Sustainable apricot farm (Q3844312)

From EU Knowledge Graph
Revision as of 13:39, 2 December 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): A young farmer who is engaged in the cultivation of perennial crops — apricots — has applied for this project. The increase of the holding will be done by planting new apricot areas. During the implementation, an investment is planned — the purchase of a professional cutter for the maintenance of orchards. After the realisation of this business plan, the expected result is to make the business of Boyan Yordanov more competitive on the local and...)
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Project Q3844312 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Sustainable apricot farm
Project Q3844312 in Bulgaria


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    44,005.5 Bulgarian lev
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    22,442.81 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    48,895.0 Bulgarian lev
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    24,936.45 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    0.9 percent
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    30 December 2020
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    30 June 2025
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    С този проект кандидатства млад земеделски стопанин, който се занимава с отглеждане на трайни насаждения - кайсии. Увеличението на стопанството ще бъде осъществено посредством засаждане на нови площи с кайсии. По време на изпълнението е планирана инвестиция – закупуване на професионална кастрачка за поддръжка на овощни насаждения. След реализиране на този бизнес план, очакваният резултат е Стопанството на Боян Йорданов да стане по-конкурентно на местния и регионален пазар. Той ще стопанисва по-голяма площ трайни насаждения на различна възраст и с различна сортова структура, което ще му позволи да осигурява сезонна заетост за район с висока безработица в страната, ще продължи да реализира продукцията към краен потребител или близкия румънски пазар. (Bulgarian)
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    A young farmer who is engaged in the cultivation of perennial crops — apricots — has applied for this project. The increase of the holding will be done by planting new apricot areas. During the implementation, an investment is planned — the purchase of a professional cutter for the maintenance of orchards. After the realisation of this business plan, the expected result is to make the business of Boyan Yordanov more competitive on the local and regional market. It will operate a larger area of permanent crops of different ages and different varietal structures, which will allow him to provide seasonal employment for an area with high unemployment in the country, continue to sell the production to the final consumer or the nearby Romanian market. (English)
    2 December 2021
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    с.Професор Иширково
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