DPCT do Cávado 2016 – Technical Support Structure (Q2899722)

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Project Q2899722 in Portugal
Language Label Description Also known as
DPCT do Cávado 2016 – Technical Support Structure
Project Q2899722 in Portugal


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    238,415.0 Euro
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    280,488.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    27 November 2015
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    28 February 2017
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    Q2998437 (Deleted Item)
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    Esta operação vai permitir à CIM Cávado reforçar as capacidades institucionais, técnicas e administrativas, criar os instrumentos de planeamento e gestão estratégica, estimular a cooperação entre municípios como fator chave do desenvolvimento, fomentar a coesão e o equilíbrio do território e consolidar a malha institucional ao nível sub-regional. (Portuguese)
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    This operation will enable CIM Cávado to strengthen institutional, technical and administrative capacities, create strategic planning and management instruments, stimulate cooperation between municipalities as a key factor in development, foster cohesion and territorial balance, and consolidate the institutional network at sub-regional level. (English)
    8 July 2021
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    Cette opération permettra à Cávado CIM de renforcer les capacités institutionnelles, techniques et administratives, de créer des outils de planification et de gestion stratégique, de stimuler la coopération entre les municipalités en tant que facteur clé de développement, de favoriser la cohésion territoriale et l’équilibre et de consolider le réseau institutionnel au niveau sous-régional. (French)
    5 December 2021
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    Diese Maßnahme wird es Cávado CIM ermöglichen, institutionelle, technische und administrative Kapazitäten zu stärken, Planungs- und strategische Managementinstrumente zu schaffen, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Kommunen als Schlüsselfaktor für Entwicklung zu fördern, den territorialen Zusammenhalt und das Gleichgewicht zu fördern und das institutionelle Netz auf subregionaler Ebene zu konsolidieren. (German)
    13 December 2021
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    Deze operatie zal Cávado CIM in staat stellen de institutionele, technische en administratieve capaciteit te versterken, instrumenten voor planning en strategisch beheer te creëren, de samenwerking tussen gemeenten als belangrijke ontwikkelingsfactor te stimuleren, territoriale cohesie en evenwicht te bevorderen en het institutionele netwerk op subregionaal niveau te consolideren. (Dutch)
    19 December 2021
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    Questa operazione consentirà a Cávado CIM di rafforzare le capacità istituzionali, tecniche e amministrative, creare strumenti di pianificazione e gestione strategica, stimolare la cooperazione tra i comuni come fattore chiave di sviluppo, promuovere la coesione territoriale e l'equilibrio e consolidare la rete istituzionale a livello subregionale. (Italian)
    17 January 2022
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