Modernisation of the main ventilation at the ventilation shafts of metro lines A, B,C — route I.C (Q67888)

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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Modernisation of the main ventilation at the ventilation shafts of metro lines A, B,C — route I.C
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio


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    41,454,256.81 Czech koruna
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    1,658,170.27 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    82,908,513.62 Czech koruna
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    50 percent
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    1 October 2017
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    30 June 2020
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    31 January 2020
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    Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, akciová společnost
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    50°6'45.7"N, 14°29'53.2"E
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    Projekt Modernizace hlavního větrání ve větracích šachtách tras metra A,B,C - trasa I.C, spočívá v dosažení energetické úspory prostřednictvím modernizace stávajících technicky zastaralých a energeticky náročných ventilátorů ve strojovnách hlavního větrání za moderní, energeticky efektivní.Projekt bude realizován v úseku stanic metra Florenc - I. P. Pavlova. (Czech)
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    The project Modernising the main ventilation at the ventilation shafts of metro lines A, B,C — route I.C, consists of achieving energy savings through the modernisation of existing technically obsolete and energy-intensive fans in the machinery spaces of the main ventilation system for modern, energy-efficient. the project will be implemented in the section of the metro station tendering — I. P. Pavlova. (English)
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