Reconstruction of Museum building, Liepaja (Q3057198)

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Project Q3057198 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Reconstruction of Museum building, Liepaja
Project Q3057198 in Latvia


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    65,900.0 Euro
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    122,358.65 Euro
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    15 June 2021
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    14 September 2022
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    Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības administrācija"
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    56°30'6.62"N, 21°0'47.05"E
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    Saskaņā ar likuma “Par pašvaldībām” 14.panta otrās daļas 1.punktu un 6.punktu, 15.panta pirmās daļas 5.punktu Pašvaldības pienākums ir rūpēties par kultūru un sekmēt tradicionālo kultūras vērtību saglabāšanu un tautas jaunrades attīstību, līdz ar to arī attiecīgās infrastruktūras apsaimniekošanu un uzturēšanu.Projekta “Muzeja ēkas pārbūve, Liepājā” (turpmāk tekstā – Projekts) mērķis ir samazināt primārās enerģijas patēriņu un Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības izdevumus par siltumapgādi, sekmējot energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanu un veikt Muzeja ēkas pārbūvi Klāva Ukstiņa ielā 7/9, Liepājā.Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldībai (turpmāk tekstā – Pašvaldība) ir apstiprināta Pašvaldības Attīstības programma 2015.-2020.gadam, kurā Projekts ir pamatots un iekļauts Investīciju plānā 2015.-2020.gadam. Projekta ietvaros plānots veikt sekojošas darbības 1.Būvdarbi Muzeja ēkā Klāva Ukstiā ielā 7/9, Liepājā:Būvprojektā un Ēkas energosertifikātā paredzētais:- grīdu rekonstrukcija;- ārdurvju nomaiņa pret energoefektīvām durvīm;- bēniņu siltumizolācijas izbūve;- siltumapgādes sistēmas pārbūve, tai skaitā veicot radiatoru nomaiņu;- ventilācijas un ventilācijas šahtas izbūve;- Elektroapgādes tīklu pārbūve, pārejot uz LED apgaismojumu visā ēkā.Būvprojektā paredzētie papildus būvdarbi:- Sienu un griestu rekonstrukcija;- Iekšdurvju un logu atjaunošana, saglabājot esošo vēsturisko izskatu;- Kāpņu atjaunošana;- Pārsegumu un jumta pastiprināšana;- Automātiskās ugunsaizsardzības sistēmas izbūve;- Ūdensvada un kanalizācijas izbūve;- Lifta un pacēlāja ar platformu izbūve, lai nodrošinātu vides pieejamību;- Divu apmeklētāju tualešu pārbūve izveidojot vienu kopēju tualetes telpu, kuru iespējams izmantot arī personām ar īpašām vajadzībām;- Fasādes atjaunošanas darbi. 2. Būvuzraudzība;3.Autoruzraudzība;4. Pagaidu energosertifikāta izstrāde.Veicot minētos pasākumus Muzeja ēkā Klāva Ukstiā ielā 7/9, Liepāja tiks uzlabota ēkas energoefektivitāte, atbilstoši Latvijas būvnormatīva LBN 002-015 „Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika” prasībām, kā arī tiks samazināts ēkas primārās enerģijas patēriņš, samazināti Pašvaldības izdevumi par ēkas siltumapgādi un tās uzturēšanas izmaksas. Muzeja ēkas primārās enerģijas patēriņš samazināsies par 58 511 kwh /gadā un siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisija samazināsies par 12,34 CO2 ekvivalentām tonnām gadā.Projekta kopējās plānotās izmaksas ir 354 319,86 EUR ( PVN), kur attiecināmās izmaksas veido 122 358,65 ( PVN).Projektu plānots īstenot 2021.gada II ceturksnī. Būvdarbu, autoruzraudzības un būvuzraudzības līgumus plānots noslēgt 2021.gada I ceturksnī, indikatīvi 2021.gada martā, lai jau 2021.gada II ceturksnī varētu uzsākt būvdarbus. Projektu plānots īstenot 15 mēnešus. Noslēdzot vienošanos par Projekta finansējuma piešķiršanu, tiks nodrošināti Projekta publicitātes pasākumi. (Latvian)
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    According to Section 14, Paragraph two, Clause 1 and Paragraph 6 of the Law “On Local Governments”, Section 15, Paragraph one, Clause 5 of the Law “On Local Governments” The purpose of the project “Reconstruction of the museum building in Liepaja” (hereinafter – the Project) is to reduce primary energy consumption and thus also to manage the relevant infrastructure.The project “Reconstruction of the Museum Building in Liepaja” (hereinafter referred to as the Project) aims to reduce primary energy consumption and Liepaja City Municipality’s expenditure on heating, promoting energy efficiency improvement and carrying out the programme for the reconstruction of the museum building in Liepaja.The object of the project is to reduce the primary energy consumption and the Liepaja City Municipality’s expenditure on heating, promoting energy efficiency and performing the programme for reconstruction of the Museum building in Liepaja. Within the framework of the project it is planned to perform the following activities in the museum building Klāva Ukstiā iela 7/9, Liepaja:construction project and Energy Certificate of the building:- reconstruction of floors;- replacement of external doors against energy efficient doors;- construction of attic heat insulation;- building of heating system; Renovation of the heating system, including replacement of radiators;- construction of ventilation and ventilation shafts;-Construction of electric power supply networks; Restoration of the heating system in the building; Restoration of the heating system in the building, including the replacement of radiators;-Construction of ventilation and ventilation shafthouse construction;-Construction of electric power supply networks; Restoration of the extrusion-construction; Restoration of the heating system in the building, including the replacement of the radiators;-Construction of ventilation and ventilation shaft housing;-Construction of electric power networks; Restoration of the heating system in the building; Reconstruction of the heating system in the building, including the replacement of the radiator with the interior of the enclosure;-Construction of the ventilation and ventilation shaft to be constructed; Construction of electric power supply networks; Preservation of the external heating system in the building; Replacement of the heating system in the building, including the replacement of radiators;-Construction of ventilation and ventilation shaft shafts;-Construction of electric power supply networks; Restoration of the heating system in the building; Replacement of the heating system in the building, including the replacement of the radiators with the interior doors;-Construction of electric power supply networks, construction of the attic, and the construction of the attic of the building; Conservation of the heating system; For use of the heating system in the building, including the replacement of the radiators;- construction of ventilation and ventilation shaft shafts;-Construction of electric power supply networks in order to be used in the building;- The construction of the attic insulation;- the use of the heating system in the building, including the replacement of the radiators with a viewing;- the construction of ventilation and ventilation shafts;-Construction of the attic, the attic of the attic insulation;-construction of the attic-validation of the building;- the reconstruction of the heating system for the needs of the building, including the replacement of the radiators with a view to replacing the ventilet with energy-saving doors;-Construction of the attic and ventilation shaft for special doors;- construction of attic heat insulation;- heating system reconstruction, including the replacement of radiators with interior doors;-Construction of ventilation and ventilation shafts;-Construction of electric power supply networks; Constructing of the attic-validing; Constructing of the heating system in the whole of the building, including the replacement of the radiators with the replacement of the interior doors;- the replacement of external doors against energy efficient doors;- construction of attic thermal insulation;- building of heating system;- Reconstruction of the heating system, including the replacement of the radiators with a view to the replacement of the ventilation and ventilation 2. Construction supervision;3.authorised supervision;4. Development of the Temporary Energy Certificate.By the above-mentioned events in the Museum building at Klāva Ukstiā iela 7/9, Liepaja will improve the energy efficiency of the building, in accordance with the requirements of the Latvian construction norm LBN 002-015 “Heat Engineering of Building Buildings”, as well as reduce the primary energy consumption of the building, as well as reduce the local government’s expenditure on heating supply of the building and its maintenance costs. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Klāva Ukstiņa iela 7/9, Liepāja, LV-3401
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