Alternative proposal to public policies initiated by the Government in the field of consumer protection (Q3096090)

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Project Q3096090 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Alternative proposal to public policies initiated by the Government in the field of consumer protection
Project Q3096090 in Romania


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    817,219.932 Romanian Leu
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    45°10'39.22"N, 28°48'18.11"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este "Optimizarea proceselor decizionale din domeniul protectiei consumatorilor orientate catre cetateni (consumatori) si mediul de afaceri (operatori economici) prin dezvoltarea unei propuneri alternative de politica publica in acest domeniu menita sa imbunatateasca gradul de informare si constientizare a tuturor partilor implicate asupra cadrului legal, procedural si informational aferente domeniului". Acest obiectiv general va fi atins prin parcugerea a 2 etape, astfel: ETAPA 1 consta in dezvoltarea capacitatii institutiilor implicate in proiect (ONG-uri si autoritati publice locale) prin instruirea reprezentantilor acestora (81 de membri ai grupului tinta) atat in domeniul de referinta al proiectului (elaborarea de propuneri alternative de politici publice) cat si in cel de specificitate al proiectului (domeniul protectiei consumatorului). Aceasta etapa corespunde OS1 "Cresterea capacitatii Fundatiei Orizonturi Tinere si a altor ONG-uri (Asociatia Marilor Retele Comerciale din Romania si Federatiei Industriei Hoteliere din Romania) de a elabora propuneri alternative de politici publice in domeniul protectiei consumatorilor prin accesul la programe de instruire a 84 de membri ai grupului tinta. Obiectivul este corelat cu A.1."Dezvoltarea capacitatii Fundatiei Orizonturi Tinere si a altor ONG-uri si Parteneri Sociali prin formarea de competente privind elaborarea de propuneri alternative de politici publice si prin imbunatatirea cunostintelor referitoare la cadrul legal si procedural existent in domeniul protectiei consumatorului". In urma implementarii Activitatii 1 vor fi atinsi cei 2 Indicatori de realizare: 5S44 ONG-uri si parteneri sociali sprijinite pentru a-si imbunatati capacitatea de a formula si promova propuneri alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern = 2 (in principal Asociatia Marilor Retele Comerciale din Romania si Federatia Industriilor Hoteliere din Romania) si 5S45 Personal din ONG-uri si parteneri sociali care participa la formare = 84. Aceasta etapa este corelata cu Rezultatul POCA R10 Capacitate crescuta a ONG-urilor si partenerilor sociali de a se implica in formularea si promovarea de propuneri alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern. Vor fi derulate cate 5 programe de instruire pentru fiecare domeniu, in total 10 programe de instruire. Prin aceste programe, participantii vor invata ce este o politica publica, cum se elaboreaza o astfel de politica, cum se formuleaza si promoveaza propunerile alternative de politici publice, etc dar isi vor imbogati si cunostintele referitoare la diferite aspecte legate de domeniul protectiei consumatorilor: cadrul procedural de depunere a unei sesizari/reclamatii din perspectiva celor 2 parti implicate (reclamat-reclamant), informatiile vis a vis de care exista o slaba informare sau o necunoastere corecta a unor repere (ex. etichetele produselor, clauzele contractuale a diverse servicii, etc), drepturile si obligatiile consumato (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is “Optimisation of decision-making processes in the field of consumer protection oriented towards citizens (consumers) and business environment (economic operators) by developing an alternative public policy proposal in this field aimed at improving the awareness and awareness of all parties involved on the legal, procedural and informational framework related to the field”. This general objective will be achieved by Parking 2 steps, as follows: Stage 1 consists of developing the capacity of the institutions involved in the project (NGOs and local public authorities) by training their representatives (81 members of the target group) in both the project’s reference field (development of alternative public policy proposals) and the specificity of the project (consumer protection field). This stage corresponds to OS1 "Increasing the capacity of the Young Horizons Foundation and other NGOs (the Association of Large Commercial Networks in Romania and the Federation of the Hotel Industry in Romania) to develop alternative public policy proposals in the field of consumer protection through access to training programs for 84 members of the target group. The objective is correlated with A.1.“Developing the capacity of the Youth Horizon Foundation and other NGOs and Social Partners by training competences on developing alternative public policy proposals and by improving the knowledge regarding the existing legal and procedural framework in the field of consumer protection”. Following the implementation of Activity 1 the 2 Output Indicators will be reached: 5S44 NGOs and social partners supported in order to improve their capacity to formulate and promote alternative proposals to public policies initiated by the Government = 2 (mainly the Association of Great Commercial Networks in Romania and the Federation of Hotel Industries in Romania) and 5S45 Staff from NGOs and social partners participating in the training = 84. This stage is correlated with the result of POCA R10 Increased capacity of NGOs and social partners to get involved in formulating and promoting alternative proposals to public policies initiated by the Government. There will be 5 training programs for each field, a total of 10 training programs. Through these programs, participants will learn what a public policy is, how to develop such a policy, how to formulate and promote alternative public policy proposals, etc., but will also enrich their knowledge on various aspects of consumer protection: the procedural framework for submitting a complaint/complaints from the perspective of the two parties involved (complainant-complainant), the information about which there is a poor information or a correct lack of knowledge of some landmarks (e.g. product labels, contract terms of various services, etc.), consumer rights and obligations (English)
    16 September 2021
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