LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part (Q3056650)

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Project Q3056650 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part
Project Q3056650 in Latvia


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    1,700,000.0 Euro
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    2,000,000.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    28 February 2018
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    27 December 2018
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    Valsts akciju sabiedrība "Latvijas Valsts radio un televīzijas centrs"
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    56°55'26.76"N, 24°8'13.31"E
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    VAS Latvijas Valsts radio un televīzijas centra (turpmāk – LVRTC) īstenojamā projekta virsmērķis ir veicināt darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 2.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Nodrošināt publisko datu atkalizmantošanas pieaugumu un efektīvu publiskās pārvaldes un privātā sektora mijiedarbību” sasniegšanu, īstenojot projektu “LVDC tīkls, drošības platforma un LVDC koplietošanas daļa”ākuma „Centralizētu publiskās pārvaldes IKT platformu izveide, publiskās pārvaldes procesu optimizēšana un attīstība” ietvaros.Projektam izvirzīti šādi mērķi:- Izveidot centralizētu augstas konfidencialitātes, pieejamības un integritātes IKT infrastruktūru, lai nodrošinātu valsts pārvaldes iestāžu pārziņā esošo valsts informācijas sistēmu un kritiskās infrastruktūras informācijas sistēmu datu rezervēšanas un glabāšanas pakalpojumus un Latvijas valstij kritisko un svarīgo datu (piemēram, iedzīvotāji, īpašumi, īpašuma tiesības) pieejamību un novērstu to neatgriezenisku nozaudēšanu nejaušu incidentu vai tīšas ļaunprātīgas rīcības dēļ.;- Pilnībā nodrošināt valsts informācijas sistēmu un kritiskās infrastruktūras informācijas datu drošību, veicot kritisko un valstiski svarīgo valsts informācijas sistēmu datu kopēšanu ārpus Latvijas esošā, bet Latvijas varas iestāžu kontrolētā IKT infrastruktūrā, tādiem gadījumiem, ja Latvijā esošā IKT infrastruktūra ir nefunkcionējoša vai nepieejama.Izveidot vienotu, integrētu, drošu datu pārraides tīklu un piekļuvi publiskā interneta tīklam projekta ietvaros izveidotajai datu rezervēšanas platformai un nodrošināt tās integrāciju ar Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra skaitļošanas jaudas risinājumu sistēmām ar paaugstinātām drošības prasībām.Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks izveidota augstas konfidencialitātes, pieejamības un integritātes IKT infrastruktūra un ieviesti koplietošanas pakalpojumi valsts pārvaldes iestādēm, sniedzot datu rezervēšana un, glabāšanas iespējas vienotā risinājumā, tajā skaitā ārpus Latvijas teritorijas kā arī nodrošināt drošu tīkla infrastruktūru un pieslēgumu publiskajam interneta tīklam, tajā skaitā integrāciju Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra skaitļošanas jaudas risinājumam. Projekta realizācija ļaus sasniegt vienu no SAM pasākuma mērķiem - valsts pārvaldes sektora augstāka darbības efektivitāte, jo vairākas iestādes koplietos projekta ietvaros izveidoto Informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģiju (turpmāk – IKT) infrastruktūru un katrai nebūs jāattīsta un jāuztur savi IKT infrastruktūras risinājumi informācijas sistēmu datu rezervēšanai un glabāšanai. Projekta mērķu sasniegšanai tiek plānotas šādas darbības: 1.Projekta pamatojošās dokumentācijas sagatavošana -detalizētā projekta apraksta sagatavošana iekļaušanai IKT mērķarhitektūrā un izmaksu - ieguvumu analīzes sagatavošana;2.Projektu vadība - sākot ar lietotāju prasību noskaidrošanai līdz pakalpojumu ierīkošanai un sagatavošanai izmantošanai, iepirkumu dokumentācijas sagatavošanu un nepieciešamo izmaiņu veikšanu normatīvajos aktos.3.LVDC infrastruktūras platformas izveide, kuras ietvaros tiek veikta detalizēta risinājuma projektēšana, ieviešana, testēšana un nodošana ekspluatācijā. Pakalpojumu lietojamības pilnveide, kuras ietvaros tiks pilnveidoti 14 izveidotie darbības procesi pilnveidojot procesus izpildošos atbilstošos pakalpojumus.4.Projekta iznākuma rādītāji: Projekta ietvaros ir paredzēts pilnveidot 14 darbības procesus, izveidojot projekta iesniegumā aprakstītos koplietošanas pakalpojumuskuri ir sagrupēti 9 grupās:•Datu rezerves kopēšanas pakalpojumu grupa (3 pakalpojumi – 1) Programmatūras un datņu datu rezervēšana; 2) Datu bāzes rezervēšana; 3) Virtuālā servera rezervēšana.);•Datu glabātuves pakalpojumu grupa (1 pakalpojums - Īstermiņa datu glabātuve Latvijas teritorijā esošā datu centrā.);•Ilgtermiņa datu uzglabāšanas pakalpojumu grupa (2 pakalpojumi – 1) Ilgtermiņa datu uzglabāšana Latvijā esošā datu centrā; 2) Ilgtermiņa datu uzglabāšana ārpus Latvijas esošā datu centrā.);•Datu atjaunošanas pakalpojumu grupa (1 pakalpojums - Datu un sistēmas darbības atjaunošana.);•Īslaicīga sistēmas darbības nodrošināšanas pakalpojumu grupa (1 pakalpojums - Īslaicīgi pieejamās virtuālās skaitļošanas jaudas pakalpojums.);•Datu verifikācijas pakalpojumu grupa (1 pakalpojums - Izvietoto datu centrā IS datu verifikācija.);•Datu pārraides pakalpojumu grupa (2 pakalpojumi – 1) Datu pārraides fiziskā savienojuma nodrošināšana; 2) Datu pārraides loģiskā savienojuma nodrošināšana.);•Procedūru un darba instrukciju izstrādes pakalpojumu grupa (2 pakalpojumi – 1) LVDC izmantošanas un integrācijas konsultācijas ; 2) Procedūru un darba instrukciju izstrādes atbalsts.);Īstermiņa darba vietas nodrošināšanas pakalpojumu grupa (1 pakalpojums - Īstermiņa darba vietas nodrošināšana.).Projekta rezultātu rādītāji: Pēc projekta pabeigšanas plānots sasniegt šādus projekta rezultatīvos rādītājus:•Izveidota 1 centralizētas atvērtas informācijas sistēmu platforma;•Kop (Latvian)
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    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif principal du projet à mettre en œuvre par le SJSC Centre national de radio et de télévision (ci-après "LVRTC") est de promouvoir la réalisation de l’objectif spécifique de soutien 2.2.1 du programme opérationnel "Croissance et emploi" "Assurer l’augmentation de la réutilisation des données publiques et l’interaction efficace entre l’administration publique et le secteur privé" en mettant en œuvre le projet "Réseau VLVDC, plate-forme de sécurité et partie partagée" mesure "Constitution de données centralisées des plates-formes informatiques centralisées pour l’administration publique, l’optimisation et le développement des processus d’administration publique. La mise en œuvre du projet permettra d’atteindre l’un des objectifs de la mesure SAM — une plus grande efficacité opérationnelle du secteur de l’administration publique, étant donné que plusieurs institutions partageront l’infrastructure des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) créée dans le cadre du projet et que chacune d’entre elles n’aura pas à développer et à entretenir ses propres solutions d’infrastructure TIC pour la réservation et le stockage des données des systèmes d’information. Les activités suivantes sont prévues pour atteindre les objectifs du projet: 1.Préparation des documents justificatifs du projet — élaboration d’une description détaillée du projet à inclure dans l’architecture des cibles TIC et préparation d’une analyse coûts-avantages; 2.Gestion du projet — depuis l’identification des besoins des utilisateurs jusqu’à l’installation et la préparation des services, la préparation de la documentation relative aux achats et l’apport des modifications nécessaires aux textes réglementaires.3 Création de la plateforme d’infrastructure des PMAV, dans le cadre de laquelle la conception, la mise en œuvre, les essais et la mise en service de solutions détaillées sont effectués. Amélioration de l’utilisabilité des services, dans le cadre duquel 14 processus opérationnels établis seront améliorés en améliorant les services correspondants exécutant les processus.4.Indicateurs de résultats du projet: Dans le cadre du projet, il est prévu d’améliorer 14 processus opérationnels en créant des services partagés décrits dans l’application du projet, qui sont regroupés en 9 groupes:• Un groupe de services de sauvegarde (3 services — 1) Réservation de logiciels et de données de fichiers; 2) Réservation de la base de données; 3) Réservation de serveur virtuel.);•Groupe de services de stockage de données (1 service — Stockage de données à court terme dans un centre de données situé sur le territoire letton;•Groupe de services de stockage de données à long terme (2 services — 1) stockage de données à long terme dans un centre de données situé en Lettonie; 2) stockage de données à long terme dans un centre de données situé en dehors de la Lettonie;•Groupe de service de restauration des données (1 service — restauration de l’exploitation des données et du système);•Service d’exploitation du système en temps utile (1 service — service de capacité de calcul virtuel disponible temporairement);•Groupe de service de vérification des données (1 service — vérification des données IS du centre de données déployé);•Groupe de services de transmission de données (2 services — 1) fourniture d’une connexion physique de transmission de données; 2) Fourniture d’une connexion logique pour la transmission des données.•Procédures et groupe de services d’élaboration d’instructions de travail (2 services — 1) consultations sur l’utilisation et l’intégration des PMA; 2) Appui à l’élaboration de procédures et d’instructions de travail.);Groupe de services de fourniture d’emplois à court terme (1 service — prestation d’un lieu de travail de courte durée).Indicateurs de résultats du projet: Après l’achèvement du projet, il est prévu d’atteindre les indicateurs de performance suivants:•La création d’une plate-forme centralisée du système d’information ouvert;•Pour (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Das wichtigste Ziel des Projekts, das von SJSC lettisches staatliches Radio- und Fernsehzentrum (im Folgenden: LVRTC) durchgeführt werden soll, ist die Verwirklichung des spezifischen Unterstützungsziels 2.2.1 des operationellen Programms „Wachstum und Beschäftigung“ „Verbesserung der Wiederverwendung öffentlicher Daten und einer wirksamen Interaktion zwischen der öffentlichen Verwaltung und dem privaten Sektor“ durch die Einrichtung der zentralen IKT-Plattformen für die öffentliche Verwaltung, die Optimierung und die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Verwaltungsverfahren. Die Durchführung des Projekts wird es ermöglichen, eines der Ziele der SAM-Maßnahme zu erreichen – eine höhere operative Effizienz des öffentlichen Verwaltungssektors, da mehrere Institutionen die im Rahmen des Projekts geschaffene Infrastruktur der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) teilen und nicht ihre eigenen IKT-Infrastrukturlösungen für die Reservierung und Speicherung von Daten von Informationssystemen entwickeln und pflegen müssen. Zur Erreichung der Projektziele sind folgende Maßnahmen geplant: 1.Vorbereitung der Projektbegleitdokumentation – Erstellung einer detaillierten Projektbeschreibung zur Einbeziehung in die IKT-Zielarchitektur und Vorbereitung von Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen;2.Projektmanagement – von der Identifizierung der Nutzeranforderungen bis zur Installation und Vorbereitung von Dienstleistungen, Erstellung der Beschaffungsunterlagen und Durchführung der notwendigen Änderungen an regulatorischen Vorschriften.3. Schaffung der LVDC-Infrastrukturplattform, in der detaillierte Lösungskonzeption, Implementierung, Test und Inbetriebnahme durchgeführt werden. Verbesserung der Service Usability, in dessen Rahmen 14 etablierte operative Prozesse verbessert werden, indem die entsprechenden Dienste, die die Prozesse durchführen, verbessert werden.4.Projekt-Output-Indikatoren: Im Rahmen des Projekts soll 14 operative Prozesse durch die Schaffung gemeinsamer Dienste, die in der Projektanwendung beschrieben werden, verbessert werden, die in 9 Gruppen zusammengefasst sind:• Eine Gruppe von Backup-Diensten (3 Dienste – 1) Reservierung von Software- und Dateidaten; 2) Reservierung der Datenbank; 3) virtuelle Serverreservierung.);•Datenspeicherdienstgruppe (1 Dienst – Kurzfristige Datenspeicherung in einem Rechenzentrum im Hoheitsgebiet Lettlands;•Langzeitdatenspeicherungsgruppe (2 Dienste – 1) Langzeitdatenspeicherung in einem Rechenzentrum in Lettland; 2) Langzeitdatenspeicherung in einem Rechenzentrum außerhalb Lettlands;•Datenwiederherstellungsdienstgruppe (1 Dienst – Wiederherstellung des Daten- und Systembetriebs).•Zeitlicher Systembetriebsdienst (1 Dienst – Temporär verfügbarer virtueller Rechenkapazitätsdienst.);•Datenüberprüfungsdienstgruppe (1 Dienst – IS-Datenüberprüfung des eingesetzten Rechenzentrums);•Datenübertragungsdienstgruppe (2 Dienste – 1) Bereitstellung einer physischen Datenübertragungsverbindung; 2) Bereitstellung der logischen Verbindung für die Datenübertragung.•Verfahren und Arbeitsanleitungen Entwicklung Servicegruppe (2 Dienste – 1) LVDC-Nutzung und Integrationsgespräche; 2) Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von Verfahren und Arbeitsanweisungen;Kurzfristige Arbeitsvermittlungsgruppe (1 Dienstleistung – Bereitstellung von Kurzzeitarbeitsplätzen).Projektergebnisindikatoren: Nach Abschluss des Projekts sollen die folgenden Leistungsindikatoren des Projekts erreicht werden:•Die Schaffung einer zentralen Plattform für offene Informationssysteme;•To (German)
    28 November 2021
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    De belangrijkste doelstelling van het door het SJSC-netwerk gecontroleerde nationale netwerkinfrastructuur voor de toegang tot openbare infrastructuur voor openbare infrastructuur (hierna „LVRTC” genoemd) is de verwezenlijking van de specifieke ondersteuningsdoelstelling 2.2.1 van het operationele programma „Groei en werkgelegenheid” „De toename van het hergebruik van openbare gegevens en effectieve interactie tussen de overheidsdiensten en de particuliere sector” te bevorderen door de uitvoering van het project „LVDC-netwerk, beveiligingsplatform en LVDC-gemeenschappelijk deel” „Oprichting van gecentraliseerde ICT-platforms voor het openbaar bestuur, optimalisering en ontwikkeling van overheidsadministratieprocessen”. De volgende doelstellingen zijn vastgesteld voor het project:- de ontwikkeling van een gecentraliseerde ICT-infrastructuur met een hoge mate van vertrouwelijkheid, beschikbaarheid en integriteit in het kader van de openbare infrastructuur. De uitvoering van het project zal het mogelijk maken een van de doelstellingen van de SAM-maatregel te verwezenlijken — een grotere operationele efficiëntie van de overheidssector, aangezien verschillende instellingen de in het kader van het project gecreëerde infrastructuur voor informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) zullen delen en elk geen eigen ICT-infrastructuuroplossingen hoeft te ontwikkelen en onderhouden voor het reserveren en opslaan van gegevens van informatiesystemen. De volgende activiteiten zijn gepland om de projectdoelstellingen te verwezenlijken: 1.Voorbereiding van het project ondersteunende documentatie — voorbereiding van een gedetailleerde projectbeschrijving voor opname in ICT-doelarchitectuur en voorbereiding van kosten-batenanalyse;2.Projectbeheer — van de identificatie van gebruikersvereisten tot de installatie en voorbereiding van diensten, het opstellen van aanbestedingsdocumenten en het doorvoeren van de nodige wijzigingen in regelgevingsteksten.3. Oprichting van het infrastructuurplatform van de MVDC, waarbinnen gedetailleerd ontwerp, implementatie, testen en inbedrijfstelling van oplossingen wordt uitgevoerd. Verbetering van de bruikbaarheid van de dienst, in het kader waarvan 14 vastgestelde operationele processen zullen worden verbeterd door het verbeteren van de bijbehorende diensten die de processen uitvoeren.4.Project outputindicatoren: In het kader van het project is het de bedoeling om 14 operationele processen te verbeteren door het creëren van gedeelde diensten zoals beschreven in de projecttoepassing, die zijn gegroepeerd in 9 groepen:• Een groep back-updiensten (3 diensten — 1) Reservering van software en bestandsgegevens; 2) Reservering van de databank; 3) Virtuele serverreservering.);• Groep voor gegevensopslag (1 dienst — opslag van gegevens op korte termijn in een datacenter op het grondgebied van Letland;• Groep voor gegevensopslag op lange termijn (2 diensten — 1) langdurige gegevensopslag in een datacenter in Letland; 2) Lange termijn gegevensopslag in een datacenter buiten Letland;• Gegevenshersteldienstgroep (1 dienst — Data- en systeembeheerherstel.);• Tijdige systeembeheerdienst (1 dienst — Tijdelijk beschikbare virtuele computercapaciteitsdienst);• Gegevensverificatiegroep (1 dienst — IS-gegevensverificatie van ingezette datacenters);• Groep voor gegevenstransmissie (2 diensten — 1) verstrekking van fysieke datatransmissieverbinding; 2) Het verstrekken van logische verbinding voor gegevensoverdracht.• Dienst voor de ontwikkeling van procedures en werkinstructies (2 diensten — 1) LVDC-gebruik en integratieraadplegingen; 2) Steun voor de ontwikkeling van procedures en werkinstructies.); Dienstverlening op korte termijn (1 dienst — dienstverlening op korte termijn). Resultaatindicatoren van het project: Na de voltooiing van het project is het de bedoeling om de volgende projectprestatie-indicatoren te realiseren:•De oprichting van 1 centraal open informatiesysteemplatform;•To (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo principale del progetto che deve essere attuato dal Centro radiotelevisivo di Stato lettone SJSC (di seguito "LVRTC") è quello di promuovere il conseguimento dell'obiettivo di sostegno specifico 2.2.1 del programma operativo "Crescita e occupazione" "Assicurare l'aumento del riutilizzo dei dati pubblici e l'interazione efficace tra la pubblica amministrazione e il settore privato" attraverso l'attuazione del progetto "Rete LVDC, piattaforma di sicurezza e parte condivisa" "Assicurare l'aumento del riutilizzo dei dati pubblici e l'efficace interazione tra la pubblica amministrazione e il settore dell'infrastruttura, l'ottimizzazione e lo sviluppo dei suoi servizi di pubblica amministrazione". L'attuazione del progetto consentirà di conseguire uno degli obiettivi della misura SAM — una maggiore efficienza operativa del settore della pubblica amministrazione, in quanto varie istituzioni condivideranno l'infrastruttura delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC) creata nel quadro del progetto e ciascuna non dovrà sviluppare e mantenere le proprie soluzioni infrastrutturali TIC per la prenotazione e la conservazione dei dati dei sistemi informativi. Per raggiungere gli obiettivi del progetto sono previste le seguenti attività: 1.Preparazione della documentazione di supporto del progetto — preparazione di una descrizione dettagliata del progetto per l'inclusione nell'architettura target ICT e preparazione dell'analisi costi-benefici;2.Gestione del progetto — dall'individuazione dei requisiti degli utenti all'installazione e alla preparazione dei servizi, preparazione della documentazione di appalto e apportando le necessarie modifiche alle disposizioni normative.3. Creazione della piattaforma infrastrutturale LVDC, all'interno della quale viene effettuata la progettazione dettagliata delle soluzioni, l'implementazione, il collaudo e la messa in servizio. Miglioramento dell'usabilità del servizio, nell'ambito dei quali 14 processi operativi consolidati saranno migliorati migliorando i servizi corrispondenti che eseguono i processi.4.Indicatori di output del progetto: Nell'ambito del progetto si prevede di migliorare 14 processi operativi attraverso la creazione di servizi condivisi descritti nell'applicazione del progetto, che sono raggruppati in 9 gruppi:• Un gruppo di servizi di backup (3 servizi — 1) Prenotazione di software e dati di file; 2) Prenotazione della banca dati; 3) Riservazione server virtuale.);•Gruppo di servizi di archiviazione dati (1 servizio — Conservazione di dati a breve termine in un centro dati situato nel territorio della Lettonia;•gruppo di servizi di archiviazione dati a lungo termine (2 servizi — 1) Conservazione di dati a lungo termine in un centro dati situato in Lettonia; 2) Conservazione a lungo termine dei dati in un centro dati situato al di fuori della Lettonia;•gruppo di servizi di ripristino dei dati (1 servizio — ripristino del funzionamento dei dati e del funzionamento del sistema);•Servizio di gestione del sistema tempestivo (1 servizio — servizio di capacità di calcolo virtuale temporaneamente disponibile.);•gruppo di servizi di verifica dei dati (1 servizio — verifica dei dati IS del centro dati installato);•gruppo di servizi di trasmissione dati (2 servizi — 1) fornitura di connessione fisica di trasmissione di dati; 2) Fornitura di connessione logica per la trasmissione dei dati.•Procedure e istruzioni di lavoro gruppo di servizi di sviluppo (2 servizi — 1) LVDC uso e consultazioni di integrazione; 2) Sostegno allo sviluppo di procedure e istruzioni di lavoro.);gruppo di servizi di fornitura di posti di lavoro a breve termine (1 servizio — fornitura di posti di lavoro a breve termine).Indicatori di risultato del progetto: Dopo il completamento del progetto, si prevede di realizzare i seguenti indicatori di performance del progetto:•La creazione di una piattaforma centralizzata di sistema informativo aperto;•A (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El principal objetivo del Ministerio de Información de Letonia, que debe ser ejecutado por el Centro Estatal de Radio y Televisión de Letonia (en lo sucesivo, «LVRTC»), es promover la consecución del objetivo de apoyo específico 2.2.1 del Programa Operativo «Crecimiento y Empleo» «Garantizar el aumento en la reutilización de los datos públicos y la interacción efectiva entre la administración pública y el sector privado» mediante la aplicación del proyecto «Red LVDC, Plataforma de Seguridad y Parte Compartida» «Establecimiento de las plataformas de información centralizadas de las TIC, así como de los sistemas de información centralizada para la administración pública, así como de los sistemas de información crítica, de la optimización y del desarrollo de los procesos de administración pública». La ejecución del proyecto permitirá alcanzar uno de los objetivos de la medida SAM: una mayor eficiencia operativa del sector de la administración pública, ya que varias instituciones compartirán la infraestructura de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) creada en el marco del proyecto y cada una de ellas no tendrá que desarrollar y mantener sus propias soluciones de infraestructura TIC para la reserva y almacenamiento de datos de sistemas de información. Se prevén las siguientes actividades para alcanzar los objetivos del proyecto: 1.Preparación de la documentación de apoyo del proyecto — preparación de una descripción detallada del proyecto para su inclusión en la arquitectura objetivo de las TIC y preparación del análisis costo-beneficio;2.Gestión de proyectos — desde la determinación de las necesidades de los usuarios hasta la instalación y preparación de los servicios, la preparación de la documentación de adquisiciones y la introducción de los cambios necesarios en las disposiciones reglamentarias.3. Mejora de la usabilidad del servicio, en cuyo marco se mejorarán 14 procesos operativos establecidos mediante la mejora de los servicios correspondientes que realizan los procesos.4. Indicadores de realización del proyecto: En el marco del proyecto está previsto mejorar 14 procesos operativos mediante la creación de servicios compartidos descritos en la aplicación del proyecto, que se agrupan en 9 grupos:• Un grupo de servicios de copia de seguridad (3 servicios — 1) Reserva de software y datos de archivos; 2) Reserva de la base de datos; 3) Reserva de servidor virtual.);• Grupo de servicios de almacenamiento de datos (1 servicio — Almacenamiento de datos a corto plazo en un centro de datos situado en el territorio de Letonia;• Grupo de servicios de almacenamiento de datos a largo plazo (2 servicios — 1) Almacenamiento de datos a largo plazo en un centro de datos situado en Letonia; 2) Almacenamiento de datos a largo plazo en un centro de datos situado fuera de Letonia;• Grupo de servicios de restauración de datos (1 servicio — Restauración de datos y operaciones del sistema);•Servicio de operación del sistema a tiempo (1 servicio — Servicio de capacidad informática virtual disponible temporalmente.);• Grupo de servicios de verificación de datos (1 servicio — verificación de datos del centro de datos desplegado);• Grupo de servicios de transmisión de datos (2 servicios — 1) suministro de conexión física de transmisión de datos; 2) Prestación de conexión lógica para la transmisión de datos.•Procedimientos e instrucciones de trabajo grupo de servicios de desarrollo (2 servicios — 1) LVDC uso y consultas de integración; 2) Apoyo al desarrollo de procedimientos e instrucciones de trabajo.);Grupo de servicios de provisión de empleo a corto plazo (1 servicio — prestación de trabajo a corto plazo). Indicadores de resultados del proyecto: Tras la finalización del proyecto, está previsto alcanzar los siguientes indicadores de rendimiento del proyecto:•La creación de 1 plataforma centralizada de sistemas de información abierta;•Para (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Greek)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Czech)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Irish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Danish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project to be implemented by the VAS Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter – LVRTC) is to promote the achievement of the ICT-discriminating programme "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensuring the growth of public data re-use and effective interaction of the public administration" by implementing the project "LVDC Network, Security Platform and the LVDC Sharing Data Sharing" within the Ministry of Discussive data-Discreating the state-controlled data network.Under the creation of public administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, within the framework of the project "LVDC network, security for the security of the LVDC and the LVDC sharing of the data, and to prevent the availability of the relevant data for the State, the lack of control of the data, and within the framework of the National Public Administration ICT platforms, optimisation and development of public administration processes, the non-clear of the information and the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities, to ensure the lack of functional data, and the optimisation of public administration processes and development of the information, does not create the following objectives for the public administration, and to ensure the availability of the relevant information to the public authorities by the high availability of the infrastructure, and the optimisation and development of the public administration processes, the following objectives and the lack of functionality of the information system for the public administration, and within the framework of the Latvian State Public Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter LVRTC) the main objective of the project is to contribute to the operational program "Growth and Employment" within the specific support objective "Ensure the increase of the re-use of public data and an effective interaction between public administration and the private sector" by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the LVDC" within the scope of the exclusive support of the State.Under the objective of creating the public administration, and for the public administration, by implementing the project "LVDC network, security platform and LVDC sharing part of the data" within the mosquito-discriminate data sharing objective (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Zaķusalas krastmala 1, Rīga, LV-1050
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