No label defined (Q3069341)
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Project Q3069341 in Estonia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3069341 in Estonia |
1,607,587.22 Euro
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1,974,173.86 Euro
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81.43 percent
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1 September 2020
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31 August 2023
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Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
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Projekti tulemusel luuakse taristulised tingimused meretehnoloogia ja hüdrodünaamikaga seotud teadusvaldkondade edasiseks arendamiseks Eestis. Suurenevad võimalused Eesti meretehnoloogia ja hüdrodünaamikaga seotud teadusvaldkondade konkurentsivõime tõstmiseks ja rahvusvahelises koostööks. Tagatakse taristule ligipääs partneritele, sh ettevõtetele. Täiustatakse katsebasseini tehnoloogiat. Uuendatakse laborite sisseseadet. Loodud on nutika disaini ehk virtuaalprojekteerimise keskus. (Estonian)
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As a result of the project, the infrastructure conditions will be created for the further development of scientific fields related to marine technology and hydrodynamics in Estonia. Opportunities for increasing the competitiveness of Estonian research areas related to marine technology and hydrodynamics and international cooperation are increasing. Ensure access to infrastructure for partners, including businesses. The technology of the test pool will be improved. The equipment of the laboratories shall be upgraded. A centre for smart design or virtual design has been created. (English)
16 August 2021
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