Regional meeting point of Pomurje NGOs 2015-2019 (Q3265465)

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Project Q3265465 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Regional meeting point of Pomurje NGOs 2015-2019
Project Q3265465 in Slovakia


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    320,000.0 Euro
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    1 November 2015
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    31 December 2019
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    Projektne aktivnosti bodo tako posvečene krepitvi usposobljenosti NVO za organizacijski razvoj in aktivaciji NVO v procese zagovorništva in civilnega dialoga, ki je ključnega pomena za premike v razvoju, uveljavljanju sektorja ter ustvarjanju pogojev za spodbudno okolje ter krepitvi čezsektorskega povezovanja in sodelovanja. Spremembe na področju uveljavljanja NVO v družbenem prostoru so namreč povezane tudi s sistemskimi rešitvami, ki jih lahko dosežemo samo skozi proces zagovorništva ter dialog z javno/lokalno (samo)upravo. Potekale bodo aktivnosti za krepitev vloge regionalnega stičišča in za notranji razvoj stičišča (krepitev usposobljenosti za zagovorništvo in strateško načrtovanje, opravljanje organizacijske strukture, evalvacijo doseženih rezultatov, itd.), v smislu večje profesionalizacije kadrov in storitev. Hkrati pa so nujne aktivnosti za premik NVO od »troublemaker« statusa k statusu »regional opininon creator«, to so aktivnosti za povečanje prepoznavnost in krepitve NVO sektorja v regiji in njegove strokovno / strateške vloge. (Slovenian)
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    The project activities will thus focus on strengthening the NGO’s capacity for organisational development and activation of NGOs in advocacy and civil dialogue processes, which is crucial for shifts in development, sector uptake and creating the conditions for an enabling environment, as well as strengthening cross-sectoral integration and cooperation. Changes in the implementation of NGOs in the social space are also related to systemic solutions, which can only be achieved through the advocacy process and dialogue with public/local (self-)government. Activities will be carried out to strengthen the role of the regional junction and for the internal development of the intersection (strengthening capacity for advocacy and strategic planning, implementation of organisational structure, evaluation of the results achieved, etc.) in terms of increased professionalisation of staff and services. At the same time, activities are essential to move NGOs from the “Troublemaker” status to the status of “regional opininon creator”, i.e. activities to increase the visibility and strengthening of the NGO sector in the region and its professional/strategic role. (English)
    12 October 2021
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