No label defined (Q3274761)
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Project Q3274761 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3274761 in Slovakia |
343,539.0 Euro
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23 September 2019
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31 December 2022
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V projektu Točka SoDELOVANJA smo identificirali 4 specifične (strateške) cilje, ki bodo na celovit način prispevali k reševanju problemov socialne izključenosti in tveganja revščine za udeležence ter k izboljšanju njihove zaposljivosti in bodo okrepili sodelovanje različnih deležnikov v lokalnem/regionalnem okolju, ki se aktivno ukvarjajo z udeleženci programa socialne aktivacije oz. s ciljno skupino projekta. 1. Osebe iz ciljne skupine pridobijo oz. krepijo svoje socialne veščine in spretnosti, znanja, veščine motivacijo in se opolnomočijo za vstop na trg dela. 2. Osebe iz ciljne skupine pridobivajo funkcionalne kompetence in krepijo socialne. Osebe se opolnomočuje in osebnostno razvija za nastop na trgu dela, za socialno inkluzijo in samostojno aktivno reševanje socialnih problematik. 3. Osebe iz ciljne skupine pridobivajo in krepijo delovne spretnosti, znanja in sposobnosti z namenom vstopa na trg dela.4. Povezanost različnih deležnikov v Litiji in v Domžalah, predvsem Centrov za socialno delo, Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje – Uradov za delo Litija in Domžale, potencialnih delodajalcev ter drugih organizacij iz lokalnega okolja. (Slovenian)
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In the project Cooperation Point, we identified 4 specific (strategic) objectives that will contribute in a comprehensive way to solving the problems of social exclusion and the risk of poverty for participants and to improving their employability and will strengthen the participation of various stakeholders in the local/regional environment, who are actively engaged with participants in the social activation programme or with the target group of the project. 1. People from the target group acquire or strengthen their social skills, skills, motivation skills and empower them to enter the labour market. 2. People from the target group acquire functional competences and strengthen social competences. People are empowered and personally developed to enter the labour market, social inclusion and independent active resolution of social problems. 3. Persons from the target group acquire and strengthen work skills, skills and competences with a view to entering the labour market.4. The connection of various stakeholders in Litija and Domžale, in particular the Centres for Social Work, the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia — the Litija and Domžale Labour Offices, potential employers and other organisations from the local environment. (English)
19 October 2021
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