Bornholm’s food cluster (Q2101008)

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Revision as of 10:00, 12 October 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The purpose of the project is to maintain and further develop a strengthened food cluster organisation on Bornholm, including within (Det Blå Bornholm). The foundation of the Food Cluster is based on the partnership between Gourmet Bornholm, part of regional food culture, the municipality of Bornholm and Bornholm Agriculture. Based on a strong network between the industry, the public and the research environment for cluster development of the fo...)
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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Bornholm’s food cluster
Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio


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    1,398,300.0 Danish krone
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    181,779.0 Euro
    16 January 2020
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    2,796,600.0 Danish krone
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    363,558.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    50.0 percent
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    1 July 2018
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    30 June 2020
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    Bornholms Landbrug & Fødevarer
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    55°3'11.5"N, 14°55'32.9"E
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    Formålet med projektet er, at fastholde og videreudvikle en styrket fødevareklyngeorganisation på Bornholm, herunder også indenfor (Det Blå Bornholm). Fødevareklyngens fundament bygger på partnerskabet mellem Gourmet Bornholm, en del af regional madkultur, Bornholms Regionskommune og Bornholms Landbrug. Med afsæt i et stærkt netværk mellem erhvervet, det offentlige og forskningsmiljøet til klyngeudvikling af fødevareområdet både lokalt og nationalt, skal projektet videreudvikle det lokal økosystem for fødevareudvikling på Bornholm. Dette sker ved at styrke værdikæden fra hav/ager til mund samt innovationskraften mellem virksomheder, vidensinstitutioner og markedet, der samlet set kan realisere nye produkter eller services med afsæt i virksomhedernes potentiale og behov.Det er fødevareklyngens formål, at videreudvikle det momentum, som er skabt gennem de forgangne års indsatser og ikke mindst skabe rammen, der kan følge op på fødevarestrategien, 2017-2025 for Bornholm. Desuden har Cowi påpeget ved midtvejsevaluering af det eksisterende fødevareklyngeprojekt, at projekttovholderen skal bidrage til at løfte innovationshøjden for de deltagende virksomheder samt styrke den opfølgende indsats.Innovationshøjden løftes i dette projekt gennem samarbejder med nationale vidensinstitutioner.Af centrale indsatser kan nævnes;* Øge innovationskraften mellem fødevarelandskabets aktører, herunder også fiskeforarbejdende virksomheder samt samspillet med outdoor/oplevelsesturismen. Innovationskraft omfatter både produkt-, proces-, markedsførings- samt organisatorisk innovation.* Produktudvikling med afsæt i den særlige bornholmske terroir* Styrke erhvervsfremmesystemet indenfor fødevareområdetAf virkemidler anvendes aktionlærings-aktiviteter, workshops, produktudviklingsfora samt innovationsagenter. (Danish)
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    The purpose of the project is to maintain and further develop a strengthened food cluster organisation on Bornholm, including within (Det Blå Bornholm). The foundation of the Food Cluster is based on the partnership between Gourmet Bornholm, part of regional food culture, the municipality of Bornholm and Bornholm Agriculture. Based on a strong network between the industry, the public and the research environment for cluster development of the food area both locally and nationally, the project will further develop the local ecosystem for food development on Bornholm. This is done by strengthening the value chain from sea to mouth as well as the innovation power between companies, knowledge institutions and the market, which together can realise new products or services based on companies‘potential and needs.The purpose of the food cluster is to further develop the momentum created through the past years’ efforts and, not least, create the framework that can follow up the food strategy, 2017-2025 for Bornholm. In addition, Cowi has pointed out in the mid-term evaluation of the existing food cluster project that the project tower holder must contribute to raising the level of innovation for the participating companies as well as strengthening the follow-up efforts.Innovation height is raised in this project through collaborations with national knowledge institutions.Of key initiatives include:* Increase the innovation power between the food landscape actors, including fish processing companies and the interaction with outdoor/experience tourism. Innovation power includes both product, process, marketing and organisational innovation.* Product development based on the special Bornholm Terroir* Strengthening business support system in the food sector By means, action learning activities, workshops, product development forums and innovation agents are used. (English)
    12 October 2020
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