Endothelial cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) obtained from thrombolytic stroke patients: a novel approach to modeling hemorrhagic transformations. (Q3184747)
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Project Q3184747 in Spain
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Endothelial cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) obtained from thrombolytic stroke patients: a novel approach to modeling hemorrhagic transformations. |
Project Q3184747 in Spain |
66,156.75 Euro
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121,500.0 Euro
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54.45 percent
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1 January 2015
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15 July 2018
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Endothelial cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) obtained from thrombolytic stroke patients: a novel approach to modeling hemorrhagic transformations. (Spanish)
0 references
Endothelial cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) obtained from thrombolytic stroke patients: a novel approach to modeling hemorrhagic transformations. (English)
12 October 2021
0 references
Cellules endothéliales dérivées de cellules souches pluripotentes induites (iPSC) obtenues chez des patients atteints d’AVC thrombolytique: une nouvelle approche pour modéliser les transformations hémorragiques. (French)
4 December 2021
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Endothelzellen aus induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen (iPSC), die von thrombolytischen Schlaganfallpatienten gewonnen wurden: ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Modellierung von hämorrhagischen Transformationen. (German)
9 December 2021
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Endotheliale cellen afgeleid van geïnduceerde pluripotente stamcellen (iPSC’s) verkregen van trombolytische patiënten: een nieuwe benadering van het modelleren van hemorragische transformaties. (Dutch)
17 December 2021
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Cellule endoteliali derivate da cellule staminali pluripotenti indotte (iPSC) ottenute da pazienti con ictus trombolitico: un nuovo approccio alla modellazione delle trasformazioni emorragiche. (Italian)
16 January 2022
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Endoteelirakud, mis on saadud indutseeritud pluripotentsetest tüvirakkudest (iPSC), mis on saadud trombolüütilistelt insuldipatsientidelt: uudne lähenemine hemorraagiliste muutuste modelleerimisele. (Estonian)
4 August 2022
0 references
Endotelio ląstelės, gautos iš indukuotų pluripotentinių kamieninių ląstelių (iPSC), gautų iš tromboliziniu insultu sergančių pacientų: naujas požiūris į hemoraginių transformacijų modeliavimą. (Lithuanian)
4 August 2022
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Endotelne stanice dobivene iz induciranih pluripotentnih matičnih stanica (iPSC) dobivenih od bolesnika s trombolitičkim moždanim udarom: novi pristup modeliranju hemoragijskih transformacija. (Croatian)
4 August 2022
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Ενδοθηλιακά κύτταρα που προέρχονται από επαγόμενα πολυδύναμα βλαστοκύτταρα (iPSC) που λαμβάνονται από ασθενείς με θρομβολυτικό εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο: μια νέα προσέγγιση για τη μοντελοποίηση των αιμορραγικών μετασχηματισμών. (Greek)
4 August 2022
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Endoteliálne bunky získané z indukovaných pluripotentných kmeňových buniek (iPSC) získaných od pacientov s trombolytickou mozgovou príhodou: nový prístup k modelovaniu hemoragických transformácií. (Slovak)
4 August 2022
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Endoteelisolut, jotka on johdettu indusoituneista pluripotenteista kantasoluista (iPSC) ja jotka on saatu trombolyyttistä aivohalvausta sairastavista potilaista: uusi lähestymistapa hemorrhagisten muutosten mallintamiseen. (Finnish)
4 August 2022
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Komórki śródbłonka uzyskane z indukowanych pluripotentnych komórek macierzystych (iPSC) otrzymanych od pacjentów z udarem trombolitycznym: nowatorskie podejście do modelowania przemian krwotocznych. (Polish)
4 August 2022
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Thrombolyticus stroke-os betegekből nyert endothel sejtek indukált pluripotens őssejtekből (iPSC): a vérzéses átalakulások modellezésének új megközelítése. (Hungarian)
4 August 2022
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Endoteliální buňky odvozené z indukovaných pluripotentních kmenových buněk (iPSC) získaných od pacientů s trombolytickou mrtvicí: nový přístup k modelování hemoragických transformací. (Czech)
4 August 2022
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Endotēlija šūnas, kas iegūtas no inducētām pluripotentām cilmes šūnām (iPSC), kas iegūtas no trombolītiska insulta pacientiem: jauna pieeja hemorāģisko transformāciju modelēšanai. (Latvian)
4 August 2022
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Cealla ionothaileacha a dhíorthaítear ó ghaschealla lánchumhachtacha spreagtha (iPSCanna) a fhaightear ó othair stróc thrombolytic: cur chuige nua chun claochluithe hemorrhagic a shamhaltú. (Irish)
4 August 2022
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Endotelijske celice, pridobljene iz induciranih pluripotentnih matičnih celic (iPSC), pridobljene pri bolnikih s trombolitično možgansko kapjo: nov pristop k modeliranju hemoragičnih transformacij. (Slovenian)
4 August 2022
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Ендотелиални клетки, получени от индуцирани плурипотентни стволови клетки (iPSCs), получени от пациенти с тромболитичен инсулт: нов подход към моделирането на хеморагичните трансформации. (Bulgarian)
4 August 2022
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Ċelluli endoteljali derivati minn ċelluli staminali pluripotenti indotti (iPSCs) miksuba minn pazjenti b’puplesija trombolitika: approċċ ġdid għall-immudellar trasformazzjonijiet hemorrhagic. (Maltese)
4 August 2022
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Células endoteliais derivadas de células estaminais pluripotentes induzidas (iPSCs) obtidas de doentes com acidente vascular cerebral trombolítico: uma nova abordagem para modelar transformações hemorrágicas. (Portuguese)
4 August 2022
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Endotelceller afledt af inducerede pluripotente stamceller (iPSC'er) fra thrombolytisk slagtilfælde: en ny tilgang til modellering hæmoragiske transformationer. (Danish)
4 August 2022
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Celule endoteliale derivate din celule stem pluripotente induse (ICSP) obținute de la pacienți cu accident vascular cerebral trombolitic: o abordare nouă pentru modelarea transformărilor hemoragice. (Romanian)
4 August 2022
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Endotelceller från inducerade pluripotenta stamceller (iPSC) som erhållits från patienter med trombolytisk stroke: ett nytt sätt att modellera hemorragiska transformationer. (Swedish)
4 August 2022
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Santiago de Compostela
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20 December 2023
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