FARMAPract-Integrated activities of practice and professional guidance for Pharmacy, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialisations (Q3096628)
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Project Q3096628 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | FARMAPract-Integrated activities of practice and professional guidance for Pharmacy, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialisations |
Project Q3096628 in Romania |
1,339,417.929 Romanian Leu
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1,575,785.79 Romanian Leu
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315,157.15800000005 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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85.0 percent
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13 December 2018
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12 February 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie cresterea gradului de insertie pe piata muncii a 180 de absolventi ai Facultatii de Farmacie din cadrul Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie ”Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca (studenti inmatriculati in anul IV si studenti inmatriculati in anul II), prin accesul la activitati integrate constand in stagii de pregatire practica, sesiuni de consiliere si orientare in cariera axate pe dezvoltarea de competente in domeniile Farmacie, Nutritie si Dietetica si activitati de interventie in comunitate. Prin diversificarea optiunilor de efectuare de catre studenti a unor de stagii de practica in farmacii comunitare si de spital, depozite farmaceutice, laboratoare (toxicologie, chimie sanitara), industrie (companii avand ca activitate: productia de medicamente si suplimente alimentare, fitoterapie, homeopatie, cosmetice, cabinete de nutritie, unitati de alimentatie publica, sali de sport), sansele de angajare pentru absolventii Facultatii de Farmacie vor creste substantial. Deopotriva, orientarea activitatilor de consiliere profesionala inspre dezvoltarea abilitatilor de comunicare vine in sprijinul studentilor, atat timp cat se accepta ca dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare este esentiala, comunicarea avand la baza relatia farmacist-client sau dietetician-client. Astfel, se creeaza premisele angajarii a cel putin 80 de absolventi. Diversificarea ofertei pentru derularea stagiilor de practica in functie de dinamica pietei muncii cu sprijinul asociației profesionale Colegiul Farmacistilor din Cluj, incheierea acordurilor privind derularea stagiilor de practica pe o perioada de cel putin doi ani, imbunatatirea programelor analitice de practica profesionala pentru cele doua specialitati (Farmacie si Nutritie si dietetica) prin accentuarea abilitatilor de comunicare, precum si activitatile de interventie in comunitate (campaniile de constientizare „Testeaza-ti sanatatea si ai grija de ea!”, „Creste armonios mancand sanatos” si “Utilizarea responsabilaa medicamentelor”) vor genera un efect pe termen lung atat la nivelul facultatii, cat si la nivelul comunitatii clujene, constituind un punct esential in continuarea demersurilor Facultatii de Farmacie de a-si adapta programele de studiu pentru piata muncii. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase the insertion into the labor market of 180 graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca (students registered in the fourth year and students registered in the second year), through access to integrated activities consisting of practical training internships, counseling and career guidance sessions focused on developing competences in the fields of Pharmacy, Nutrition and Dietetics and community intervention activities. By diversifying the options for students to perform internships in community and hospital pharmacies, pharmaceutical warehouses, laboratories (toxicology, sanitary chemistry), industry (companies having as activity: production of medicines and food supplements, phytotherapy, homeopathy, cosmetics, nutrition offices, public nutrition units, gyms), the chances of employment for graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy will increase substantially. On the contrary, the orientation of professional counseling activities towards the development of communication skills helps students, as long as it is accepted that the development of communication skills is essential, communication based on the pharmacist-client relationship or dietitian-client relationship. Thus, the premises for employing at least 80 graduates are created. Diversifying the offer for internships according to the dynamics of the labor market with the support of the professional association College of Pharmacists in Cluj, concluding the agreements on carrying out internships for a period of at least two years, improving the analytical programs of professional practice for the two specialties (Pharmacy and Nutrition and Dietetics) by emphasising the communication skills, as well as the activities of intervention in the community (the awareness campaigns “Test your health and care for it!”, “Create harmoniously eating healthy eating” and “Responsible use of medicines”) will generate an effect on the level of study on the long term, on the level of the program, for the continuation of the community, in order to achieve healthy eating and “Responsible use of drugs” will generate an effect on the level of labor, on the long term, the programs for the continuation of the community, in order to achieve healthy eating, and the “Responsible use of medicines” will generate an effect on the labor market, on the basis of the support of the professional association, the College of Pharmacists in Cluj, the conclusion of the agreements on carrying out internships for a period of at least two years, improving the analytical programs of professional practice for the two specialties (Pharmacy and Nutrition and Dietetics) by emphasising communication skills, as well as the activities of intervention in the community (the awareness campaigns “Test your health and care for it!”, “Create harmoniously eating healthy eating” and “Responsible use of drugs”) will generate an effect on the level of study on the long term, on the level of the community, on the basis of the labor market, with the support of the College of Pharmacies in Cluj, concluding agreements on carrying out internships for a period of at least two years, improving the analytical programs of professional practice for the two specialties (Pharmacy and Nutrition and Dietetics). (English)
14 September 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie cresterea gradului de insertie pe piata muncii a 180 de absolventi ai Facultatii de Farmacie din cadrul Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie«Iuliu Hatieganu» Cluj-Napoca (studenti inmatriculati in anul IV si studentsi inmatriculati in anul II), prin accesul la activitati intégrer constand in stagii de Pregatire practica, sesiuni de Consiliere si orientare in cariera axate pe dezvoltarea de competente in Domeniile Farmacie, Nutritie si Dietetica si activitati de Interventie in Comunitate. Prin diversificarea optiunilor de efectuare de catre studentsi a unor de stagii de practica in Farmacii comunitare si de spital, depozite farmaceutice, laboratoare (Toxicologie, chimie Sanitara), industrie (companii Avand ca activitate: productia de medicamente si suplimente alimentare, fitoterapie, homéopatie, cosmétique, cabinete de nutritie, unitati de Alimentatie publica, sali de sport), sansele de angajare pentru absolventii Facultatii de Farmacie vor creste substantielle. Deopotriva, orientarea activitatilor de Consiliere profesionala inspre dezvoltarea abilitatilor de comunicare vine in sprijinul Studentilor, atat timp chat se accepta ca dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare este esentiala, comunicarea Avand la baza relatia farmacist-client sau diététicien-client. Astfel, se creeaza premisele angajarii a cel putin 80 de absolventi. Diversificarea ofertei pentru derularea stagiilor de practica in functie de dinamica Pietei muncii cu sprijinul Asociației profesionale Colegiul Farmacistilor din Cluj, incheierea acordurilor privind derularea stagiilor de practica pe o perioada de cel putin doi ani, imbunatatirea programelor analitice de practica profesionala pentru cele doua specialitati (Farmacie si Nutritie si dietetica) prin accentuarea abilitatilor de comunicare, precum si activitatile de Interventie in Comunitate (campaniile de constientizare «Testeaza-ti Sanatatea si ai grija de ea!», «Creste armonios mancand Sanatos» si «utilizarea responsabilaa Medicamentelor») vor genera un efect pe termen lung atat la nivelul facultatii, cat si la nivelul comunitatii clujene, constituind un punct esential in continuarea demersurilor Facultatii de Farmacie de a-si adapta programele de studiu pentru piata muncii. (French)
26 November 2021
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Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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