Innovative development of the social enterprise TRIANON (Q18187)

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Revision as of 12:47, 25 February 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The project responds to the current situation of high unemployment among disadvantaged groups and the diversification of the structure of the economy in the Moravskoslezský region. The content of the project is to increase the production and staffing capacity of the current social enterprise TRIANON, consisting of the acquisition of new technologies, the modernisation of part of the production area and the introduction of new services. The proje...)
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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Innovative development of the social enterprise TRIANON
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio


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    2,641,460.0 Czech koruna
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    105,658.40000000001 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    3,107,600.0 Czech koruna
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    124,304.0 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    85 percent
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    5 September 2016
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    31 December 2017
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    31 December 2017
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    TRIANON, z.s.
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    Projekt reaguje na aktuální situaci spojenou s vysokou nezaměstnaností znevýhodněných skupin a diverzifikací struktury hospodářství v Moravskoslezském kraji. Obsahem projektu je navýšení produkční a personální kapacity stávajícího sociálního podniku TRIANON, spočívající v pořízení nových technologií, modernizaci části výrobních prostor a zavedení nových služeb. Cílem projektu je rozšířit provoz a nabídku poskytovaných služeb a vytvořit nové pracovní pozice pro znevýhodněné zaměstnance. a. (Czech)
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    The project responds to the current situation of high unemployment among disadvantaged groups and the diversification of the structure of the economy in the Moravskoslezský region. The content of the project is to increase the production and staffing capacity of the current social enterprise TRIANON, consisting of the acquisition of new technologies, the modernisation of part of the production area and the introduction of new services. The project aims to expand the operation and supply of services and create new jobs for disadvantaged employees. (English)
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