Construction of a two-level junction of the railway of Tallinn-Narva and Sillamäe Harbour and the reconstruction of the section of the city of Sillamäe. Step I. (Q3067973)

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Project Q3067973 in Estonia
Language Label Description Also known as
Construction of a two-level junction of the railway of Tallinn-Narva and Sillamäe Harbour and the reconstruction of the section of the city of Sillamäe. Step I.
Project Q3067973 in Estonia


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    5,996,223.51 Euro
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    7,054,380.6 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 August 2016
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    1 January 2018
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    Kavandatakse järgmisi LOd parandavad lahendused: rajatakse uus 9 m laiuse kattega tee; ehitatakse välja 3 eritasandilist ristmikku autoliiklusele ning eritasandiline raudteeristmik maantee läbilaskvuse suurendamiseks; korrastatakse samatasandilised ristmikud ja mahasõidud; ehitatakse välja koguja- ja kergliiklusteede võrgustik kogu projekti alal ning jalakäijate tunnel kohaliku ja kergliikluse eraldamiseks transiitliiklusest; korrastatakse teekattemärgistus ja teeviitade süsteem. (Estonian)
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    The following improvements to the LOD are proposed: a new 9 m wide road will be built; 3 different level junctions for car traffic will be built and a different level rail crossing will be built to increase road throughput; the same level intersections and exits shall be arranged; the construction of a network of collector and light traffic throughout the project area and a pedestrian tunnel to separate local and light traffic from transit traffic; the road marking and the road signage system shall be refurbished. (English)
    16 August 2021
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