Jr CzK 2020-2021 — The Lab Label (Q3276964)

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Project Q3276964 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Jr CzK 2020-2021 — The Lab Label
Project Q3276964 in Slovakia


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    40,000.0 Euro
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    1 January 2020
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    31 December 2021
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    46°29'47.26"N, 15°38'17.66"E
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    Naslov projekta je “The Lab Label”, razvoj inovativnih in kreativnih zaščitnih laboratorijskih halj in blagovne znamke “The Lab Label”. Ko se srečamo z delom v laboratoriju na področju ved o življenju (ang. life science) je prva in najpomembnejša stvar zaščitna laboratorijska oprema, med katero sodijo predvsem laboratorijske halje. Te ščitijo laboratorijske tehnike in raziskovalce pred površinskimi poškodbami in nevarnimi snovmi. Halje morajo biti narejene iz kakovostnih materialov, po posebnih standardih. Pri trenutni ponudbi na trgu smo tako na osnovi raziskav prišli do dveh problemov, katera želimo rešiti z našim inovativnim produktom. Prvi je obstojnost laboratorijskih halj in varnost. Te so pogosto narejene iz materialov, ki nimajo dolge življenjske dobe in so tako produkti povrženih hitri menjavi. Drugi pa je ta, da so laboratorijske halje večinoma monotone, bele barve - dajejo hladen in neprijeten občutek tistemu, ki jo nosi. V ta namen želimo razviti produkt, ki bo reševal omenjena problema. Prvi produkt pod blagovno znamko “The Lab Label” bo tako inovativna in kreativna laboratorijska halja. Materiali, ki jih želimo uporabiti pri razvoju halje so takšni, da imajo izboljšano odpornost na površinske poškodbe, so vodo in olje - odbojni. Tako bomo izboljšali obstojnost halj in posledično ne bodo več podvržene hitri menjavi, hkrati pa bo vpeljava novega materiala poskrbela za večjo varnost laboratorijskih tehnikov in raziskovalcev.. Z vpeljavo kreativnih vzorcev, ki bodo bodisi potiskani, bodisi vezeni na laboratorijske halje, pa želimo vnesti kreativno noto in razbiti laboratorijsko monotonost bele barve. Omenje rešitve smo že testirali na trgu in prišli do kakovostnih povratnih informacij, ki bodo potrebne pri nadaljnjem razvoju produkta. Za produkt imamo že izbran material za izdelavo, imenovan Tencate, ki je tkanina sestavljena iz 65 % poliestra in 35 % bombaža. Uporabljen material je podrobneje opisan v točki 2.2 (Inovativnost produkta). Razvitih imamo 8 k (Slovenian)
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    The title of the project is “The Lab Label”, the development of innovative and creative protective lab robes and the brand “The Lab Label”. When we meet work in the field of life science, the first and most important thing is protective laboratory equipment, including laboratory gowns. These protect laboratory technicians and researchers from superficial damage and dangerous substances. Gowns should be made of quality materials, according to special standards. With the current market offer we have come up with two problems based on research, which we want to solve with our innovative product. The first is the durability of lab robes and safety. These are often made of materials that do not have a long lifespan and are thus products of discarded rapid replacements. The second is that lab gowns are mostly monotonous, white-colored — they give a cold and unpleasant feeling to the one who wears it. To this end, we want to develop a product that will solve these problems. The first product under the brand name “The Lab Label” will be both innovative and creative laboratory gowns. The materials we want to use in the development of the robe are such that they have improved resistance to surface damage, water and oil — reflective. In this way, we will improve the durability of the robes and, consequently, will no longer be subject to rapid change, while at the same time introducing new material will ensure greater safety for laboratory technicians and researchers. By introducing creative patterns that will either be printed, or attached to laboratory gowns, we want to bring creative note and break the laboratory monotony of white color. We have already tested the solution on the market and received quality feedback that will be needed in the further development of the product. For the product, we already have selected material for manufacture, called TenCate, which is made up of 65 % polyester and 35 % cotton. The material used is described in more detail in point 2.2 (Innovativeness of the product). We have developed 8 k (English)
    19 October 2021
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