Activation of unemployed people over 30 years of age from the area of Kościerskie County (IV) (Q121510)

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Project Q121510 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Activation of unemployed people over 30 years of age from the area of Kościerskie County (IV)
Project Q121510 in Poland


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    5,466,329.64 zloty
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    1,215,165.08 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    6,430,976.05 zloty
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    1,429,605.98 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 January 2019
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    31 December 2020
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    54°1'9.62"N, 17°58'16.03"E
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    Proj skierowany jest do 347 os(185K,162M)pozostających bez pracy z pow.kościerskiego zarejestrowanych w PUP.Celem proj jest zwiększenie zatrudnienia os pozostających bez pracy(z wyłączeniem os przed ukończeniem 30r.ż)należących do poniższych grup:os w wieku 50lat i więcej,kobiety,os z niepełnosprawnościami,os długotrwale bezrobotne,os o niskich kwalifikacjach,os nienależące do grup wskazanych powyżej(bezrobotni mężczyźni w wieku 30-49lat),przy czym ich udział nie przekracza 20% ogólnej liczby os wspartych w proj,imigranci(w tym os polskiego pochodzenia),reemigranci.Cele szczegółowe projektu:•Aktywizacja zawodowa uczestników proj.•Podniesienie zdolności do zatrudnienia uczestników proj.Działania:•Rekrutacja oraz diagnoza potrzeb uczestników proj.•Pogłębiona analiza umiejętności,predyspozycji i problemów zawodowych danego uczestnika proj w postaci Indywidualnego Planu Działania i poradnictwa zawodowego.•Tworzenie warunków sprzyjających podnoszeniu zdolności do zatrudnienia os bezrobotnych,obejmującełania na rzecz uzyskania,zmiany lub dalszego doskonalenia kwalifika zawod i/lub kompetencji w formie szkoleń i zdobycia doświadczeń zawod w miejscu pracy w ramach staży,prac interwencyjnych lub refundowanych stanowisk pracy.Wsparcie w zakresie rozwoju przedsiębiorczości i samozatrudnienia dzięki jednorazowym środkom na podjęcie dział gospod.Głównym efektem proj będzie podjęcie pracy w oparciu o stosunek pracy lub podjęcie dział gospod. przez min.45% os w najtrudniejszej syt(tj.os w wieku 50lat i więcej,kobiet,z niepełnospr,długotrw bezrob,z niskim kwalifik(do poziomu ISCED 3),imigranci,reemigranci)oraz min.60% pozostałych os nienależących do ww.grup(bez os,które otrzymają dot na podjęcie dział gospod).Proj wpisuje się w cele i założenia RPO WP na lata 2014-2020.Proj realizowany jest zgodnie z Ustawą PZP,Ustawą o promocji zatrudnienia(...),SzOOP i pozostałym prawodawstwem krajowym,politykami i zasadami wspólnotowymi,w tym polityką równości szans i niedyskr (Polish)
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    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (English)
    21 October 2020
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    Le proj s’adresse à 347 personnes (185 K.162M) qui sont sans emploi de la PUP enregistrée dans le PUP. L’objectif de ce programme est d’augmenter l’emploi des chômeurs (à l’exclusion de ceux âgés de plus de 30 ans) appartenant aux groupes suivants: une personne âgée de 50 ans et plus, les femmes, les personnes handicapées, les chômeurs de longue durée, les personnes peu qualifiées et ne faisant pas partie des groupes mentionnés ci-dessus (hommes sans emploi âgés de 30 à 49 ans), toutefois, leur part n’excède pas 20 % du nombre total de personnes soutenues dans le projet,immigrants (y compris ceux d’origine polonaise),réimmigrants.Objectifs spécifiques du projet:•Activation professionnelle des participants au projet.•Amélioration de l’employabilité des participants au projet.Actions:•Recrutement et diagnostic des besoins des participants.•Analyse approfondie des compétences,prédispositions et problèmes professionnels d’un participant donné sous la forme d’un plan d’action individuel et d’orientation professionnelle.•Création de conditions propices à l’amélioration de l’employabilité des chômeurs, y compris des mesures visant à obtenir, à modifier ou à améliorer encore la qualification de la profession et/ou la compétence sous la forme d’une formation et d’une expérience sur le lieu de travail dans le cadre de stages, d’interventions ou d’emplois remboursables.Appui au développement de l’entrepreneuriat et du travail indépendant par des mesures ponctuelles d’insertion dans le département des gospodes.Le projet aura pour effet principal de prendre un emploi sur la base d’une relation d’emploi ou d’accéder à un département d’entreprise pour au moins 45 % des personnes dans le système le plus difficile (c’est-à-dire les personnes âgées de 50 ans et plus, les femmes, à une vitesse partielle, le chômage de longue durée, avec un faible éligibilité (jusqu’à la CITE 3), immigrés, immigrés, et au moins 60 % des non-membres restants (sans ceux qui recevront un don pour entrer dans le département gospod).Le projet s’inscrit dans les objectifs et objectifs du ROP PP pour la période 2014-2020.Le projet est mis en œuvre conformément à la loi PZP, la loi sur la promotion de l’emploi(...), SzOOP et d’autres législations nationales, politiques et règles communautaires, y compris la politique d’égalité des chances et de non-discrétion (French)
    2 December 2021
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    Proj richtet sich an 347 Personen (185K,162M), die von der im PUP registrierten PUP arbeitslos sind. Ziel des Programms ist es, die Beschäftigung von Arbeitslosen (mit Ausnahme derjenigen vor dem Alter von 30 Jahren) zu erhöhen, die folgenden Gruppen angehören: eine Person ab 50 Jahren, Frauen, Menschen mit Behinderungen, Langzeitarbeitslose, Geringqualifizierte und nicht zu den oben genannten Gruppen gehörende Personen (nicht erwerbstätige Männer im Alter von 30 bis 49 Jahren), ihr Anteil beträgt jedoch nicht mehr als 20 % der Gesamtzahl der im Rahmen des Projekts unterstützten Personen,Einwanderer (einschließlich derjenigen polnischer Herkunft),Einwanderer.Projektspezifische Ziele: • berufliche Aktivierung der Projektteilnehmer.•Verbesserung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Projektteilnehmer.Maßnahmen:•Einstellung und Diagnose der Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmer.•Eingehende Analyse der Fähigkeiten,Prädispositionen und beruflichen Probleme eines bestimmten Teilnehmers in Form eines individuellen Aktionsplans und der Berufsberatung.•Erstellung von Bedingungen zur Verbesserung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von Arbeitslosen, einschließlich Maßnahmen zur Erlangung, Änderung oder weiteren Verbesserung der Qualifikation des Berufs und/oder der Kompetenz in Form von Ausbildung und Erfahrung am Arbeitsplatz im Rahmen von Praktika, Interventionen oder erstattungsfähigen Arbeitsplätzen.Unterstützung für die Entwicklung von Unternehmergeist und Selbstständigkeit durch einmalige Maßnahmen zur Aufnahme der Gospod-Abteilung.Die Hauptwirkung des Proj wird darin bestehen, eine Beschäftigung auf der Grundlage eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses aufzunehmen oder eine Geschäftsabteilung für mindestens 45 % der Personen in dem schwierigsten System (d. h. der Person ab 50 Jahren, Frauen mit teilweiser Geschwindigkeit, Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit, mit geringer Förderfähigkeit (bis ISCED 3), aufzunehmen, Zuwanderer, Migranten und mindestens 60 % der verbleibenden Nichtmitglieder (ohne Personen, die eine Spende erhalten, um die Gospod-Abteilung aufzunehmen).Das Projekt passt in die Ziele und Ziele des ROP PP für den Zeitraum 2014-2020.Das Projekt wird gemäß dem PZP-Gesetz, dem Gesetz über die Förderung der Beschäftigung(...), dem SzOOP und anderen nationalen Rechtsvorschriften, Politiken und Gemeinschaftsvorschriften, einschließlich der Politik der Chancengleichheit und der Nichtdiskriminierung, durchgeführt. (German)
    8 December 2021
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    Het proj is gericht tot 347 personen (185K,162M) die werkloos zijn van de in de PUP geregistreerde PUP. Het doel van het project is de werkgelegenheid te vergroten van werklozen (met uitzondering van degenen vóór de leeftijd van 30 jaar) die tot de volgende groepen behoren: een persoon van 50 jaar en ouder, vrouwen, personen met een handicap, langdurig werklozen, laaggeschoolden die niet tot de hierboven genoemde groepen behoren (werkloze mannen van 30-49 jaar); hun aandeel bedraagt echter niet meer dan 20 % van het totale aantal mensen dat in het project wordt ondersteund,immigranten(inclusief die van Poolse oorsprong), reimmigranten.Projectspecifieke doelstellingen:•Projectspecifieke activering van de deelnemers.•Verbetering van de inzetbaarheid van projectdeelnemers.Acties:•Aanwerving en diagnose van de behoeften van de deelnemers.•Een grondige analyse van de vaardigheden, predisposities en professionele problemen van een bepaalde deelnemer in de vorm van een individueel actieplan en loopbaanbegeleiding.•Het creëren van voorwaarden die bevorderlijk zijn voor de verbetering van de inzetbaarheid van werklozen, met inbegrip van maatregelen voor het verkrijgen, veranderen of verder verbeteren van de kwalificatie van het beroep en/of de bekwaamheid in de vorm van opleiding en ervaring op de werkplek in het kader van stages, interventies of terugbetaalbare banen.Steun voor de ontwikkeling van ondernemerschap en zelfstandige arbeid door middel van eenmalige maatregelen om de gospod-afdeling op te nemen.Het belangrijkste effect van het project zal zijn om in dienst te treden op basis van een arbeidsverhouding of om ten minste 45 % van de personen in het moeilijkste systeem in dienst te nemen (d.w.z. de persoon van 50 jaar en ouder, vrouwen met gedeeltelijke snelheid, langdurige werkloosheid, met een lage subsidiabiliteit (tot ISCED 3), immigranten, remigranten, en ten minste 60 % van de overige niet-leden (zonder degenen die een donatie zullen ontvangen om de gospod afdeling op te nemen).Het project past in de doelstellingen en doelstellingen van het ROP PP voor de periode 2014-2020.Het project wordt uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met de PZP Act, de Wet ter bevordering van de werkgelegenheid(...), SzOOP en andere nationale wetgeving, beleid en communautaire regels, met inbegrip van het beleid van gelijke kansen en non-discretie (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    Proj si rivolge a 347 persone (185K.162M) che sono disoccupate dal PUP iscritto nel PUP. L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di aumentare l'occupazione dei disoccupati (esclusi quelli prima dei 30 anni di età) appartenenti ai seguenti gruppi: una persona di età pari o superiore a 50 anni, donne, disabili, disoccupati di lunga durata, persone poco qualificate e non appartenenti ai gruppi sopra indicati (uomini disoccupati di età compresa tra i 30 e i 49 anni), tuttavia, la loro quota non supera il 20 % del numero totale di persone sostenute nel progetto,immigrati (compresi quelli di origine polacca),immigrati.Obiettivi specifici del progetto:•L'attivazione professionale dei partecipanti al progetto.•Migliorare l'occupabilità dei partecipanti al progetto.Azioni:•Assunzione e diagnosi delle esigenze dei partecipanti.•Analisi approfondita delle competenze, dellepredisposizioni e dei problemi professionali di un dato partecipante sotto forma di un piano d'azione individuale e di orientamento professionale.•Creazione di condizioni favorevoli a migliorare l'occupabilità dei disoccupati, comprese le misure volte a ottenere, modificare o migliorare ulteriormente la qualifica della professione e/o della competenza sotto forma di formazione ed esperienza sul posto di lavoro nell'ambito di tirocini, interventi o lavori rimborsabili.Sostegno allo sviluppo dell'imprenditorialità e del lavoro autonomo mediante misure una tantum per l'accesso al dipartimento del gospod. L'effetto principale del progetto consisterà nell'assumere un'occupazione sulla base di un rapporto di lavoro o nell'assumere un reparto commerciale per almeno il 45 % delle persone nel sistema più difficile (ossia la persona di età pari o superiore a 50 anni, le donne, a velocità parziale, la disoccupazione di lunga durata, con un basso livello di ammissibilità (fino a 3), immigrati, migranti e almeno il 60 % dei restanti non membri (senza coloro che riceveranno una donazione per accedere al dipartimento del gospod).Il progetto si inserisce negli obiettivi e negli obiettivi del POR PP per il periodo 2014-2020.Il progetto è attuato in conformità con la legge PZP, la legge sulla promozione dell'occupazione(...), SzOOP e altre normative nazionali, politiche e norme comunitarie, tra cui la politica di pari opportunità e non-discrezione (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    El proj está dirigido a 347 personas (185K,162 millones) que están desempleadas del PUP inscrito en el PUP. El objetivo del programa es aumentar el empleo de las personas desempleadas (excluidas las personas antes de los 30 años de edad) pertenecientes a los siguientes grupos: una persona de 50 años o más, mujeres, personas con discapacidad, desempleados de larga duración, personas poco cualificadas y no pertenecientes a los grupos indicados anteriormente (hombres desempleados de 30 a 49 años). sin embargo, su participación no supera el 20 % del número total de personas apoyadas en el proyecto,inmigrantes(incluidos los de origen polaco),reinmigrantes.Objetivos específicos del proyecto:• Activación profesional de los participantes en el proyecto.•Mejorar la empleabilidad de los participantes en el proyecto.Acciones:• Reclutamiento y diagnóstico de las necesidades de los participantes.•Análisis en profundidad de las competencias,predisposiciones y problemas profesionales de un participante dado en forma de un plan de acción individual y orientación profesional.•Creación de condiciones propicias para mejorar la empleabilidad de las personas desempleadas, incluidas medidas para obtener, modificar o mejorar aún más la cualificación de la profesión o la competencia en forma de formación y experiencia en el lugar de trabajo como parte de prácticas, intervenciones o empleos reembolsables.Apoyar el desarrollo del espíritu empresarial y el trabajo por cuenta propia mediante medidas puntuales para acceder al departamento de góspodos. El principal efecto del proj será asumir un empleo sobre la base de una relación laboral o asumir un departamento de negocios para al menos el 45 % de las personas en el sistema más difícil (es decir, la persona de 50 años o más, las mujeres, con una velocidad parcial, desempleo de larga duración, con baja elegibilidad (hasta ISCED 3), inmigrantes,remigrantes, y al menos el 60 % de los no miembros restantes (sin los que recibirán una donación para acceder al departamento de góspodos).El proyecto se ajusta a los objetivos y objetivos del ROP PP para el período 2014-2020.El proyecto se ejecuta de conformidad con la Ley PZP, la Ley de Promoción del Empleo(...), SzOOP y otras leyes, políticas y normas comunitarias nacionales, incluida la política de igualdad de oportunidades y no discriminación (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
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    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Danish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Greek)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Croatian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Romanian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Slovak)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Maltese)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Portuguese)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Finnish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Slovenian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Czech)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Lithuanian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Latvian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Bulgarian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Hungarian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Irish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Swedish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The non-working order of the non-working person(s) is to be taken into account in order to be taken into account by the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(in the course of the non-working period) of the non-working person(i.e. the non-working age, the non-existence of the non-working, the non-existent, the non-working person(s) and the non-working-outs of the non-working person(s) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of age) and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent, the non-indifferent, and the non-existence of the number of the non-indifferent(3 % of the non-existence, the non-existence, the non-existence of the non-existence and the non-existence of the non-inferiority of the non-existence(60 % of the rest of the work) and the non-involuntary period(60/2014 % of non-existod time period) and the non-existentality of the non-existentality(60 % non-existental and non-existental) in the non-existent and non-existent period(60 % of non-existent and non-existentment) in the non-existental period(60/2014 % of the non-existent, non-existenting and non-existing period(2020/) of the non-working-outs(i) or non-existenting of the work(s) and the non-involuntary of the rest of the work(3 % of the non-calf, and the non-dexistal number of non-existent, non-existingal and non-existality(60 % of the non-dexistent, non-existental and non-existality) of the non-dexistent and non-existentality(s) and the non-existencies of non-existence(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and non-existentity(60 % of non-existalcality, non-existalise, and non-existing-does) of the non-diseise, non-existentity and non-existigation(60 % of the non-existentity, the non-existentity, and the non-existentity of the Cost-Distence) and the non-existentity of theinc-does(60 % of the non-existencies of work) and the non-existority of the number of non-existentity(s) of the non-existencies, the non-existance of the number of the non-existent, the non-minority(s) of the non-work-ms, the non-working, the non-working-ing-ing-outs(60 % of the non-existences) and the non-externity of the number of the non-workings, the non-existent, non-existental, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-working-nexxxx(60xxx), non-existantity of the number of the non-working-Dose(s) and more of the non-existentity of the number ofthe members ofthems(indistricts) of the non-working, the non-dominors, and the non-existentination of the number ofthemm.(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014xxxxxxx(2014x2020,x,.xxxx), non-existing, and non-exististences(60 % of the age of the non-existent, non-existing-existing, and non-existing) of the non-existences of the non-existingentiation of the non-existence(60-2014 % of age), non-existing, and non-existing(2020 %, %, %,x,xxxxxxxxxxxx)(60x,xxxxxxx(,m, and non-existences(3 %xxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2014x2020xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(3xxxxxxxx)(60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(60)(2014xx)(60xxx)(2014xxx) and(60) ofthe non-work (Estonian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    WOJ.: POMORSKIE, POW.: kościerski
    0 references
    0 references


    0 references