potentialul lor de inovare si de asimilare a progresului tehnologic” precum si la realizarea obiectivului specific al prioritatii de investitii 4e „Reducerea emisiilor de carbon în zonele urbane bazată pe planurile de mobilitate urbană durabilă”. Infrastructura de transport rutieră reprezintă un sector modest dezvoltat al municipiului Mangalia. Deși asigură accesul din toate punctele cardinale și vecinătățile municipiului, această infrastructură este depășită din punct de vedere tehnologic. În ceea ce privește transportul în comun, distanța mare între stațiile de îmbarcare este menționată ca fiind principala problemă a transportului în comun. Se observă însă, că și celelalte observații au valori relative mari și apropiate: număr insuficient de autobuze, frecvență mica de circulație, mijloace de transport necorespunzătoare, bilete prea scumpe. Investitiile acestui proiect că au un impact pozitiv direct asupra reducerii emisiilor de echivalent CO2, generate de transportul rutier motorizat de la nivelul municipiului Mangalia şi al zonelor funcţionale ale acestuia, cu respectarea Planului de mobilitate urbana durabila. Proiectul contribuie la realizarea Obiectivului specific 3.2 al Priorității de Investiții 4e prin promovarea dezvoltarea mobilității urbane, combaterea dependentei de utilizarea autoturismelor, schimbarea accentului de la o mobilitate bazată în principal pe utilizarea acestora, la o mobilitate bazată pe mersul pe jos, utilizarea bicicletei ca mijloc de deplasare, utilizarea transportului public de înaltă calitate şi eficienţă, reducerea utilizării autoturismelor în paralel cu utilizarea unor categorii de autoturisme nepoluante. Prioiectul propune dezvoltarea unui sistem de transport public de călători atractiv și eficient, prin crearea unei rețele coerente de piste/trasee pentru biciclete, dar şi prin modernizarea unor trasee/spaţii pietonale sau predominant pietonale confortabile pentru pietoni, astfel se vor putea asigura condițiile pentru realizarea unui transfer sustenabil al unei părţi din cota modală a transportului privat cu autoturisme, către transportul public, utilizarea bicicletei ca mijloc de deplasare şi mersul pe jos. Ȋn acest mod, se pot diminua semnificativ traficul rutier cu autoturisme și emisiile de echivalent CO2 în municipiul Mangalia. Prin activităţile/măsurile propuse prin prezentul proiect (intr-o abordare integrata) se v (Romanian)
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    General objective: Reducing carbon emissions in Mangalia Municipality, Constanta County, based on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. The general objective of the project will contribute to the achievement of the main objective of the 2014-2020 ROP programme – “Enhancing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure conditions and services, ensuring a sustainable development of regions, capable of efficiently managing resources, capitalising on their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress” as well as to the achievement of the specific objective of the 4e investment priority “Reduction of carbon emissions in urban areas based on sustainable urban mobility plans”. The road transport infrastructure is a modestly developed sector of the municipality of Mangalia. Although it provides access from all points of the city’s cardinals and neighbourhoods, this infrastructure is outdated from a technological point of view. As regards public transport, the long distance between embarkation stations is mentioned as the main problem of public transport. It is noted, however, that the other comments also have high and close relative values: insufficient number of buses, low traffic frequency, inappropriate means of transport, too expensive tickets. The investments of this project have a direct positive impact on the reduction of CO2-equivalent emissions from motorised road transport in Mangalia municipality and its functional areas, in compliance with the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. The project contributes to the achievement of Specific Objective 3.2 of the Investment Priority 4e by promoting the development of urban mobility, combating dependence on the use of cars, changing the focus from mobility based mainly on their use, mobility based on walking, cycling as a means of travel, using high quality and efficient public transport, reducing the use of cars in parallel with the use of clean car categories. The Prioiect proposes the development of an attractive and efficient public passenger transport system, by creating a coherent network of bicycle tracks/pathways, but also by upgrading some pedestrian routes/spaces or predominantly pedestrians, so that the conditions for achieving a sustainable transfer of part of the modal share of private transport by car to public transport, the use of the bicycle as a means of travel and walking can be ensured. In this way, road traffic with passenger cars and CO2-equivalent emissions in the municipality of Mangalia can be significantly reduced. The activities/measures proposed by this project (in an integrated approach) are v (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Mangalia, Romania
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