Ensuring the functioning of the Garcini LAG for the implementation of the Garcini Local Development Strategy (Q3098552)

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Project Q3098552 in Romania
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Ensuring the functioning of the Garcini LAG for the implementation of the Garcini Local Development Strategy
Project Q3098552 in Romania


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    1,546,557.24 Romanian Leu
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    309,311.44800000003 Euro
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    1,627,954.98 Romanian Leu
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    325,590.99600000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    31 October 2023
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    Recensamantul realizat in toamna anului 2017 in cartierul Garcini a evidentiat faptul ca acestea indeplineşte toate cele trei conditii necesare pentru validarea sa ca zona urbana marginalizata: - inregistreaza un nivel scazut de capital uman intrucat doi indicatori depasesc pragul minimal aferent (proportia persoanelor de 15-64 de ani care au absolvit maxim 8 clase (gimnaziu) este de 66,8% fata de minimul necesar – 22%, respectiv proportia copiilor si adolescentilor (0-17 ani) din populatia totala este 52,2% fata de minimul necesar – 20,5%); - inregistreaza un nivel scazut de ocupare in sectorul formal intrucat indicatorul proportia persoanelor de 16-64 ani care nu sunt incadrate pe piata formala a muncii si nici nu urmeaza o forma de invatamant este de 45%, depasind pragul minimal de 22%; - inregistreaza conditii de locuire precara intrucat ambii indicatorii ai cerintei depasesc pragul minimal aferent (proportia locuintelor supra-aglomerate este 71,1% fata de 54%, respectiv nesiguranta locativa: proportia gospodariilor ce nu detin locuinta in proprietate personala este de peste 51% fata de minimul de 12%). De asemenea, avand in vedere ca procentul populatiei care s-a declarat de etnie roma a fost de 21,3% din totalul locuitorilor, cartierul Garcini este o Zona Urbana Marginalizata cu comunitate roma si case tip mahala. Insa, gravitatea si complexitatea situatiei sunt amplificate de faptul ca, asa cum a relevat acelasi recensamant, marea majoritate a locuitorilor cartierului (4.843 persoane, reprezentand 81,05% dintre locuitori) se afla in risc de saracie extrema si excluziune sociala. In aceste conditii, proiectul isi propune drept obiectiv general „reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala in ZUM Garcini, alaturi de imbunatatirea calitatii vietii, cresterea coeziunii sociale, imbunatatirea mediului de viata si cresterea economica in teritoriul vizat prin sprijinirea functionarii GAL in vederea implementarii eficiente si eficace a strategiei SDL Garcini”. Implementarea proiectului va facilita structurii asociative existente la nivelul comunitatii marginalizate – Asociatia GAL Garcini – desfasurarea activitatii curente in vederea indeplinirii scopului pentru care a fost creata: sprijinirea dezvoltarii locale a comunitatii marginalizate, combaterea saraciei si a excluziunii sociale, printr-o abordare integrata si multisectoriala prin aplicarea principiilor DLRC, pe scurt, implementarea Strategiei de Dezvoltare Locala. Elaborata in urma unui larg proces consultativ, ce a implicat toate partile interesate de la nivel local (comunitatea marginalizata precum si cea din zona urbana functionala, sectorul public, sectorul privat, societatea civila), SDL vizeaza rezolvarea in mod integrat si sinergic a problemelor identificate ca fiind sursele starii de saracie si marginalizare in care traieste comunitatea Garcini. Astfel, implementarea Strategiei va viza utilizarea resurselor comunitatii (atuurile) si aborda (Romanian)
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    The census carried out in the autumn of 2017 in Garcini district highlighted that they meet all three conditions necessary for its validation as the marginalised urban area: — it records a low level of human capital because two indicators exceed the minimum threshold (the proportion of 15-64 year-olds who have graduated maximum 8 classes (gymnasium) is 66.8 % compared to the minimum required – 22 %, and the proportion of children and adolescents (0-17 years) of the total population is 52.2 % compared to the minimum required – 20.5 %); — it has a low level of employment in the formal sector because the ratio of 16-64-year-olds who are not in the formal labour market and does not follow a form of education is 45 %, exceeding the minimum threshold of 22 %; — records poor housing conditions as both indicators of the requirement exceed the associated minimum threshold (proportion of over-crowded dwellings is 71.1 % compared to 54 %, respectively housing insecurity: the proportion of households that do not own personal property is over 51 % compared to the minimum of 12 %). Also, given that the percentage of the population declared to be Roma was 21.3 % of the total inhabitants, the Garcini district is a marginalised urban area with Roma community and slum houses. However, the gravity and complexity of the situation are amplified by the fact that, as the same census revealed, the vast majority of the residents of the neighborhood (4,843 people, representing 81.05 % of the inhabitants) are at risk of extreme poverty and social exclusion. In these circumstances, the project aims to “reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in ZUM Garcini, together with improving the quality of life, increasing social cohesion, improving the living environment and economic growth in the territory concerned by supporting the functioning of the LAG in order to implement the SDL Garcini strategy efficiently and effectively”. The implementation of the project will facilitate the existing associative structure at the level of the marginalised community – GAL Garcini Association – carrying out the current activity in order to achieve the purpose for which it was created: supporting the local development of the marginalised community, combating poverty and social exclusion, through an integrated and multi-sectoral approach by applying CLLD principles, in short, the implementation of the Local Development Strategy. Elaborated following a broad consultative process involving all stakeholders at local level (the marginalised community as well as the one in the functional urban area, the public sector, the private sector, the civil society), SDL aims to solve in an integrated and synergistic way the problems identified as the sources of poverty and marginalisation in which the Garcini community lives. Thus, the implementation of the Strategy will target the use of the resources of the community (the touches) and address (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Săcele, Romania
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