Provision of activities for the management and implementation of OP SESG (Q3866415)
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Project Q3866415 in Bulgaria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Provision of activities for the management and implementation of OP SESG |
Project Q3866415 in Bulgaria |
6,126,611.3 Bulgarian lev
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7,207,778.0 Bulgarian lev
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0.85 percent
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19 January 2016
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8 October 2020
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Основната цел на дейността е да се създадат и въведат адекватни и ефективни системи при управлението и изпълнението на Оперативна програма "Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж" 2014-2020, чрез използване на външна експертна помощ и експертна оценка. Целта на дейността е и да се осигури провеждането на независими външни оценки на Оперативната програма, както и изграждането и поддържането на вътрешна система за текущо наблюдение и контрол на нейното изпълнение. (Bulgarian)
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The main objective of the activity is to create and implement adequate and effective systems in the management and implementation of Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth” 2014-2020, using external expertise and expert assessment. The objective of the activity is also to ensure that independent external evaluations of the Operational Programme are carried out, as well as the establishment and maintenance of an internal system for the ongoing monitoring and control of its implementation. (English)
2 December 2021
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L’objectif principal de l’activité est de créer et de mettre en œuvre des systèmes adéquats et efficaces dans la gestion et la mise en œuvre du programme opérationnel «Science et éducation pour une croissance intelligente» 2014-2020, en faisant appel à l’expertise externe et à l’évaluation d’experts. L’objectif de l’activité est également de veiller à ce que des évaluations externes indépendantes du programme opérationnel soient réalisées, ainsi qu’à la mise en place et à la maintenance d’un système interne de suivi et de contrôle continus de sa mise en œuvre. (French)
3 December 2021
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Hauptziel der Maßnahme ist die Schaffung und Umsetzung angemessener und wirksamer Systeme für die Verwaltung und Durchführung des operationellen Programms „Wissenschaft und Bildung für intelligentes Wachstum“ 2014-2020 unter Verwendung von externem Fachwissen und Expertenbewertung. Ziel der Maßnahme ist auch die Durchführung unabhängiger externer Evaluierungen des operationellen Programms sowie die Einrichtung und Pflege eines internen Systems für die laufende Überwachung und Kontrolle seiner Durchführung. (German)
4 December 2021
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