Financing of wage expenses, non-employment remuneration for IA staff and publicity in the framework of the implementation of the OPVaI for 2018 (Q3101671)

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Project Q3101671 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Financing of wage expenses, non-employment remuneration for IA staff and publicity in the framework of the implementation of the OPVaI for 2018
Project Q3101671 in Slovakia


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    118,797.01 Euro
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    4,146,492.53 Euro
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    2.86 percent
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    1 January 2018
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    1 December 2018
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    Výskumná agentúra
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    48°8'31.99"N, 17°11'4.31"E
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    Projekt Financovanie mzdových výdavkov, odmien mimo pracovného pomeru za zamestnancov VA a publicity v rámci implementácie OPVaI na rok 2018 je projektom Technickej pomoci VA v rámci OP Výskum a inovácie. Cieľom projektu je podpora efektívnej implementácie Operačného programu Výskum a inovácie prostredníctvom aktivít zameraných na financovanie miezd a odvodov zamestnancov participujúcich na implementácii Operačného programu Výskum a inovácie v rámci VA ako aj na financovanie odmien a odvodov zamestnancov mimopracovného pomeru, ktorí sa podieľajú na implementácii OPVaI, ako aj na výdavky na mzdy a odvody zamestnancov VA a odmeny a odvody zamestnancov mimo pracovného pomeru v rámci OP Výskum a vývoj, nakoľko je možné v zmysle Nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) č.1303/2013, článku "technická pomoc členských štátov" využiť prostriedky aj na ukončovanie pomoci z PO 2007-2013, ako aj na výdavky spojené s publicitou v rámci implementácie OPVaI. (Slovak)
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    The project “Financing of payroll expenditure, out-of-employment remuneration for IA employees and publicity in the framework of the implementation of the OPVaI for 2018” is a technical assistance project for the IA under the Research and Innovation OP. The aim of the project is to support the effective implementation of the Operational Programme Research and Innovation through activities aimed at financing salaries and contributions of staff involved in the implementation of the Operational Programme Research and Innovation within the framework of the Research and Development Programme, as well as the remuneration and contributions of non-employment employees involved in the implementation of the OPVaI, as well as expenditure on salaries and contributions of staff outside employment within the framework of OP Research and Development, in so far as it is possible under Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Article “Technical Assistance of the Member States”, to use funds also for the closure of assistance from the 2007-2013 PO, as well as for publicity expenditure in the framework of the implementation of the OPVaI. (English)
    28 September 2021
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