Purchase of R & D services for the entry into the offer of a new product — CRM (Q117885)
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Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Purchase of R & D services for the entry into the offer of a new product — CRM |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
42,500.0 zloty
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61,500.0 zloty
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85.0 percent
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18 April 2016
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30 June 2016
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Przedmiotem projektu jest opracowanie koncepcji stworzenia systemu CRM w modelu chmury obliczeniowej.Technologia ta pozwoli na zdalne udostępnienie systemu w modelu SaaS.Użytkownik uzyska szybkie i intuicyjne oprogramowanie dostępne na każdym urządzeniu bez potrzeby zewnętrznej ingerencji w konfigurację.Powstała koncepcja wdrożenia będzie prowadzić do sporządzenia studium wykonalności,oceniającego i analizującego potencjał projektu,jego możliwości,zalety,wady oraz ryzyko podejmowanych działań.Celem projektu jest zwiększenie działalności B+R firmy Hyperia poprzez zakup usługi doradczej w jednostce naukowej co jest zgodne z celami dotyczącymi I osi prioryt.RPO WP.System zarządzania relacjami z klientem składać się będzie z 3 połączonych funkcjonalnie modułów:komunikacyjnego,operacyjnego,analitycznego.Moduły umożliwią automatyzację procesów biznesowych ściśle powiązanych z utrzymywaniem relacji z klientem.Cel projektu jest zgodny z celami Programu w zakresie równości szans dla obu płci oraz zasadą zrównoważonego rozwoju,gdyż stworzone oprogramowanie będzie posiadało uniwersalne funkcjonalności,a tym samym będzie miało neutralny wpływ na zasadę promowania równości mężczyzn i kobiet oraz niedyskryminacji.Dzięki projektowi zyskamy możliwość wejścia na nowy segment rynku dotychczas niedostępny dla naszej firmy w zakresie dystrybucji i implementacji systemów CRM.Przyczyni się to do zmniejszenia różnic gospodarczych i społecznych pomiędzy regionem podkarpackim a innymi bardziej rozwiniętymi regionami Polski oraz wpłynie na rozwój przedsiębiorczości w naszym województwie.Branża ICT w województwie podkarpackim wpisuje się w Regionalną Specjalizację Wspomagającą. (Polish)
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The aim of the project is to develop a concept for the creation of a cloud CRM system. this technology will allow remote access to the system in the SaaS.Users model. the project will result in a feasibility, assessment and analysis of the project’s potential, potential, advantages, disadvantages and the risks being undertaken. the project aims to increase the R & D business of Hyperia through the purchase of an advisory service within a scientific unit. this will be consistent with the objectives of the priority axis of the project. the project will be made compatible with the objectives of the Programme on equal opportunities for both sexes and the principle of sustainable development, as it will have a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and the principle of sustainable development. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the principle of sustainable development. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the principle of sustainable development. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the principle of sustainable development. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the principle of sustainable development. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CRM.Ams. this will lead to a neutral effect on the principle of promoting equality between men and women and on the implementation of CR@@ (English)
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