Purchase of school tablets and other IT equipment for equipping schools within Jimbolia City, Timis County (Q3131599)

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Project Q3131599 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Purchase of school tablets and other IT equipment for equipping schools within Jimbolia City, Timis County
Project Q3131599 in Romania


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    2,399,264.92 Romanian Leu
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    479,852.98 Euro
    15 June 2021
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    2,822,664.61 Romanian Leu
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    564,532.92 Euro
    15 June 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 October 2021
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    30 September 2022
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    45°47'30.23"N, 20°43'6.13"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie asigurarea accesului elevilor la procesul de invatare in mediul on-line si cresterea gradului de participare la procesul educational a populatiei de varsta scolara din orasul Jimbolia.O infrastructura scolara moderna si dotata cu echipamente IT care sa sustina baza tehnica necesara derularii invatamantului on-line va asigura un proces educational la standarde europene, va creste participarea copiilor la actul educational, contribuind totodata si la atingerea obiectivelor orizontale in domeniul egalitatii de sanse, protejarea mediului si dezvoltare durabila, prevenind astfel riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, fapt care ar pune în pericol desfășurarea în condiții normale a tuturor activităților didactice necesare procesului de învățământ .Importanta obiectivului de investitii deriva din necesitatea punerii la dispozitie a resurselor materiale necesare asigurarii de dotari adecvate desfasurarii activitatilor educationale on-line, impunandu-se astfel investitii in echiparea infrastructurii educationale din invatamantul preuniversitar.Pentru indeplinirea obiectivului general al proiectului se vor realiza activitati de dotare a elevilor si profesorilor care activeaza in cadrul scolilor de pe raza Unitatii Administrativ Teritoriale Oras Jimbolia, respectiv Liceul Tehnologic Jimbolia si Scoala Gimnaziala Jimbolia, cu echipamente mobile din domeniul tehnologiei informației de tipul tabletelor școlare, precum și a altor echipamente/dispozitive electronice IT, acest aspect conducand la reducerea ratei abandonului scolar, reducerea nivelului rezultatelor slabe la invatatura si impiedicarea dezvoltarii unui comportament delincvent in randul elevilor. (Romanian)
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    L’objectif général du projet est de garantir l’accès des élèves au processus d’apprentissage dans l’environnement en ligne et d’accroître la participation au processus éducatif de la population scolaire de la ville de Jimbolia.Une infrastructure scolaire moderne et équipée d’équipements informatiques pour soutenir la base technique nécessaire de l’éducation en ligne assurera un processus éducatif conforme aux normes européennes, augmentera la participation des enfants à la loi éducative, contribuant également à la réalisation des objectifs horizontaux dans le domaine de l’égalité des chances, de la protection de l’environnement et du développement durable, prévenant ainsi le risque d’infection par les activités éducatives pertinentes dans le domaine de l’éducation. (French)
    27 November 2021
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    The general objective of the project is to ensure students’ access to the learning process in the online environment and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Jimbolia city.A modern school infrastructure and equipped with IT equipment to support the necessary technical basis of the online education will ensure an educational process at European standards, will increase the participation of children in the educational act, also contributing to the achievement of the horizontal objectives in the field of equality of chances, protecting the environment and sustainable development, thus preventing the risk of infection with the relevant educational activities in the field of education. (English)
    29 November 2021
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    Allgemeines Ziel des Projekts ist es, den Zugang der Schüler zum Lernprozess im Online-Umfeld zu gewährleisten und die Teilnahme am Bildungsprozess der Schulbevölkerung in der Stadt Jimbolia zu erhöhen.Eine moderne Schulinfrastruktur und ausgestattet mit IT-Ausstattung zur Unterstützung der notwendigen technischen Grundlagen der Online-Schulung wird einen Bildungsprozess nach europäischen Standards gewährleisten, die Teilnahme von Kindern an dem Bildungsgesetz erhöhen und auch zur Erreichung der horizontalen Ziele auf dem Gebiet der Chancengleichheit, zum Schutz der Umwelt und der nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen und damit das Risiko einer Infektion mit den einschlägigen Bildungsaktivitäten im Bildungsbereich verhindern. (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van het project is ervoor te zorgen dat studenten toegang hebben tot het leerproces in de online-omgeving en de deelname aan het onderwijsproces van de schoolbevolking in Jimbolia-stad te vergroten.Een moderne schoolinfrastructuur en uitgerust met IT-apparatuur ter ondersteuning van de noodzakelijke technische basis van het online-onderwijs zal zorgen voor een onderwijsproces volgens Europese normen, de deelname van kinderen aan de educatieve handeling vergroten en ook bijdragen tot de verwezenlijking van de horizontale doelstellingen op het gebied van gelijke kansen, bescherming van het milieu en duurzame ontwikkeling, waardoor het risico van besmetting met de relevante educatieve activiteiten op het gebied van onderwijs wordt voorkomen. (Dutch)
    6 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di garantire l'accesso degli studenti al processo di apprendimento nell'ambiente online e di aumentare la partecipazione al processo educativo della popolazione scolastica nella città di Jimbolia. Un'infrastruttura scolastica moderna e dotata di attrezzature informatiche a sostegno della necessaria base tecnica dell'istruzione online garantirà un processo educativo a livello europeo, aumenterà la partecipazione dei bambini all'atto educativo, contribuendo anche al conseguimento degli obiettivi orizzontali in materia di parità di opportunità, protezione dell'ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile, prevenendo così il rischio di infezione con le pertinenti attività educative nel settore dell'istruzione. (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    Oraş Jimbolia,Timiş,Vest,România
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