Northwest Smart Production (Q2100806)

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Revision as of 09:40, 12 October 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Based on the Industry 4.0 strategy, the aim of this project is to maintain and create more jobs through targeted innovation processes that are based on the participating companies’ specific technological needs and competencies. Once an inventory of the company’s technological level has been carried out, a technology agreement is concluded which provides general instructions for innovative upgrades under the Industry 4.0 concept. Innovation is be...)
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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Northwest Smart Production
Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio


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    6,998,476.0 Danish krone
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    909,801.88 Euro
    16 January 2020
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    20,822,600.0 Danish krone
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    2,706,938.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    34.0 percent
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    15 March 2017
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    31 December 2020
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    Vesthimmerlands Kommune
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    56°48'21.6"N, 9°29'50.6"E
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    Med udgangspunkt i strategien Industry 4.0 er formålet med dette projekt at fastholde og skabe flere arbejdspladser gennem målrettede innovationsforløb, der tager afsæt i de deltagende virksomheders konkrete teknologiske behov og kompetencer. Når der er foretaget en status over virksomhedens teknologiske niveau, indgås der en teknologiaftale, som bl.a. giver generelle anvisninger til innovative opgraderinger i henhold til Industry 4.0 konceptet. Innovationen forløses i tætte partnerskaber mellem virksomheder og vidensinstitutionerne med henblik på at udvikle nye innovative løsninger og produkter. Det er udgangspunktet for dette initiativ, som Jammerbugt og Vesthimmerland kommuner vil søsætte i samarbejde med 30 potentielle vækstvirksomheder fra det lokale erhvervsliv, de lokale erhvervskontorer og Aalborg Universitet (AAU). AAU er hjemsted for banebrydende forskning indenfor Smart Production. Nordvest Smart Production er ikke et forskningsprojekt, men vil aktivt omsætte den nyeste forskning i praksis for projektets virksomheder. Omdrejningspunktet for den nyttiggørelse er legitime indgange i både virksomheds- og forskermiljøer. Den metodiske tilgang til dette projekt adskiller sig først og fremmest fra andre lignende innovationsprojekter ved at virksomhederne bliver guidet igennem hele innovationsprocessen, lige fra starten hvor de kortlagt deres potentialer for innovation, til de har en løsning til at implementere nye innovationsprocesser og produkter tæt på markedet. Gennem hele forløbet bliver der sat fokus på løbende orientering, erfaringsudveksling og vidensformidling gennem målrettede workshops og informationsmøder. Derudover vil de større offentlige events bidrage til at Industry 4.0 konceptet bundfælder sig blandt regionens virksomheder og andre interesserede. Det er ligeledes vigtigt at fremhæve ideen bag ansættelsen af de særlige Technology Liaison Officers (TLO), der om nogen skal være katalysatorer for at bringe fremdrift i virksomhedernes innovationsproces, og ikke mindst være kompetente brobyggere mellem virksomhederne og vidensinstitutionerne, sammen med den lokale erhvervsservice. Virksomhederne vil blive sammensat i 9 partnerskaber, som vil identificere et tilsvarende antal innovationskoncepter til konkrete tests på AAU. Det forventes at effekten vil medføre 25 opgraderede innovative virksomheder, 20 nye arbejdspladser, 80 nye medarbejdere i eksisterende funktioner og 8 nye virksomheder. (Danish)
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    Based on the Industry 4.0 strategy, the aim of this project is to maintain and create more jobs through targeted innovation processes that are based on the participating companies’ specific technological needs and competencies. Once an inventory of the company’s technological level has been carried out, a technology agreement is concluded which provides general instructions for innovative upgrades under the Industry 4.0 concept. Innovation is being redeemed in close partnerships between companies and knowledge institutions with a view to developing new innovative solutions and products. This is the starting point for this initiative, which Jammerbugt and Vesthimmerland municipalities will launch in collaboration with 30 potential growth companies from the local business community, the local business offices and Aalborg University (AAU). AAU is home to groundbreaking research in Smart Production. Northwest Smart Production is not a research project, but will actively translate the latest research into practice for the project’s companies. The focal point of this recovery is legitimate entry into both enterprise and research communities. The methodological approach to this project differs, above all, from other similar innovation projects in that companies are guided throughout the innovation process, from the very beginning where they mapped their potentials for innovation until they have a solution to implement new innovation processes and products close to the market. Throughout the course, the focus will be on ongoing orientation, exchange of experience and knowledge dissemination through targeted workshops and information meetings. In addition, the major public events will contribute to the Industry 4.0 concept being settled among the region’s companies and other interested parties. It is also important to highlight the idea behind the recruitment of the special Technology Liaison Officers (tLOs), which, if any, must act as catalysts for boosting companies’ innovation processes and, above all, be competent bridge builders between companies and knowledge institutions, together with the local business service. The companies will be composed in 9 partnerships that will identify a corresponding number of innovation concepts for specific tests at the AAU. The impact is expected to result in 25 upgraded innovative companies, 20 new jobs, 80 new employees in existing functions and 8 new companies. (English)
    12 October 2020
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