Strengthening of the competences of health personnel in the prevention of diabetes and its complications (Q2735772)

From EU Knowledge Graph
Revision as of 13:39, 3 June 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The project ‘Strengthening competences of health personnel for the prevention of diabetes’ and its complications is of great importance in the light of epidemiological and demographic indicators, pointing to a significant increase in the population affected, for which medical and economically efficient care must be ensured. The project will make a crucial contribution to the competence raising and awareness of OCT professionals for early detec...)
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Project Q2735772 in Croatia
Language Label Description Also known as
Strengthening of the competences of health personnel in the prevention of diabetes and its complications
Project Q2735772 in Croatia


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    772,311.5 Croatian kuna
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    100,400.5 Euro
    2 June 2021
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    908,601.76 Croatian kuna
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    118,118.23 Euro
    2 June 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    11 February 2020
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    11 August 2021
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    Klinička bolnica Merkur
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    45°51'5.54"N, 15°57'17.50"E
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    Projekt Jačanje kompetencija zdravstvenog osoblja u prevenciji šećerne bolesti i njenih komplikacija od iznimnog je značenja s obzirom na epidemiološke i demografske pokazatelje, koji upućuju na značajan porast populacije oboljelih, za koje je potrebno osigurati medicinski i ekonomski učinkovitu skrb. Projekt će dati ključan doprinos podizanju kompetencija i svijesti stručnog osoblja iz sustava PZZ za rano otkrivanje šećerne bolesti, prepoznavanje rizika za pojavu komplikacija i planiranje i provedbu učinkovitih mjera sekundarne prevencije. (Croatian)
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