Edu Active – Professional Training for Development and Innovation (Q3098256)

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Project Q3098256 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Edu Active – Professional Training for Development and Innovation
Project Q3098256 in Romania


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    3,204,975.97 Romanian Leu
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    640,995.1940000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    3,857,760.76 Romanian Leu
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    771,552.152 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    83.08 percent
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    44°12'50.87"N, 23°40'9.23"E
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    46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    46°36'23.26"N, 24°37'28.85"E
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    45°47'50.60"N, 24°9'6.91"E
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    44°59'38.98"N, 24°50'56.08"E
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    45°39'8.32"N, 25°36'36.97"E
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    44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E
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    45°53'48.05"N, 26°0'36.65"E
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    44°55'36.62"N, 25°28'59.20"E
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    44°57'40.21"N, 23°19'32.45"E
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    46°38'38.72"N, 25°37'12.29"E
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    44°35'45.89"N, 27°12'5.90"E
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    44°36'15.19"N, 23°3'9.65"E
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    44°17'29.04"N, 24°27'58.00"E
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    45°6'31.50"N, 26°2'15.43"E
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    44°4'5.27"N, 25°11'11.51"E
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    45°2'25.62"N, 24°9'13.93"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea cu 326 a numarului de angajati din regiunile SVO, SM si Centru, cu cunostinte/competente/aptitudini in domeniile aferente sectoarele economice/ domeniile identificate conform SNC si SNCDI imbunatatite, cu 326 a numarului de persoane care dobândesc o calificare/ care și-au validat competențele în sectoarele prioritare la încetarea calității de participant la programele de formare organizate si cu 36 a numarului de IMM-uri sprijinite care activeaza sau intenționează să-și adapteze activitatea la aceste sectoare. Proiectul contribuie la obiectivul specific 3.12 prin faptul ca formarea profesionala oferita celor 326 angajati din regiunile de implementare va imbunatati cunostintele/competentele/aptitudinile in domeniile aferente sectoarele economice/ domeniile identificate conform SNC si SNCDI ale acestora si automat va spori productivitatea lor in cadrul intreprinderilor angajatoare contribuind astfel la o ocupare sustenabila si la imbunatatirea calitatii fortei de munca. Mai mult, prin cele 326 de trasee optime de urmat pe care le vom elabora ne vom asigura de continuitatea imbunatatirii cunostintelor /competentelor/aptitudinilor celor 326 angajati formati in domeniile aferente sectoarele economice/ domeniile identificate conform SNC si SNCDI, astfel asigurandu-ne de o imbatranire activa si de IPV a acestora. Prin faptul ca FPC va fi adaptata cerintelor sectoarelor prioritare, participantii isi vor imbunatati cunostitele/ competentele/ aptitudinile conform cerintelor de pe piata fortei de munca si deci isi vor usura si imbunatati activitatea la locul de munca. De asemenea, cele 326 persoane care vor fi incluse in GT al proiectului, urmare a activitatilor la care participa isi vor imbunatati activitatea in companiile angajatoare si deci astfel IMM-urile isi vor spori productivitatea si vor beneficia de eficientizarea fortei de munca astfel adaptandu-si activitatea la dinamica sectoarelor prioritare in care activeaza. Totodata, prin elaborarea pentru 10 IMM-uri a programelor de invatare la locul de munca si introducerea acestora de minimum 3 dintre ele, vom asigura de asemenea continuitate in imbunatatirea cunostintelor/competentelor/aptitudinilor in sectoarele prioritare ale angajatilor din aceste IMM-uri . Proiectul contribuie si la obiectivul apelului prin cele 12 campanii de constientizare organizate, prin formarea profesionala a 326 de persoane, traseele optime de urmat realizate pentru 326 persoane, prin sprijinirea a 36 IMM-uri, realizarea a 10 programe de invatare la locul de munca, introducerea de catre minim 3 IMM-uri a programelor de invatare la locul de munca elaborate, imbunatatind astfel calitatea resursei umane din regiunile de implementare, promovand o ocupare sustenabila si calitatea fortei de munca si deci contribuind la o Romanie profesionala cu resurse umane competitive si productive. Modul in care proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung, se realizeaza prin (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase by 326 the number of employees from SVO, MS and Centre regions, with knowledge/competences/skills in the fields related to the economic sectors/areas identified according to the SNC and SNCDI improved, with 326 of the number of persons acquiring a qualification/who validated their skills in the priority sectors at the end of being a participant in organised training programmes and 36 of the number of supported SMEs active or intending to adapt their activity to these sectors. The project contributes to specific objective 3.12 by the fact that the training provided to the 326 employees in the implementing regions will improve the knowledge/competences/skills in the fields related to their economic sectors/areas identified according to their NSC and NCDI and will automatically increase their productivity in the employing enterprises thus contributing to sustainable employment and improving the quality of the workforce. Moreover, through the 326 optimal routes to follow we will ensure the continuity of the improvement of the knowledge/competences/skills of the 326 employees trained in the fields related to the economic sectors/areas identified according to SNC and SNCDI, thus ensuring their active aging and IPV. Through the fact that CVT will be adapted to the requirements of the priority sectors, the participants will improve their knowledge/skills/skills according to the requirements of the labor market and therefore will ease and improve their work in the workplace. Also, the 326 people who will be included in the GT of the project, as a result of the activities in which they participate will improve their activity in the employing companies and thus SMEs will increase their productivity and benefit from the efficiency of the workforce thus adapting their activity to the dynamics of the priority sectors in which they operate. At the same time, by developing work-based learning programs for 10 SMEs and introducing them at least 3 of them, we will also ensure continuity in improving knowledge/competences/skills in the priority sectors of employees in these SMEs. The project also contributes to the objective of the call through the 12 awareness campaigns organised, through the professional training of 326 people, the optimal paths to follow for 326 people, by supporting 36 SMEs, achieving 10 learning programs in the workplace, introducing by minimum 3 SMEs the elaborated work-based learning programs, thus improving the quality of the human resource in the implementation regions, promoting sustainable employment and the quality of the workforce and thus contributing to a professional Romania with competitive and productive human resources. How the project will generate a positive long-term effect is achieved by (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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    Judeţul Alba, Romania
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    Judeţul Vâlcea, Romania
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    Judeţul Olt, Romania
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    Judeţul Mehedinţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Gorj, Romania
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    Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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    Judeţul Teleorman, Romania
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    Judeţul Prahova, Romania
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    Judeţul Ialomiţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Giurgiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Călăraşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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    Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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    Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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    Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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