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Project Q3099632 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3099632 in Romania


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    4,147,335.2 Romanian Leu
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    829,467.05 Euro
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    5,767,675.0 Romanian Leu
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    1,153,535.0 Euro
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    0.7190653426207267 percent
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    24 June 2021
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    24 June 2023
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    47°4'54.98"N, 27°37'16.21"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in trecerea companiei la dezvoltarea bazata pe inovare prin realizarea unei aplicatii inovative de control parental si educatie, care sa monitorizeze si restrictioneze activitatea copiilor pe baza caracteristicilor psiho-somatice evidentiate de specialisti in domeniul psihologiei infantile si psihologiei pedagogice, in urma activitatilor de cercetare industriala si dezvoltare experimentala din proiect si a solutiilor de sprijin si consultanta in inovare, pentru a integra aplicatiei algoritmi de ultima generatie in zona – Deep learning si Artificial Inteligence si facand posibila abordarea pe verticala a urmatoarelor domenii stiintifice prioritare: • Tehnologii, sisteme si infrastructuri de comunicatii • Securitatea si accesibilitatea sistemelor informatice • Sisteme si infrastructura de securitate • Calculatoare si sisteme automate • Electronica si telecomunicatii • Tehnologia societatii informationale Prin proiect va fi dezvoltata pe parcursul a 24 de luni de implementare o aplicatie TIC inovativa ce se va adresa atat persoanelor fizice (parinti/tutori) si organizatiilor din domeniul educatiei si invatamantului, cat si altor oganizatii/operatori economici activi in sectoare economice relevante (design si amenajari interioare, productie a autovehiculelor autonome, sectorul resurselor umane, media & publicitate etc.) in scopul gestionarii activitatilor de monitorizare si control prin adaptarea software-ului la un volum urias de date culese automat, facand posibila identificarea de obiceiuri si tipare comportamentale si corelandu-le cu anumite activitati potentiale si totodata prin tehnologia inovativa – tip deep learning ce va fi integrata, aplicatia va fi capabila sa identifice in mod inteligent orice tip de bresa in scopul ocolirii regulilor stabilite in cadrul aplicatiei si, in cazul detectarii unui tipar comportamental malitios, aplicatia ALGORINA va avea capacitatea de a aplica noi reguli prin care sa limiteze sau sa stopeze bresele de acces la continut neautorizat, respectiv aceasta va face posibila urmarirea actiunilor luate inainte de producerea unei vulnerabilitati, permitand raportarea in timp util catre beneficiari. Prin îndeplinirea obiectivului general al proiectului, aflat în concordanta cu Programul Operaional Competitivitate 2014-2020, Axa prioritara 2, Obiectivul specific 2.2, Prioritatea de investitii 2b, actiunea 2.2.1 ”Sprijinirea cresterii valorii adaugate generate de sectorul TIC si a inovarii în domeniu prin dezvoltarea de clustere”, SC ALGORINA SRL îsi va dezvolta capacitatea si infrastructura de cercetare-dezvoltareinovare si va beneficia de suportul necesar pentru dezvoltarea unor servicii si achizitionarea de echipamente noi, inovative, în domeniul sigurantei informatiei si controlului parental pentru copii si tineri, prin care va contribui la cresterea calitatii si diversificarea ofertei de servicii a companiei, aceasta intrand astfel pe piata realizarii platformelor si a (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to move the company to innovation-based development by achieving an innovative application of parental control and education, which monitors and restricts children’s activity on the basis of psycho-somatic characteristics highlighted by specialists in the field of child psychology and pedagogical psychology, following industrial research and experimental development activities in the project and support and consulting solutions in innovation, in order to integrate the latest algorithm application in the area – Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence and making possible vertical approach of the following priority scientific fields: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (English)
    16 September 2021
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    L’objectif général du projet est de faire évoluer l’entreprise vers un développement fondé sur l’innovation en réalisant une application innovante du contrôle et de l’éducation parentales, qui suit et limite l’activité des enfants sur la base de caractéristiques psychosomatiques mises en évidence par des spécialistes dans le domaine de la psychologie infantile et de la psychologie pédagogique, à la suite d’activités de recherche industrielle et de développement expérimental dans le projet et des solutions de soutien et de conseil en innovation, afin d’intégrer la dernière application algorithmique dans le domaine — Deep Learning et intelligence artificielle et rendre possible une approche verticale des domaines scientifiques prioritaires suivants: • Technologies, systèmes et infrastructures de communication • Sécurité et accessibilité des systèmes d’information • Systèmes et infrastructures de sécurité • Informatique et systèmes automatisés • Électronique et télécommunications • Technologies de la société de l’information Dans le cadre du projet, le projet sera développé pendant 24 mois de mise en œuvre d’une application TIC innovante qui s’adresse à la fois aux particuliers (parents/tuteurs) et aux organisations dans le domaine de l’éducation et de l’éducation, ainsi qu’à d’autres opportunités commerciales/opérateurs actifs dans les secteurs économiques pertinents (conception et conception intelligente, conception intelligente, production de véhicules autonomes, secteur des ressources humaines, médias & publicité, etc.) afin de gérer les activités de suivi et de contrôle à travers l’évolution du logiciel par l’adaptation du logiciel, par l’adaptation du logiciel concerné, afin d’identifier les besoins, afin d’identifier le type de données, afin de gérer les activités de surveillance et de contrôle avec le volume approprié, en adaptant les comportements appropriés, la production de véhicules autonomes, le secteur des ressources humaines, des médias et de la publicité, etc.) afin de gérer les activités de suivi et le contrôle du logiciel par l’adaptation du logiciel par l’adaptation du logiciel, qui sera en mesure d’identifier de la même manière, afin d’identifier de la même manière, les systèmes de communication et l’infrastructure de communication • Sécurité et accessibilité • Systèmes de sécurité et infrastructure de sécurité • Ordinateurs et systèmes automatiques • Électronique et télécommunications • La technologie de la société de l’information sera développée au cours des 24 mois de mise en œuvre d’une application TIC innovante qui s’adressera à la fois aux personnes (parents/tuteurs) et aux organisations dans le domaine de l’éducation et de l’éducation, ainsi que d’autres opportunités commerciales/opérateurs économiques actifs dans les secteurs économiques concernés (conception et conception intelligente, production de véhicules autonomes, secteur des ressources humaines, médias et publicité, etc.) afin de gérer les activités de surveillance et de contrôle du logiciel par l’adaptation du logiciel par l’adaptation du logiciel, en s’adaptant aux types de comportements pertinents, dans la production de véhicules autonomes, le secteur des ressources humaines, le secteur des médias et de la publicité, afin de gérer les activités de suivi et le contrôle du logiciel par l’adaptation du logiciel, par l’adaptation des types de données pertinents, la conception et la conception automatiques des véhicules autonomes, le secteur des ressources humaines, le secteur des médias et de la publicité, seront utilisés pour gérer les activités de suivi et le contrôle du logiciel par l’adaptation du logiciel par l’adaptation du logiciel, par l’adaptation du logiciel, par l’adaptation du logiciel approprié, seront en mesure d’identifier de la manière appropriée, afin d’identifier les types de données pertinents afin de personnaliser, grâce à l’adéquation du logiciel, à l’adaptation du logiciel, à l’adaptation des systèmes de sécurité • Systèmes de sécurité et infrastructure de sécurité • ordinateurs et systèmes automatiques • Électronique et télécommunications • Électronique et télécommunications • Électronique et télécommunications • La technologie de la société de l’information sera développée au cours des 24 mois de mise en œuvre d’une application TIC innovante qui s’adressera à la fois aux personnes (parents/étudiants) et aux organisations dans le domaine de l’éducation et de l’éducation, ainsi qu’à d’autres entreprises/opérateurs économiques actifs dans les secteurs économiques concernés (conception et design d’intérieur, production de véhicules autonomes, secteur des ressources humaines, médias et publicité, etc.) (French)
    27 November 2021
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    Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts besteht darin, das Unternehmen zu einer auf Innovation basierenden Entwicklung zu führen, indem eine innovative Anwendung der elterlichen Kontrolle und Erziehung geschaffen wird, die die Aktivität von Kindern auf der Grundlage psychosomatischer Merkmale überwacht und einschränkt, die von Spezialisten für Kinderpsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie hervorgehoben wurden Forschungs- und experimentelle Entwicklungsaktivitäten im Bereich Projekt- und Innovationsunterstützung und Beratungslösungen, um die Anwendung modernster Algorithmen im Bereich - Deep Learning und Künstliche Intelligenz zu integrieren und den vertikalen Ansatz der folgenden wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkte zu ermöglichen: • Technologien, Kommunikationssysteme und Infrastrukturen • Sicherheit und Zugänglichkeit von Informationssystemen • Sicherheitssysteme und -infrastruktur • Computer und automatisierte Systeme • Elektronik und Telekommunikation • Technologie der Informationsgesellschaft Das Projekt wird entwickelt während 24 Monate Implementierung einer innovativen IKT-Anwendung, die sich sowohl an Einzelpersonen (Eltern / Erziehungsberechtigte) und Organisationen im Bildungsbereich als auch an andere Organisationen / Wirtschaftsakteure, die in relevanten Wirtschaftsbereichen tätig sind (Design und Innenarchitektur, Herstellung autonomer Fahrzeuge) , Personalbereich, Medien & Werbung, etc.), um die Überwachungs- und Kontrollaktivitäten zu verwalten, indem die Software an eine riesige Menge automatisch erfasster Daten angepasst wird, um Gewohnheiten und Verhaltensmuster zu erkennen und mit bestimmten Aktivitätspotenzialen zu korrelieren und auch durch innovative Technologie - Deep-Learning-Typ, der integriert wird, kann die Anwendung jede Art von Verletzung intelligent erkennen, um die in der Anwendung festgelegten Regeln zu umgehen die Möglichkeit haben, neue Regeln anzuwenden, um zu begrenzen oder zu stoppen eze Zugriffsverletzungen auf nicht autorisierte Inhalte bzw. dies ermöglicht es, die ergriffenen Maßnahmen zu verfolgen, bevor eine Schwachstelle auftritt, und ermöglicht eine rechtzeitige Meldung an die Begünstigten. Durch die Erfüllung des allgemeinen Ziels des Projekts im Einklang mit dem Operationellen Programm Wettbewerbsfähigkeit 2014-2020, Prioritätsachse 2, Spezifisches Ziel 2.2, Investitionspriorität 2b, Aktion 2.2.1 „Unterstützung des Wachstums der Wertschöpfung durch den IKT-Sektor und Innovation im Feld durch Clusterentwicklung “ wird SC ALGORINA SRL seine Kapazitäten und Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Innovationsinfrastruktur ausbauen und von der notwendigen Unterstützung für die Entwicklung von Dienstleistungen und den Erwerb neuer, innovativer Ausrüstung im Bereich Informationssicherheit und Elternschaft profitieren für Kinder und Jugendliche. wird dazu beitragen, die Qualität und Diversifizierung des Leistungsangebots des Unternehmens zu erhöhen und damit in den Markt für die Entwicklung von Plattformen einzutreten und (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verplaatsen van het bedrijf naar innovatie-gebaseerde ontwikkeling door het bereiken van een innovatieve toepassing van ouderlijk toezicht en onderwijs, die de activiteiten van kinderen monitort en beperkt op basis van psychosomatische kenmerken die worden benadrukt door specialisten op het gebied van kinderpsychologie en pedagogische psychologie, na industriële onderzoeks- en experimentele ontwikkelingsactiviteiten in het project en ondersteuning en adviesoplossingen in innovatie, teneinde de nieuwste algoritmetoepassing in het gebied te integreren — Diep leren en kunstmatige intelligentie en het mogelijk maken van een verticale benadering van de volgende prioritaire wetenschappelijke gebieden: • Technologieën, systemen en communicatie-infrastructuren • Veiligheid en toegankelijkheid van informatiesystemen • Beveiligingssystemen en -infrastructuur • Computers en geautomatiseerde systemen • Elektronica en telecommunicatie • Technologie van de informatiemaatschappij Via het project zal gedurende 24 maanden van de implementatie een innovatieve ICT-toepassing worden ontwikkeld die zowel personen (ouders/wachters) als organisaties op het gebied van onderwijs en onderwijs, alsook andere zakelijke kansen/operatoren die actief zijn in relevante economische sectoren (ontwerp en intelligent ontwerp, intelligent ontwerp, productie van autonome voertuigen, de sector van het menselijk potentieel, media en reclame, enz.) om de monitoring- en controleactiviteiten te beheren door de ontwikkeling van de software door de aanpassing van de software, door de aanpassing van de relevante software, om de behoeften te identificeren, om het soort gegevens te identificeren, teneinde de monitoring- en controleactiviteiten met het juiste volume te beheren, door het aanpassen van het juiste gedrag, de productie van autonome voertuigen; de sector van het personeel, de media en de reclame, enz.) om de monitoringactiviteiten en de controle van de software te beheren door middel van de aanpassing van de software door middel van de aanpassing van de software, die op dezelfde manier zal kunnen worden geïdentificeerd, om op dezelfde manier de communicatiesystemen en communicatie-infrastructuur te identificeren • Veiligheid en toegankelijkheid • Beveiligingssystemen en beveiligingsinfrastructuur • Computers en automatische systemen • Elektronica en telecommunicatie • Technologie van de informatiemaatschappij zal gedurende de 24 maanden van de implementatie een innovatieve ICT-toepassing ontwikkelen die zowel personen (ouders/voogdieren) als organisaties op het gebied van onderwijs en onderwijs zal bestrijken; evenals andere zakelijke kansen/marktdeelnemers die actief zijn in de relevante economische sectoren (ontwerp en intelligent ontwerp, de productie van autonome voertuigen, de sector van het personeel, media en reclame, enz.) om de monitoringactiviteiten en de controle van de software te beheren door de software aan te passen door de software aan te passen, door zich aan te passen aan de relevante gedragingen, bij de productie van autonome voertuigen, de sector van het menselijk potentieel, de media- en reclamesector, om de monitoringactiviteiten en de controle van de software te beheren door de software aan te passen, zal het automatische ontwerp en het ontwerp van de autonome voertuigen, de sector van het personeel, de media en de reclamesector worden gebruikt om de monitoringactiviteiten en de controle van de software te beheren door de software aan te passen door de software aan te passen door middel van de aanpassing van de software, door middel van de aanpassing van de software, door middel van de aanpassing van de passende software, zal op passende wijze kunnen worden geïdentificeerd, om de relevante soorten gegevens te identificeren met het oog op het op maat maken, door de geschiktheid van de software, door de aanpassing van de software, door de aanpassing van de beveiligingssystemen • Beveiligingssystemen en de beveiligingsinfrastructuur • Automatische computers en systemen • Elektronische en telecommunicatie • Elektronica en telecommunicatie • De technologie van de informatiemaatschappij zal worden ontwikkeld gedurende de 24 maanden van de implementatie van een innovatieve ICT-toepassing die zowel personen (ouders/studenten) als organisaties op het gebied van onderwijs en onderwijs zal bestrijken; evenals aan andere bedrijven/marktdeelnemers die actief zijn in relevante economische sectoren (ontwerp- en interieurontwerp, productie van autonome voertuigen, de sector van het personeel, media en reclame, enz.) om de monitoringactiviteiten en de controle van de software te beheren door de software aan te passen door middel van de aanpassing van de software, die op dezelfde manier zal kunnen worden geïdentificeerd om in een geautomatiseerd soort gedrag te identificeren, zal op het gebied van communicatietechnologie worden gebruikt om de monitoringactiviteiten en de controle van de s... (Dutch)
    6 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di spostare l'azienda verso uno sviluppo basato sull'innovazione attraverso la realizzazione di un'applicazione innovativa del controllo parentale e dell'educazione, che monitori e limiti l'attività dei bambini sulla base di caratteristiche psico-somatiche evidenziate da specialisti nel campo della psicologia infantile e della psicologia pedagogica, a seguito di attività di ricerca industriale e di sviluppo sperimentale nel progetto e soluzioni di supporto e consulenza nell'innovazione, al fine di integrare l'ultima applicazione algoritmica nell'area — Deep learning e Artificial Intelligence e rendendo possibile un approccio verticale dei seguenti settori scientifici prioritari: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in an automated type of behavior, in the field of communication technology will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types... (Italian)
    12 January 2022
    0 references
    El objetivo general del proyecto es trasladar a la empresa al desarrollo basado en la innovación mediante la consecución de una aplicación innovadora del control parental y la educación, que controle y restrinja la actividad de los niños sobre la base de características psicosomáticas destacadas por especialistas en psicología infantil y psicología pedagógica, siguiendo las actividades de investigación industrial y desarrollo experimental en el proyecto y apoyando y asesorando soluciones en innovación, con el fin de integrar la última aplicación de algoritmos en el área — Aprendizaje profundo e Inteligencia Artificial y posibilitar el enfoque vertical de los siguientes campos científicos prioritarios: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in an automated type of behavior, in the field of communication technology will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of behavior, the pr... (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
    0 references
    Projekti üldeesmärk on viia ettevõte üle innovatsioonipõhisele arengule, saavutades vanemliku kontrolli ja hariduse uuendusliku rakendamise, mis jälgib ja piirab laste tegevust psühho-somaatiliste omaduste alusel, mida on rõhutanud laste psühholoogia ja pedagoogilise psühholoogia valdkonna spetsialistid, järgides projekti rakendusuuringuid ja tootearendust ning toetades ja nõustades innovatsioonilahendusi, et integreerida valdkonna viimane algoritmirakendus – Süvaõpe ja tehisintellekt ning teha võimalikuks vertikaalne lähenemine järgmistele prioriteetsetele teadusvaldkondadele: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Bendras projekto tikslas – perkelti įmonę į naujovėmis grindžiamą plėtrą, pasiekiant naujovišką tėvų kontrolės ir švietimo taikymą, kuris stebi ir riboja vaikų veiklą psichosomatinių savybių pagrindu, kurį pabrėžia vaikų psichologijos ir pedagoginės psichologijos srities specialistai, po pramoninių tyrimų ir eksperimentinės plėtros veiklos projekte ir remiant bei konsultuojant inovacijų sprendimus, siekiant integruoti naujausią algoritmo programą šioje srityje – gilus mokymasis ir dirbtinis intelektas, ir padaryti galimą vertikalų požiūrį į šias prioritetines mokslo sritis: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Opći cilj projekta je premjestiti tvrtku na razvoj temeljen na inovacijama postizanjem inovativne primjene roditeljske kontrole i obrazovanja, koja prati i ograničava dječju aktivnost na temelju psihosomatskih karakteristika istaknutih od strane stručnjaka iz područja dječje psihologije i pedagoške psihologije, praćenjem industrijskih istraživanja i eksperimentalnih razvojnih aktivnosti u projektu te podupiranjem i savjetovanjem rješenja u inovacijama, kako bi se integrirala najnovija primjena algoritama u tom području – Duboko učenje i umjetna inteligencija te omogućio vertikalni pristup sljedećim prioritetnim znanstvenim područjima: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι η μετάβαση της εταιρείας στην ανάπτυξη με βάση την καινοτομία, επιτυγχάνοντας μια καινοτόμο εφαρμογή γονικού ελέγχου και εκπαίδευσης, η οποία παρακολουθεί και περιορίζει τη δραστηριότητα των παιδιών βάσει ψυχοσωματικών χαρακτηριστικών που αναδεικνύονται από ειδικούς στον τομέα της παιδικής ψυχολογίας και της παιδαγωγικής ψυχολογίας, ακολουθώντας βιομηχανικές δραστηριότητες έρευνας και πειραματικής ανάπτυξης στο έργο και υποστηρίζοντας και συμβουλευτικές λύσεις στην καινοτομία, προκειμένου να ενσωματωθεί η τελευταία εφαρμογή αλγορίθμων στην περιοχή — Βαθιά μάθηση και Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και καθιστώντας δυνατή την κάθετη προσέγγιση των ακόλουθων επιστημονικών πεδίων προτεραιότητας: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Všeobecným cieľom projektu je presunúť spoločnosť na vývoj založený na inováciách dosiahnutím inovatívnej aplikácie rodičovskej kontroly a vzdelávania, ktorá monitoruje a obmedzuje činnosť detí na základe psycho-somatických charakteristík, na ktoré poukázali odborníci v oblasti detskej psychológie a pedagogickej psychológie, v nadväznosti na činnosti priemyselného výskumu a experimentálneho vývoja v projekte a podporné a konzultačné riešenia v oblasti inovácií, s cieľom integrovať najnovšiu aplikáciu algoritmu v oblasti – hlboké učenie a umelá inteligencia a umožniť vertikálny prístup týchto prioritných vedeckých oblastí: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on siirtää yritys innovaatiopohjaiseen kehittämiseen toteuttamalla vanhempien suorittaman valvonnan ja koulutuksen innovatiivinen sovellus, joka seuraa ja rajoittaa lasten toimintaa lapsipsykologian ja pedagogisen psykologian asiantuntijoiden esiin tuomien psykosomaattisten ominaisuuksien perusteella hankkeessa toteutettujen teollisten tutkimus- ja kokeellisten kehittämistoimien jälkeen ja tukemalla ja konsultoimalla innovaatioratkaisuja, jotta voidaan integroida alan viimeisin algoritmisovellus – Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence ja mahdollistaa vertikaalinen lähestymistapa seuraavilla tieteen painopistealoilla: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Ogólnym celem projektu jest przeniesienie przedsiębiorstwa na rozwój oparty na innowacjach poprzez osiągnięcie innowacyjnego zastosowania kontroli rodzicielskiej i edukacji, która monitoruje i ogranicza aktywność dzieci na podstawie cech psychosomatycznych wyróżnionych przez specjalistów z dziedziny psychologii dziecięcej i psychologii pedagogicznej, po badaniach przemysłowych i eksperymentalnych działaniach rozwojowych w projekcie oraz wspieraniu i konsultingu rozwiązań w zakresie innowacji, w celu zintegrowania najnowszej aplikacji algorytmu w tej dziedzinie – głębokie uczenie się i sztuczna inteligencja oraz umożliwienie podejścia pionowego w następujących priorytetowych dziedzinach naukowych: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt általános célja, hogy a gyermekpszichológia és pedagógiai pszichológia területén dolgozó szakemberek által kiemelt pszichoszomatikus jellemzők alapján, a projekt ipari kutatási és kísérleti fejlesztési tevékenységeit, valamint innovációs megoldások támogatását és tanácsadását követően a gyermekfelügyelet és a nevelés innovatív alkalmazásának innovatív alkalmazása révén a vállalat innováción alapuló fejlesztésre kerüljön át, hogy integrálja a legújabb algoritmusalkalmazást a területen – Mély tanulás és mesterséges intelligencia, és lehetővé téve a következő kiemelt tudományos területek vertikális megközelítését: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Obecným cílem projektu je přesunout společnost k rozvoji založenému na inovacích dosažením inovativní aplikace rodičovské kontroly a vzdělávání, která sleduje a omezuje činnost dětí na základě psychosomatických charakteristik zdůrazněných odborníky v oblasti dětské psychologie a pedagogické psychologie, po činnostech v oblasti aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje v rámci projektu a podpory a poradenství řešení v oblasti inovací, s cílem integrovat nejnovější aplikace algoritmů v oblasti – hluboké učení a umělá inteligence a umožnit vertikální přístup k těmto prioritním vědeckým oborům: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekta vispārīgais mērķis ir virzīt uzņēmumu uz inovācijām balstītu attīstību, panākot inovatīvu vecāku kontroles un izglītības pielietojumu, kas uzrauga un ierobežo bērnu darbību, pamatojoties uz psihosomatiskajām īpašībām, ko akcentējuši speciālisti bērnu psiholoģijas un pedagoģiskās psiholoģijas jomā, sekojot rūpnieciskās pētniecības un eksperimentālās izstrādes aktivitātēm projektā un atbalsta un konsultāciju risinājumiem inovācijā, lai integrētu jaunāko algoritma pielietojumu jomā — padziļināta mācīšanās un mākslīgais intelekts un padarot iespējamu vertikālu pieeju šādām prioritārām zinātnes jomām: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Latvian)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail an chuideachta a bhogadh chuig forbairt atá bunaithe ar nuálaíocht trí chur i bhfeidhm nuálach ar rialú agus oideachas tuismitheoirí a bhaint amach, a dhéanann faireachán agus srian ar ghníomhaíocht leanaí ar bhonn saintréithe sícéimeacha-somatacha a léiríonn speisialtóirí i réimse na síceolaíochta leanaí agus na síceolaíochta oideolaíochta, tar éis gníomhaíochtaí taighde thionsclaíoch agus forbartha turgnamhaí sa tionscadal agus réitigh tacaíochta agus comhairliúcháin sa nuálaíocht, d’fhonn an t-iarratas algartam is déanaí sa réimse a chomhtháthú — Foghlaim dhomhain agus Intleacht Shaorga agus cur chuige ingearach a d’fhéadfadh a bheith ann maidir leis na réimsí eolaíochta tosaíochta seo a leanas: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Splošni cilj projekta je preiti podjetje v razvoj, ki temelji na inovacijah, z doseganjem inovativne uporabe starševskega nadzora in izobraževanja, ki spremlja in omejuje delovanje otrok na podlagi psihosomatskih značilnosti, ki so jih izpostavili strokovnjaki s področja otroške psihologije in pedagoške psihologije, po industrijskih raziskavah in eksperimentalnem razvoju v projektu ter podpornih in svetovalnih rešitvah na področju inovacij, da bi vključili najnovejšo uporabo algoritma na področju – poglobljeno učenje in umetna inteligenca ter omogočili vertikalni pristop na naslednjih prednostnih znanstvenih področjih: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Общата цел на проекта е да се премине към развитие, основано на иновации, като се постигне иновативно приложение на родителския контрол и образование, което наблюдава и ограничава дейността на децата въз основа на психо-соматични характеристики, подчертани от специалисти в областта на детската психология и педагогическата психология, след индустриални изследвания и експериментална развойна дейност в проекта и подкрепа и консултантски решения в областта на иновациите, с цел интегриране на най-новото приложение на алгоритъма в областта — задълбочено учене и изкуствен интелект и осъществяване на възможен вертикален подход в следните приоритетни научни области: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-objettiv ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li l-kumpanija titmexxa lejn żvilupp ibbażat fuq l-innovazzjoni billi tinkiseb applikazzjoni innovattiva tal-kontroll u l-edukazzjoni mill-ġenituri, li tissorvelja u tirrestrinġi l-attività tat-tfal fuq il-bażi ta’ karatteristiċi psikosomatiċi enfasizzati minn speċjalisti fil-qasam tal-psikoloġija u l-psikoloġija pedagoġika tat-tfal, wara attivitajiet ta’ riċerka industrijali u żvilupp sperimentali fil-proġett u tappoġġa u tikkonsulta soluzzjonijiet fl-innovazzjoni, sabiex tintegra l-aħħar applikazzjoni algoritmu fil-qasam — Tagħlim profond u Intelliġenza Artifiċjali u tagħmel possibbli approċċ vertikali tal-oqsma xjentifiċi prijoritarji li ġejjin: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O objetivo geral do projeto é mover a empresa para o desenvolvimento ganza na inovação, conseguindo uma aplicação inovadora do controle e educação parental, que monitora e restringe a atividade das crianças com base em características psicossomáticas destacadas por especialistas no campo da psicologia infantil e psicologia pedagógica, seguindo atividades de pesquisa industrial e desenvolvimento experimental no projeto e apoiar e consultar soluções em inovação, a fim de integrar a mais recente aplicação de algoritmos na área — Deep Learning e Inteligência Artificial e possibilitando uma abordagem vertical dos seguintes campos científicos prioritários: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektets overordnede mål er at flytte virksomheden til innovationsbaseret udvikling ved at opnå en innovativ anvendelse af forældrekontrol og uddannelse, som overvåger og begrænser børns aktivitet på grundlag af psykosomatiske karakteristika, der fremhæves af specialister inden for børnepsykologi og pædagogisk psykologi, efter industriel forskning og eksperimentel udviklingsaktiviteter i projektet og støtte- og rådgivningsløsninger inden for innovation med henblik på at integrere den seneste algoritmeapplikation på området — dyb læring og kunstig intelligens og muliggøre en vertikal tilgang til følgende prioriterede videnskabelige områder: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Det allmänna målet med projektet är att föra företaget till innovationsbaserad utveckling genom att uppnå en innovativ tillämpning av föräldrakontroll och utbildning, som övervakar och begränsar barns verksamhet på grundval av psykosomatiska egenskaper som lyfts fram av specialister inom barnpsykologi och pedagogisk psykologi, efter industriell forskning och experimentell utvecklingsverksamhet i projektet och stöd och rådgivningslösningar inom innovation, i syfte att integrera den senaste algoritmapplikationen inom området – djupt lärande och artificiell intelligens och möjliggöra vertikal ansats av följande prioriterade vetenskapliga områden: • Technologies, systems and communication infrastructures • Security and accessibility of information systems • Security systems and infrastructure • Computers and automated systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information society technology Through the project will be developed during 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/operators that are active in relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, intelligent design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising etc.) in order to manage the monitoring and control activities through the evolution of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant software, will be used in order to identify the needs, in order to identify the type of data, in order to manage the monitoring and control activities with the appropriate volume, by adapting the appropriate behaviors, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, which will be able to identify in the same way, in order to identify in the same way, the communication systems and communication infrastructure • Security and accessibility • Security systems and security infrastructure • Computers and automatic systems • Electronics and telecommunications • Information Society technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/guardians) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as other business opportunities/economic operators active in the relevant economic sectors (design and intelligent design, the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) in order to manage the monitoring activities and control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, by adapting to the relevant types of behaviors, in the production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the relevant types of data, the automatic design and design of the autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, the media & advertising sector, will be used in order to manage the monitoring activities and the control of the software through the adaptation of the software through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the appropriate software, will be able to identify in the appropriate manner, in order to identify the relevant types of data in order to custom, through the appropriateness of the software, through the adaptation of the software, through the adaptation of the security systems • Security systems and the security infrastructure • Automatic computers and systems • Electronic and telecommunications • Electronics and telecommunications • The Information Society Technology will be developed during the 24 months of implementation of an innovative ICT application that will address both individuals (parents/tudents) and organisations in the field of education and education, as well as to other businesses/economic operators active in relevant economic sectors (design design and interior design, production of autonomous vehicles, the sector of human resources, media & advertising, etc.) (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Bârnova, Romania
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