Shaping general competences in a changed learning approach (Q3067271)

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Project Q3067271 in Estonia
Language Label Description Also known as
Shaping general competences in a changed learning approach
Project Q3067271 in Estonia


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    6,503.74 Euro
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    7,651.45 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 December 2016
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    31 December 2017
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    Tallinna Pae Gümnaasium
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    "Üldpädevuste kujundamine muutunud õpikäsitluses" projekt on suunatud Tallinna Pae Gümnaasiumi kollektiivile. Projekti käigus toimuvad sessioonid kooli meeskonnale; töö toimub väiksemates gruppides läbi erinevate kaasavate õpimeetodite. Projekti tulemusel kujuneb meeskonnas ühtne arusaam muutunud õpikäsitlusest ja üldpädevuste kujundamisest ning üheskoos luuakse uue arengukava eesmärgid ning strateegia järgmiseks perioodiks. (Estonian)
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    "Developing general competences in a changed learning approach" the project is aimed at the collective of Tallinn Pae Gymnasium. Sessions for the school team will take place during the project; the work takes place in smaller groups through various inclusive learning methods. As a result of the project, the team develops a common understanding of the changing approach to learning and the development of general competences, and together the objectives of the new development plan and the strategy for the next period will be established. (English)
    16 August 2021
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