“Reconstruction and extension of voivodship road No. 559 on the section Lipno-Kamień Kotowy – voivodship border” (Q98559)
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Project Q98559 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | “Reconstruction and extension of voivodship road No. 559 on the section Lipno-Kamień Kotowy – voivodship border” |
Project Q98559 in Poland |
56,453,141.87 zloty
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66,415,461.03 zloty
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85.0 percent
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1 January 2016
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31 December 2019
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Projekt przewiduje przebudowę DW nr 559 na odcinku Lipno- Kamień Kotowy - granica województwa (22,093 km). Zaplanowano:- wymianę konstrukcji istniejących nawierzchni,- wykonanie warstwy wiążącej i ścieralnej,- przebudowę na rondo skrzyżowania DW559 z DW541- budowę ciągów pieszo-rowerowych,- budowę zatok autobusowych,- budowę zjazdów gospodarczych i przepustów pod nimi,- budowę oświetlenia drogowego;- przebudowę przepustów, zastosowanie na krawędziach barier ochronnych i realizację 6 nowych dla zachowania migracji płazów i zwierzyny,- rozbiórkę wiaduktu nad byłą kolejką wąskotorową,- przebudowę sieci infrastruktury technicznej kolidujących z planowanym układem drogowym;- wykonanie oznakowania z uwzględnieniem potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych,- przygotowanie miejsca dla drogowej stacji meteorologicznej,- przygotowanie miejsca do pomiaru prędkości,- budowę miejsca do ważenia i kontroli pojazdów,- wycinkę drzew i krzewów.Celem głównym projektu jest zwiększenie dostępności transportowej dróg województwa, zwłaszcza połączenia dróg regionu z zewnętrznym układem komunikacyjnym, w tym siecią TEN-T. Celami szczegółowymi są:- zwiększenie dostępności ośrodka powiatowego (Lipno);- poprawa warunków do rozwoju przedsiębiorczości poprzez zwiększenie łatwości dojazdu do Płockiego Parku Przemysłowo-Technicznego- poprawa bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego oraz warunków jazdy;- dostosowanie drogi do przeniesienia zwiększonego ruchu pojazdów, w tym pojazdów ciężarowych;- doprowadzenie drogi do zgodności z warunkami technicznymi stawianymi drodze klasy GInwestycja przyczyni się do realizacji następujących wskaźników:- produktu: Długość przebudowanych dróg wojewódzkich – 22,093 km;- rezultatu: Wskaźnik nośności drogi wojewódzkiej – 100 kN/oś.DW 559 zapewnia łączność regionu z zewnętrznym układem komunikacyjnym (włączenie do sieci TEN-T poprzez DK 67 w Lipnie). Ponadto droga usprawni połączenie pomiędzy Toruniem i Płockiem (poprzez DK nr 10) oraz pomiędzy ośrodkiem powiatowym Lipno i Płockiem. (Polish)
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The project envisages the reconstruction of DW No 559 on the section Lipno-Kemień Kotowy – voivodship border (22.093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction— Length of reconstructed voivodship roads – 22.093 km;- result: The load capacity index of the voivodship road – 100 kN/axis.DW 559 ensures the connectivity of the region with the external communication system (connected to the TEN-T network via DK 67 in Lipno). In addition, the road will improve the connection between Toruń and Płock (via DK No 10) and between the district centre Lipno and Płock. (English)
15 October 2020
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Le projet prévoit la reconstruction de DW 559 sur le tronçon Lipno-Kemień Kotowy — frontière de la voïvodie (22,093 km). Prévu:- remplacement des structures de chaussée existantes,- construction de couches de reliure et d’abrasifs,- conversion au rond-point de l’intersection DW559 avec DW541- construction de pistes cyclables à pied,- construction de baies d’autobus,- construction de toboggans et ponceaux sous eux,- construction d’éclairage routier;- réaménagement des ponceaux, application sur les bords des barrières de protection et mise en œuvre de 6 nouveaux ouvrages pour préserver la migration des amphibiens et des animaux, — démolition du viaduc sur l’ancienne voie étroite,- reconstruction du réseau d’infrastructures techniques en conflit avec le système routier prévu;- exécution des marquages tenant compte des besoins des personnes handicapées,- préparation d’un espace pour la station météorologique routière,- préparation d’un lieu de mesure de la vitesse,- construction d’un lieu de pesage et d’inspection des véhicules,- abattage d’arbres et de buissons. en particulier, le raccordement des routes de la région au système de communication externe, y compris le réseau RTE-T, a pour objectifs spécifiques:- d’améliorer l’accessibilité du centre de district (Lipno);- d’améliorer les conditions de développement de l’esprit d’entreprise en augmentant la facilité d’accès au parc industriel et technique de Płock- d’améliorer la sécurité routière et les conditions de conduite;- d’adapter la route à la relocalisation de la circulation des véhicules, y compris les poids lourds;- de rendre la route conforme aux conditions techniques imposées par la route GIInvestment contribuera à la mise en œuvre des indicateurs suivants:- produit: Longueur des routes provinciales reconstruites — 22,093 km;- résultat: L’indice de capacité de charge de la route provinciale — 100 kN/axe.DW 559 assure la connectivité de la région avec le système de communication externe (intégration dans le réseau RTE-T via DK 67 à Lipno). En outre, la route améliorera la liaison entre Toruń et Płock (via le DK no 10) et entre les centres de Lipno et Płock. (French)
1 December 2021
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Das Projekt sieht den Wiederaufbau der DW 559 auf dem Abschnitt Lipno-Kemień Kotowy – Grenze der Woiwodschaft (22,093 km) vor. Geplant:- Ersetzung bestehender Pflasterbauten,- Bau von Binde- und Schleifschichten,- Umbau zum Kreisverkehr des Schnittpunkts DW559 mit DW541- Bau von Fußfahrrädern,- Bau von Busbuchten,- Bau von Betriebsrutschen und culverts unter ihnen,- Bau der Straßenbeleuchtung;- Sanierung von Schiefern, Anwendung an den Rändern von Schutzbarrieren und Umsetzung von 6 neuen, um die Migration von Amphibien und Tieren zu erhalten, – Abriss des Viadukts über die ehemalige Schmalspurbahn,- Wiederaufbau des Netzes der technischen Infrastruktur, die mit dem geplanten Straßensystem in Konflikt steht;- Leistung von Kennzeichnungen unter Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit Behinderungen,- Vorbereitung eines Raumes für die meteorologische Station der Straße,- Vorbereitung eines Ortes für die Geschwindigkeitsmessung,- Bau eines Ortes für das Wiegen und Inspektieren von Fahrzeugen,- Abholzung von Bäumen und Sträuchern. Hauptziel des Projekts ist es, die Verkehrsanbindung der Woiwodschaftsstraßen zu verbessern, insbesondere die Anbindung der Straßen der Region an das externe Kommunikationssystem, einschließlich des TEN-V-Netzes. Die spezifischen Ziele sind: – Verbesserung der Zugänglichkeit des Kreiszentrums (Lipno);- Verbesserung der Bedingungen für die Entwicklung des Unternehmertums durch Verbesserung des Zugangs zum Industrie- und Technikpark Płock – Verbesserung der Straßenverkehrssicherheit und der Fahrbedingungen;- Anpassung der Straße an die Verlagerung des Verkehrs von Fahrzeugen, einschließlich schwerer Nutzfahrzeuge;- Anpassung der Straße an die von der GIInvestment Straße vorgeschriebenen technischen Bedingungen:- Produkt: Länge der rekonstruierten Provinzstraßen – 22,093 km;- Ergebnis: Der Tragfähigkeitsindex der Provinzstraße – 100 kN/Achse.DW 559 gewährleistet die Anbindung der Region mit dem externen Kommunikationssystem (Integration in das TEN-V-Netz über DK 67 in Lipno). Darüber hinaus wird die Straße die Verbindung zwischen Toruń und Płock (über DK Nr. 10) und zwischen den Bezirkszentren Lipno und Płock verbessern. (German)
7 December 2021
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Het project voorziet in de wederopbouw van DW 559 op het deel Lipno-Kemień Kotowy — grens van het woiwodschap (22,093 km). Gepland:- vervanging van bestaande bestratingsconstructies,- bouw van bind- en schurende lagen,- ombouw naar de rotonde van kruispunt DW559 met DW541- bouw van voetfietssporen,- bouw van busbanen,- bouw van boerderijdia’s en halveren onder hen,- bouw van wegverlichting;- herontwikkeling van circuits, toepassing op de randen van beschermende barrières en uitvoering van 6 nieuwe om de migratie van amfibieën en dieren te behouden; — sloop van het viaduct over de voormalige smalspoorweg,- reconstructie van het netwerk van technische infrastructuur die in strijd is met het geplande wegensysteem;- prestaties van markeringen rekening houdend met de behoeften van personen met een handicap,- voorbereiding van een ruimte voor het meteorologisch station van de weg,- voorbereiding van een plaats voor het meten van snelheid,- bouw van een plaats voor het wegen en inspecteren van voertuigen,- het kappen van bomen en struiken. Het hoofddoel van het project is de vervoerstoegankelijkheid van de wegen van het voivodship te verbeteren, met name de verbinding van de wegen in de regio met het externe communicatiesysteem, met inbegrip van het TEN-T-netwerk. De specifieke doelstellingen zijn:- verbetering van de toegankelijkheid van het districtscentrum (Lipno);- verbetering van de voorwaarden voor de ontwikkeling van het ondernemerschap door het vergemakkelijken van de toegang tot het industrie- en technisch park Płock — verbetering van de verkeersveiligheid en rijomstandigheden;- aanpassing van de weg aan de verplaatsing van het toegenomen verkeer van voertuigen, met inbegrip van zware vrachtwagens;- het in overeenstemming brengen van de weg met de technische voorwaarden van de GIInvestment-weg zal bijdragen tot de uitvoering van de volgende indicatoren:- product: Lengte van de gereconstrueerde provinciale wegen — 22,093 km;- resultaat: De belastingsindex van de provinciale weg — 100 kN/as.DW 559 zorgt voor de connectiviteit van de regio met het externe communicatiesysteem (integratie in het TEN-T-netwerk via DK 67 in Lipno). Bovendien zal de weg de verbinding tussen Toruń en Płock (via DK nr. 10) en tussen districtscentra Lipno en Płock verbeteren. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Il progetto prevede la ricostruzione del DW 559 nella sezione Lipno-Kemień Kotowy — confine del voivodato (22,093 km). Progetto:- sostituzione delle strutture di pavimentazione esistenti,- costruzione di strati leganti e abrasivi,- conversione alla rotatoria dell'intersezione DW559 con DW541- costruzione di binari pedo-biciclette,- costruzione di baie per autobus,- costruzione di scivoli agricoli e culverti sotto di essi,- costruzione di illuminazione stradale;- riqualificazione di culverti, applicazione ai bordi delle barriere protettive e realizzazione di 6 nuove strutture per preservare la migrazione di anfibi e animali, — demolizione del viadotto sulla vecchia ferrovia a binario stretto,- ricostruzione della rete di infrastrutture tecniche in conflitto con il sistema stradale previsto;- prestazioni di contrassegni che tengano conto delle esigenze delle persone con disabilità,- preparazione di uno spazio per la stazione meteorologica stradale,- preparazione di un luogo di misurazione della velocità,- costruzione di un luogo di pesatura e ispezione dei veicoli- abbattimento di alberi e cespugli. in particolare, il collegamento delle strade della regione con il sistema di comunicazione esterna, compresa la rete TEN-T. Gli obiettivi specifici sono:- aumentare l'accessibilità del centro distrettuale (Lipno);- migliorare le condizioni per lo sviluppo dell'imprenditorialità aumentando la facilità di accesso al parco industriale e tecnico di Płock- migliorare la sicurezza stradale e le condizioni di guida;- adeguare la strada al trasferimento di un maggiore traffico di veicoli, compresi i veicoli pesanti;- rendere la strada conforme alle condizioni tecniche imposte dalla strada GIInvestment contribuirà all'attuazione dei seguenti indicatori:- prodotto: Lunghezza delle strade provinciali ricostruite — 22,093 km;- risultato: L'indice di capacità di carico della strada provinciale — 100 kN/axis.DW 559 garantisce la connettività della regione con il sistema di comunicazione esterna (integrazione nella rete TEN-T tramite DK 67 a Lipno). Inoltre, la strada migliorerà il collegamento tra Toruń e Płock (tramite DK n. 10) e tra i centri di Lipno e Płock. (Italian)
16 January 2022
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El proyecto prevé la reconstrucción de DW 559 en el tramo Lipno-Kemień Kotowy — frontera del voivodato (22,093 km). Planificada:- sustitución de estructuras de pavimento existentes,- construcción de capas de encuadernación y abrasivos,- conversión a la rotonda de la intersección DW559 con DW541- construcción de vías de bicicleta a pie,- construcción de bahías de autobuses,- construcción de toboganes de granja y alcantarillas debajo de ellas,- construcción de alumbrado de carreteras;- reurbanización de alcantarillas, aplicación en los bordes de barreras protectoras y aplicación de 6 nuevas para preservar la migración de anfibios y animales, — demolición del viaducto sobre el antiguo ferrocarril de vía estrecha,- reconstrucción de la red de infraestructuras técnicas en conflicto con el sistema de carreteras previsto;- realización de marcas que tengan en cuenta las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad,- preparación de un espacio para la estación meteorológica de carretera,- preparación de un lugar para medir la velocidad,- construcción de un lugar de pesaje e inspección de vehículos,- tala de árboles y arbustos. en particular, la conexión de las carreteras de la región con el sistema de comunicación exterior, incluida la red RTE-T. Los objetivos específicos son:- aumentar la accesibilidad del centro de distrito (Lipno);- mejorar las condiciones para el desarrollo del espíritu empresarial mediante el aumento de la facilidad de acceso al parque industrial y técnico de Płock- mejorar la seguridad vial y las condiciones de conducción;- ajustar la carretera a la reubicación del aumento del tráfico de vehículos, incluidos los vehículos pesados;- hacer que la carretera cumpla las condiciones técnicas impuestas por la carretera GIInvestment contribuirá a la aplicación de los siguientes indicadores:- producto: Longitud de las carreteras provinciales reconstruidas — 22,093 km;- resultado: El índice de capacidad de carga de la carretera provincial — 100 kN/eje.DW 559 garantiza la conectividad de la región con el sistema de comunicación externa (integración en la red RTE-T a través de DK 67 en Lipno). Además, la carretera mejorará el enlace entre Toruń y Płock (vía DK n.º 10) y entre los centros de distrito de Lipno y Płock. (Spanish)
20 January 2022
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Projektet omfatter genopbygning af DW nr. 559 på strækningen Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR voivodship grænse (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Belastningsindekset for voivodskibsvejen â EUR 100 kN/akse.DW 559 sikrer regionens forbindelse med det eksterne kommunikationssystem (tilsluttet til TEN-T-nettet via DK 67 i Lipno). Derudover vil vejen forbedre forbindelsen mellem ToruÅ og PÅock (via DK nr. 10) og mellem distriktscentret Lipno og PÅock. (Danish)
26 July 2022
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Το έργο προβλέπει την ανακατασκευή του DW No 559 στο τμήμα Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR voivodship σύνορα (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Ο δείκτης χωρητικότητας φορτίου της οδού βοεβοδάτου â EUR 100 kN/axis.DW 559 εξασφαλίζει τη συνδεσιμότητα της περιοχής με το εξωτερικό σύστημα επικοινωνίας (που συνδέεται με το δίκτυο ΔΕΔ-Μ μέσω DK 67 στο Λίπνο). Επιπλέον, η οδός θα βελτιώσει τη σύνδεση μεταξύ ToruÅ και PÅock (μέσω DK αριθ. 10) και μεταξύ του περιφερειακού κέντρου Lipno και του PÅock. (Greek)
26 July 2022
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Projektom je predviđena rekonstrukcija DW br. 559 na dionici Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR voivodship granice (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Indeks nosivosti voivodship ceste â EUR 100 kN/axis.DW 559 osigurava povezanost regije sa sustavom vanjske komunikacije (povezan s mrežom TEN-T preko DK 67 u Lipnu). Osim toga, cesta će poboljšati vezu između Toruša i PÅoka (putem DK br. 10) te između okružnog centra Lipno i PÅock. (Croatian)
26 July 2022
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Proiectul prevede reconstrucția DW nr. 559 pe tronsonul Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR frontiera voievodatului (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Indicele capacității de încărcare a drumului voievodatului â EUR 100 kN/axis.DW 559 asigură conectivitatea regiunii cu sistemul de comunicații externe (conectat la rețeaua TEN-T prin DK 67 în Lipno). În plus, drumul va îmbunătăți legătura dintre ToruÅ și PÅock (prin DK nr. 10) și între centrul districtului Lipno și PÅock. (Romanian)
26 July 2022
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Projekt predpokladá rekonštrukciu DW č. 559 na úseku Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR vojvodstvo hranice (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Index nosnosti cesty vojvodstva 100 kN/axis.DW 559 zabezpečuje prepojenie regiónu s externým komunikačným systémom (napojeným na sieť TEN-T cez DK 67 v Lipne). Okrem toho cesta zlepší spojenie medzi ToruÅ a PÅock (prostredníctvom DK č. 10) a medzi okresným centrom Lipno a PÅock. (Slovak)
26 July 2022
0 references
Il-proġett jipprevedi r-rikostruzzjoni ta ‘DW Nru 559 fuq is-sezzjoni Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy EUR voivodship fruntiera (22.093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: L-indiċi kapaċità tat-tagħbija tat-triq voivodship EUR 100 kN/axis.DW 559 jiżgura l-konnettività tar-reġjun mas-sistema ta ‘komunikazzjoni esterna (konnessa man-netwerk TEN-T permezz DK 67 fil Lipno). Barra minn hekk, it-triq se ttejjeb il-konnessjoni bejn ToruÅ u PÅock (permezz tad-DK Nru 10) u bejn iċ-ċentru distrettwali ta’ Lipno u PÅock. (Maltese)
26 July 2022
0 references
O projeto prevê a reconstrução do DW n.º 559 na secção Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy âEUR voivodship fronteira (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: O índice de capacidade de carga da estrada voivodship — 100 kN/eixo.DW 559 assegura a conectividade da região com o sistema de comunicação externa (ligado à rede RTE-T através de DK 67 em Lipno). Além disso, a estrada melhorará a ligação entre ToruÅ e PÅock (através da DK n.º 10) e entre o centro distrital de Lipno e PÅock. (Portuguese)
26 July 2022
0 references
Hankkeessa suunnitellaan DW:n nro 559 kunnostamista Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowyn voivodikunnan rajalla (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Voivodship road â 100 kN/axis.DW 559 -tien kantavuusindeksillä varmistetaan alueen yhteydet ulkoiseen viestintäjärjestelmään (liittyy Euroopan laajuiseen liikenneverkkoon Lipnon DK 67:n kautta). Lisäksi tie parantaa ToruÅn ja PÅockin välistä yhteyttä (DKN:n nro 10 kautta) sekä Lipnon ja PÅockin piirikeskuksen välistä yhteyttä. (Finnish)
26 July 2022
0 references
Projekt predvideva obnovo DW št. 559 na odseku Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR meja vojvodstva (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Indeks nosilnosti voivodship ceste 100 kN/axis.DW 559 zagotavlja povezljivost regije z zunanjim komunikacijskim sistemom (povezan z omrežjem TEN-T prek DK 67 v Lipnu). Poleg tega bo cesta izboljšala povezavo med Toružem in PÅockom (prek DK št. 10) ter med okrožnim središčem Lipno in PÅockom. (Slovenian)
26 July 2022
0 references
Projekt předpokládá rekonstrukci DW č. 559 na úseku Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy › hranice vojvodství (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Index únosnosti vojvodské silnice â EUR 100 kN/osa.DW 559 zajišťuje propojení regionu s externím komunikačním systémem (připojeným k síti TEN-T přes DK 67 na Lipně). Kromě toho silnice zlepší spojení mezi ToruÅ a PÅock (přes DK č. 10) a mezi okresním centrem Lipno a PÅockem. (Czech)
26 July 2022
0 references
Projekte numatyta rekonstruoti DW Nr. 559 ruože Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy vaivadijos siena (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Vaivadijos kelio krovumo indeksas 100 kN/axis.DW 559 užtikrina regiono ryšį su išorės ryšio sistema (prijungta prie TEN-T tinklo per DK 67 Lipno). Be to, kelias pagerins susisiekimą tarp ToruÅ ir PÅock (per DK Nr. 10) ir tarp Lipno ir PÅock rajono centro. (Lithuanian)
26 July 2022
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Projekts paredz rekonstruēt DW Nr. 559 posmā Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR voivodship robeža (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Vojevodistes ceļa kravnesības indekss 100 EUR kN/ass.DW 559 nodrošina reģiona savienojamību ar ārējo sakaru sistēmu (savienots ar TEN-T tīklu caur DK 67 Lipno). Turklāt ceļš uzlabos savienojumu starp ToruÅ un PÅock (caur DK Nr. 10) un starp rajona centru Lipno un PÅock. (Latvian)
26 July 2022
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Проектът предвижда реконструкция на DW № 559 в участъка Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR войводство граница (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Индексът на товароносимост на воеводския път â EUR 100 kN/axis.DW 559 осигурява свързаността на региона със системата за външна комуникация (свързана с мрежата TEN-T чрез DK 67 в Липно). Освен това пътят ще подобри връзката между ToruÅ и PÅock (чрез DK № 10) и между областния център Lipno и PÅock. (Bulgarian)
26 July 2022
0 references
A projekt az 559. sz. DW felújítását tervezi a Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy határszakaszon (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: A vajdasági közút terhelhetőségi mutatója â EUR 100 kN/tengely.DW 559 biztosítja a régió összeköttetését a külső kommunikációs rendszerrel (a TEN-T hálózathoz Lipnóban a DK 67-en keresztül csatlakozik). Ezen túlmenően az út javítja ToruÅ és PÅock (a DK 10. számán keresztül), valamint a Lipno és PÅock járásközpont közötti összeköttetést. (Hungarian)
26 July 2022
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Tá sé beartaithe ag an tionscadal go ndéanfar DW Uimh 559 a atógáil ar an gcuid Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR teorann voivodship (22.093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: An t-innéacs acmhainne ualaigh an bhóthair voivodship â EUR 100 kN/axis.DW 559 Cinntíonn an nascacht an réigiúin leis an gcóras cumarsáide seachtrach (nasctha leis an ngréasán TEN-T trí DK 67 i Lipno). Ina theannta sin, feabhsóidh an bóthar an nasc idir ToruÅ agus PÅock (via DK No 10) agus idir an t-ionad ceantair Lipno agus PÅock. (Irish)
26 July 2022
0 references
Projektet avser återuppbyggnad av DW nr 559 på sträckan Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy â EUR vojvodskapsgränsen (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Belastningsindexet för vojvodskapets väg â100 kN/axel.DW 559 säkerställer regionens anslutning till det externa kommunikationssystemet (ansluten till TEN-T-nätet via DK 67 i Lipno). Dessutom kommer vägen att förbättra förbindelsen mellan ToruÅ och PÅock (via DK nr 10) och mellan stadskärnan Lipno och PÅock. (Swedish)
26 July 2022
0 references
Projekt näeb ette DW nr 559 rekonstrueerimise Lipno-KemieÅ Kotowy vojevoodkonna piiril (22,093 km). The intersection of the roads of the transport of the roads- the construction of the transport of the roads is the preparation of the transport of the roads and the construction of the transport of the roads,- the construction of the roads and the culverts under them,- construction of road lighting was the construction of the roads;- alteration of the roads of the roads, the erecting of the roadways, and the implementation of 6 new for the preservation of migration of amphibians and animals,-- demolition of the roads in the carcass-increase of the transport of the roads- to increase the construction of the existing roads- the construction of the existing surfaces,- the implementation of the binding and abrasive layers,- conversion of roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of DW541 with the construction of the roads- the construction of walking- bicycles, the construction of the roads of the transport of the transport is the preparation of 6 new for the preservation of the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads was the construction of the roads of the roads-construction-construction-increasurance-construction- alternating of the roads of the roads-involunting of the roads to the maintenance of the roads, the construction of the roads of the obstruction, and the implementation of 6 new for the migration of amphibians and animals,- the construction of the roads of the roads- demolition of the roads was- demolition of the roads of the roads- to increase the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads and to the maintenance of the transport of the animals of the animals and animals of the animals, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the roads of the recreation-, the construction of the roads to the roads- to the transport of the roads- to be- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- to the transport of the roads, the construction of the roads of the roads- to the maintenance of the transport of the roads- and the maintenance of the roads of the roads to be reduced-discreation of the roads of the roads-discreate-conversion of the roads- to-the-construction-construction of the existing roads-construction of the existing surfaces,- the construction of the binding and abrasion layer,--conversion of the roads to the intersection of the roads to the intersection DW559 with the intersection of the DW541 with DW541- the construction of the roads- the construction of the roads- the construction of the bicycles, the construction of the buses is the construction of the bus,- the construction of the bus stations, the construction of the roads and the construction of the roads, and the culmination of the roads under them,- the construction of the roads of the roads- the construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction of the roads-construction-construction-construction-construction of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the transport of the roads of the roads of the roads and the maintenance of the roads of animals and animals, the maintenance of the roads of the animals was- demolition of the roads of the roads was- the altercation of the transport of the roads- the roads of the roads- to-the-construction-construction-construction-construction-conditional-conditional-the-conditional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-construction-conditional-conditional-continental-constructional-conditional-conditional-conditional-the-constructionâ Length of reconstructed voivodship roads â 22.093 km;- result: Vojevoodkonna maantee koormusindeks â EUR 100 kN/telg.DW 559 tagab piirkonna ühenduvuse välise sidesüsteemiga (mis on ühendatud TEN-T võrguga DK 67 kaudu Lipnos). Lisaks parandab tee ühendust ToruÅi ja PÅocki vahel (DK nr 10 kaudu) ning Lipno ja PÅocki ringkonnakeskuse vahel. (Estonian)
26 July 2022
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