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Project Q3097830 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3097830 in Romania


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    4,599,169.79 Romanian Leu
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    919,833.9580000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,841,231.36 Romanian Leu
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    968,246.2720000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    95.0 percent
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    10 March 2021
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    9 March 2023
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    46°57'45.04"N, 22°50'51.90"E
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    46°44'43.33"N, 24°24'27.11"E
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    47°22'53.72"N, 26°57'39.92"E
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    47°20'52.58"N, 26°56'38.69"E
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    45°8'14.03"N, 25°7'33.67"E
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    47°18'4.68"N, 26°46'47.06"E
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    46°50'32.71"N, 27°22'33.85"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului/Scopul proiectului Obiectiv General: Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala de la nivelul GAL SIRET MOLDOVA, Judetul Iasi, prin implementarea de masuri integrate. La nivelul GAL SIRET MOLDOVA peste 40% din gospodarii/familii sunt in risc de saracie si marginalizare sociala si inregistreaza o situatie dificila din punct de vedere ocupational, al starii de sanatate, al conditiilor de locuit si au nevoie de sprijin pentru a depasi situatia in care se afla (situatie care rezulta din analizele realizate in etapa de elaborare a proiectului la nivel local de catre compartimentele de asistenta sociala ale comunelor din componenta GAL). Principalele probleme cu care se confrunta populatia din comunitatea marginalizata sunt legate de: - saracie – diverse nevoi sociale (la nivel GAL sunt peste 600 de familii care se afla in situatia de saracie persistenta), - grad scazut de ocupare si oportunitati de ocupare: la nivel GAL sunt peste 650 de someri inregistrati la care se adauga un numar de doua ori mai ridicat de persoane inactive, - educatie si abandon scolar/risc crescut de parasire timpurie a scolii – riscul de abandon scolar si de parasire timpurie a scolii la nivelul unitatilor scolare din GAL este de peste 5%. Riscul cel mai ridicat este de parasire timpurie a scolii (peste 40%). - ocupare si integrare pe piata muncii – desi in scadere in ultimii ani, numarul de persoane somere si inactive la nivelul GAL ramane cu mult mai ridicat decat media nationala. Pentru reducerea gradului de saracie si excluziune sociala la nivelul GAL SIRET MOLDOVA vor fi desfasurate o serie de masuri integrate care vizeaza un numar de peste 250 de persoane aflate in risc de saracie sau excluziune sociala. La nivelul GAL vor fi dezvoltate si prestate o serie de servicii integrate (a caror necesitate este identificata prin SDL), dupa cum urmeaza: A. Servicii sociale. Se vor adresa unui numar de 125 persoane adulte si 125 de copii si elevi aflati in risc de saracie sau excluziune sociala. Persoanele adulte (nimim 125 de persoane) vor beneficia de urmatoarele categorii de servicii: - Informare, consiliere si sprijin in vederea depasirii situatie de criza in care se afla persoana/ familia, - Asistenta si suport pentru familie - stabilire plan individualizat de interventie integrata la nivel de individ/familie); - Servicii pentru dezvoltarea deprinderilor de viata independenta, Copii si Elevi (nimim 125 de persoane) vor beneficia de urmatoarele categorii de servicii: - Consiliere psihosociala si suport emotional, - Socializare si petrecerea timpului liber, - Suport pentru dezvoltarea abilitatilor de viata independenta, - Ajutoare materiale si financiare, B. Servicii educationale. Se vor adresa unui numar de 125 copii si elevi, aflati in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala. Aceste servicii vor avea rolul de a contribui la: - cresterea accesului si a particip (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project/Project Purpose General Objective: Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion at the level of GAL SIRET MOLDOVA, Iasi County, by implementing integrated measures. At the level of GAL SIRET MOLDOVA more than 40 % of households/families are at risk of poverty and social marginalisation and register a difficult situation from an occupational point of view, health status, housing conditions and need support to overcome their situation (situation resulting from analyses carried out in the project development phase at local level by the social assistance departments of the municipalities of the LAG component). The main problems faced by the marginalised community are related to: — poverty – various social needs (at LAG level there are over 600 families who are in persistent poverty), – low employment and employment opportunities: at the LAG level there are over 650 registered unemployed persons plus a double number of inactive people, – education and school dropout/high risk of early school leaving – the risk of school dropout and early school leaving at the level of the LAG’s school units is over 5 %. The highest risk is early school leaving (above 40 %). employment and integration in the labour market – although decreasing in recent years, the number of unemployed and inactive people at LAG level remains much higher than the national average. In order to reduce poverty and social exclusion at the level of LAG SIRET MOLDOVA, a series of integrated measures will be carried out targeting more than 250 people at risk of poverty or social exclusion. At LAG level, a series of integrated services (the need for which is identified by SDL) will be developed and provided, as follows: A. Social services. They will address 125 adults and 125 children and students at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Adults (no more than 125 people) will benefit from the following categories of services: — Information, counselling and support in order to overcome the crisis situation in which the person/family is located, – Assistance and support for the family – establishing an individualised plan of integrated intervention at individual/family level); — Services for the development of independent life skills, Children and Students (no more than 125 people) will benefit from the following categories of services: — Psychosocial counseling and emotional support, – Socialisation and leisure, – Support for the development of independent life skills, – Material and financial aid, B. Educational services. They will address 125 children and students at risk of poverty and social exclusion. These services will contribute to: — increasing access and participation (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Cepleniţa, Romania
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    Vânători, Romania
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    Valea Seacă, Romania
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    Todireşti, Romania
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    Lespezi, Romania
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    Hărmăneşti, Romania
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    Cotnari, Romania
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