SMART Entrepreneurs – Young Responsible, ambitious, Motivated, Successful (Q3097007)

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Project Q3097007 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
SMART Entrepreneurs – Young Responsible, ambitious, Motivated, Successful
Project Q3097007 in Romania


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    10,576,088.8 Romanian Leu
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    2,115,217.7600000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    12,442,457.4 Romanian Leu
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    2,488,491.48 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 November 2017
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    30 November 2020
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    43°58'12.79"N, 25°19'43.86"E
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    44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    44°51'26.03"N, 24°52'18.98"E
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    44°56'30.30"N, 26°1'25.14"E
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    44°55'36.37"N, 25°27'46.15"E
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    44°33'48.96"N, 27°21'42.66"E
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    45°16'25.57"N, 25°2'47.69"E
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    Obiectivul general este sustinerea antreprenoriatului si a ocuparii pe cont propriu prin furnizarea de programe de formare profesionala in vederea infiintarii de intreprinderi cu profil non-agricol in mediul urban si crearea de noi locuri de munca, cu efecte pozitive pe termen lung in privinta dezvoltarii mediului antreprenorial din regiunea Sud-Muntenia. Proiectul contribuie totodata la promovarea culturii antreprenoriale, dar şi la dezvoltarea abilitatilor membrilor GT de a identifica in mod realist si de a aplica in practica idei de afaceri, cu efecte pozitive pe termen lung in privinta cresterii gradului de ocupare pe cont propriu din regiunea Sud-Muntenia. In mod concret, se vor aplica masuri profesioniste de formare in domeniul antreprenoriatului pt 350 de persoane din regiunea de implementare, vizand cresterea nivelului de ocupare si cresterea directa a nivelui de trai al acestora. Astfel, proiectul contribuie la atingerea obiectivului Strategiei Nationale pt Ocuparea Fortei de Munca 2014-2020, unde se mentioneaza cresterea ratei de ocupare a populatiei cu varsta cuprinsa intre 20-64 de ani. Proiectul va avea in vedere: - educatia antreprenoriala in vederea dezvoltarii abilitatilor antreprenoriale pentru infiintarea de firme sau angajare pe cont propriu; - minim 300 de persoane din cele inregistrate in grupul tinta vor obtine certificate de absolvire recunoscute de ANC; - organizarea unei competitii de planuri de afaceri in vederea finantarii unui numar de 42 dintre acestea; - sprijin in vederea infiintarii si finantarea unui numar de 42 firme prin acordarea unei subventii sub forma de ajutor de minimis in valoare de pana la 40.000 euro pentru fiecare firma; - sustinerea si dezvoltarea spritului antreprenorial prin activitati de mentorat/consultanta; - crearea a minim 84 de noi locuri de munca; - sprijinirea dezvoltarii afacerilor infiintate si urmarirea sustenabilitatii acestora; - sustinerea si promovarea intreprinderilor nou infiintate prin intermediul unui portal si organizarea de evenimente de promovare, in timpul proiectului si cel putin 12 luni dupa finalizarea implementarii proiectului; - efectuarea unei analize si realizarea unui studiu privind impactul programelor de sprijinire a antreprenoriatului asupra mediului de afaceri in regiunea Sud Muntenia. La competitia de planuri de afaceri organizata in cadrul proiectului se vor putea inscrie toti membrii grupului tinta, dar si persoane din publicul larg. Un juriu, din care vor face parte reprezentanti ai mediului de afaceri/patronate din regiunea de implementare a proiectului, precum si consultanti antreprenoriali din partea Solicitantului va selecta cele 42 de planuri de afaceri noi ce vor fi finantate prin proiect. Prin metodologia de selectie se va urmari ca cel putin cate 2 firme sa fie selectate pe fiecare judet din regiunea de implementare (Arges, Dambovita, Prahova, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Ialomita), iar 25% dintre acestea vor promova concret utilizarea si cali (Romanian)
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    The general objective is to support entrepreneurship and self-employment by providing vocational training programs in order to set up enterprises with a non-agricultural profile in the urban environment and create new jobs, with long-term positive effects in terms of developing the entrepreneurial environment in the South-Muntenia region. The project also contributes to promoting the entrepreneurial culture, but also to developing the skills of GT members to realistically identify and apply business ideas in practice, with positive long-term effects in terms of increasing the employment rate on their own in the South-Muntenia region. In particular, professional training measures in the field of entrepreneurship will be applied for 350 people in the implementation region, aiming at increasing the employment level and directly increasing their standard of living. Thus, the project contributes to the achievement of the objective of the National Strategy for Employment of the Labour Force 2014-2020, which mentions the increase in the employment rate of the population aged 20-64. The project will take into account: entrepreneurship education in order to develop entrepreneurial skills for setting up companies or self-employment; — at least 300 persons from those registered in the target group will obtain graduation certificates recognised by the NCA; — organising a competition of business plans in order to finance 42 of them; support for the establishment and financing of 42 companies by granting a grant in the form of de minimis aid of up to EUR 40 000 per company; — supporting and developing entrepreneurial growth through mentoring/consultancy activities; creation of a minimum of 84 new jobs; — supporting the development of established businesses and pursuing their sustainability; — supporting and promoting the newly established enterprises through a portal and organising promotional events, during the project and at least 12 months after the completion of the project implementation; — carrying out an analysis and carrying out a study on the impact of entrepreneurship support programs on the business environment in the South Muntenia region. The competition of business plans organised within the project will be able to enroll all members of the target group, as well as people from the general public. A jury, including representatives of the business environment/employees from the project implementation region, as well as entrepreneurial consultants from the Applicant will select the 42 new business plans that will be financed through the project. The selection methodology will aim at at least 2 companies to be selected per county in the implementation region (Arges, Dambovita, Prahova, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Ialomita), and 25 % of them will specifically promote the use and routes (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Câmpulung, Romania
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    Municipiul Piteşti, Romania
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    Municipiul Alexandria, Romania
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    Municipiul Ploieşti, Romania
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    Municipiul Slobozia, Romania
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    Municipiul Giurgiu, Romania
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    Municipiul Târgovişte, Romania
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    Municipiul Călăraşi, Romania
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