Support for vocational training through the development of Academic Technique 2 (Q2698848)

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Project Q2698848 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for vocational training through the development of Academic Technique 2
Project Q2698848 in Poland


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    698,158.12 zloty
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    155,200.55 Euro
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    821,362.5 zloty
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    182,588.88 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2020
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    30 June 2022
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    51°6'37.4"N, 17°2'6.0"E
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    Projekt pn Wsparcie kształcenia zawodowego poprzez rozwój Technikum Akademickiego zakłada wsparcie uczniów i nauczycieli przedmiotów zawodowych.Projekt realizowany będzie w latach 2020-2022.Celem głównym projektu jest zwiększenie szans na zatrudnienie 40 uczniów i uczennic wieku 16-19 lat (4K i 36M) Technikum Akademickiego we Wrocławiu, kształcących się w zawodach technik logistyk i technik informatyk oraz zwiększenie aktywności zawodowej uczniów, poprzez działania zmierzające do uzupełnienia i wzbogacenia oferty edukacyjnej (staże, szkolenia specjalistyczne) oraz uzyskanie uprawnień aktualnie pożądanych na rynku pracy.Ponadto projekt ma na celu podniesienie praktycznych kompetencji 6 nauczycieli w wieku 30-50 lat (3K, 3M) przedmiotów zawodowych niezbędnych do przekazania uczniom aktualnej wiedzy z branży informatycznej i logistycznej, dostosowanej do wymagań pracodawców.Projekt odpowiada na zdiagnozowany problem, który stanowi brak działań pozwalających na edukację uczniów w środowisku odzwierciedlającym naturalne środowisko zawodowe oraz brak środków finansowych na pokrycie kosztów uzyskania twardych kwalifikacji zwiększających ich szanse na lokalnym rynku pracy, na które zdiagnozowano zapotrzebowanie. Wsparcie projektowe zapewni wypełnienie luki edukacyjnej w zakresie uzupełnienia edukacji zawodowej o moduły dotyczące praktycznych aspektów kształcenia zawodowego również we współpracy ze środowiskiem przedsiębiorców. Projekt zakłada realizację następujących działań:- Doradztwo edukacyjno- zawodowe dla uczniów- Kształcenie nauczycieli- Staże zawodowe u pracodawców- Szkolenia w zakresie dodatkowych uprawnień oraz dodatkowe zajęcia specjalistyczne.Rezultaty projektu:35 uczniów uzyska kwalifikacje w ramach pozaszkolnych form kształcenia1 szkoła zostanie doposażona w sprzęt wykorzystywane w kształceniu w zawodzie6 nauczycieli kształcenia zawodowego o nabędzie kompetencje w zakresie nauczania przedmiotów zawodowych. (Polish)
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    The project entitled Support of vocational education through the development of Academic Technique provides support for students and teachers of vocational subjects. The project will be implemented in the years 2020-2022. The main aim of the project is to increase the employability of 40 students and students aged 16-19 years (4K and 36M) Academic Techniques in Wrocław, who train in professions of logistics and IT techniques, and to increase the professional activity of students, through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Furthermore, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims at increasing the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) by means of activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) to complete and enrich the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtain the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to improve the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years (3K, 3M) with the education and training of the current professional field. Project support will fill the educational gap in supplementing vocational education with modules on practical aspects of vocational training also in cooperation with the business community. The project involves the implementation of the following activities:- Educational and vocational counselling for students- Teacher education- Vocational traineeships at employers- Training in the field of additional entitlements and additional specialised activities.The results of the project:35 students will obtain qualifications as part of out-of-school forms of education1 the school will be equipped with equipment used in education in the profession of 6 vocational education teachers for the acquisition of competences in the field of teaching vocational subjects. (English)
    7 July 2021
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    Le projet intitulé «Soutien de l’enseignement professionnel par le développement des techniques académiques» apporte un soutien aux étudiants et aux enseignants de matières professionnelles. Le projet sera mis en œuvre dans les années 2020-2022. L’objectif principal du projet est d’accroître l’employabilité de 40 étudiants et étudiants âgés de 16 à 19 ans (4K et 36M) Techniques académiques à Wrocław, qui se forment dans les professions de la logistique et des techniques informatiques, et d’accroître l’activité professionnelle des étudiants, par des activités visant à compléter et à enrichir l’offre éducative (formation, formation spécialisée) et à obtenir les droits actuellement souhaités sur le marché du travail. En outre, le projet vise à accroître les compétences pratiques de 6 enseignants âgés de 30 à 50 ans (3K, 3M) par des activités visant à compléter et à enrichir l’offre éducative (formation, formation spécialisée) et à obtenir les droits actuellement souhaités sur le marché du travail. 3M) par des activités visant à compléter et à enrichir l’offre éducative (formation, formation spécialisée) et à obtenir les qualifications actuelles souhaitées sur le marché du travail. En outre, le projet vise à accroître les compétences pratiques de 6 enseignants âgés de 30 à 50 ans (3K, 3M) par des activités visant à compléter et à enrichir l’offre éducative (formation, formation spécialisée) et à obtenir les qualifications actuelles souhaitées sur le marché du travail. 3M) par le biais d’activités visant à compléter et à enrichir l’offre éducative (formation, formation spécialisée) et à obtenir les droits actuellement souhaités sur le marché du travail. En outre, le projet vise à accroître les compétences pratiques de 6 enseignants âgés de 30 à 50 ans (3K, 3M) par des activités visant à compléter et à enrichir l’offre éducative (formation, formation spécialisée) et à obtenir les qualifications actuelles souhaitées sur le marché du travail. 3M) pour compléter et enrichir l’offre éducative (formation, formation spécialisée) et obtenir les qualifications actuelles souhaitées sur le marché du travail. En outre, le projet vise à accroître les compétences pratiques de 6 enseignants âgés de 30 à 50 ans (3K, 3M) par des activités visant à compléter et à enrichir l’offre éducative (formation, formation spécialisée) et à obtenir les qualifications actuelles souhaitées sur le marché du travail. L’aide au projet comblera le déficit éducatif en complétant l’enseignement professionnel par des modules sur les aspects pratiques de la formation professionnelle, également en coopération avec les milieux d’affaires. Le projet comprend la mise en œuvre des activités suivantes:- Conseil éducatif et professionnel pour les étudiants- Formation des enseignants- Stages professionnels auprès des employeurs- Formation dans le domaine des droits supplémentaires et activités spécialisées supplémentaires.Les résultats du projet:35 étudiants obtiendront des qualifications dans le cadre de formes d’enseignement extrascolaires1 l’école sera équipée d’équipements utilisés dans l’enseignement dans la profession de 6 enseignants de l’enseignement professionnel pour l’acquisition de compétences dans le domaine de l’enseignement des matières professionnelles. (French)
    4 December 2021
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    The project entitled Support of vocational education through the development of Academic Technique provides support for students and teachers of vocational subjects. The project will be implemented in the years 2020-2022. The main aim of the project is to increase the employability of 40 students and students aged 16-19 years (4K and 36M) Academic Techniques in Wrocław, who train in professions of logistics and IT techniques, and to increase the professional activity of students, through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Furthermore, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims at increasing the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) by means of activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) to complete and enrich the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtain the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to improve the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years (3K, 3M) with the education and training of the current professional field. Durch die Projektförderung wird die Bildungslücke bei der Ergänzung der beruflichen Bildung durch Module zu praktischen Aspekten der Berufsbildung auch in Zusammenarbeit mit der Wirtschaft geschlossen. Das Projekt umfasst die Durchführung folgender Aktivitäten:- Bildungs- und Berufsberatung für Studenten- Lehrerausbildung- Berufspraktikum bei Arbeitgebern- Ausbildung im Bereich der zusätzlichen Ansprüche und zusätzliche spezialisierte Tätigkeiten.Die Ergebnisse des Projekts:35 Studenten erwerben Qualifikationen im Rahmen der außerschulischen Formen der Bildung1 die Schule mit Geräten ausgestattet werden, die in der Ausbildung im Beruf von 6 Berufsbildungslehrern zum Erwerb von Kompetenzen im Bereich der Lehrberufe eingesetzt werden. (German)
    14 December 2021
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    The project entitled Support of vocational education through the development of Academic Technique provides support for students and teachers of vocational subjects. The project will be implemented in the years 2020-2022. The main aim of the project is to increase the employability of 40 students and students aged 16-19 years (4K and 36M) Academic Techniques in Wrocław, who train in professions of logistics and IT techniques, and to increase the professional activity of students, through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Furthermore, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims at increasing the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at supplementing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) by means of activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtaining the rights currently desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialised training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) to complete and enrich the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtain the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to increase the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years old (3K, 3M) through activities aimed at completing and enriching the educational offer (training, specialist training) and obtaining the current qualifications desired on the labour market. Moreover, the project aims to improve the practical competences of 6 teachers aged 30-50 years (3K, 3M) with the education and training of the current professional field. De projectondersteuning zal de onderwijskloof bij het aanvullen van het beroepsonderwijs vullen met modules over praktische aspecten van beroepsopleiding, ook in samenwerking met het bedrijfsleven. Het project omvat de uitvoering van de volgende activiteiten:- Onderwijs- en beroepsadvies voor studenten- Leraaronderwijs- Beroepsstages bij werkgevers- Opleiding op het gebied van aanvullende rechten en aanvullende gespecialiseerde activiteiten.De resultaten van het project:35 studenten zullen kwalificaties verwerven in het kader van buitenschoolse vormen van onderwijs1 de school zal worden uitgerust met apparatuur die wordt gebruikt in het onderwijs in het beroep van 6 leerkrachten in het beroepsonderwijs voor de verwerving van competenties op het gebied van het onderwijzen van vakvakken. (Dutch)
    18 December 2021
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