Today I‘m studying, tomorrow I’m working (Q3098497)

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Project Q3098497 in Romania
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Today I‘m studying, tomorrow I’m working
Project Q3098497 in Romania


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    4,112,699.54 Romanian Leu
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    822,539.908 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,838,470.06 Romanian Leu
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    967,694.012 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    22 June 2021
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    21 December 2023
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    46°19'46.31"N, 24°16'49.48"E
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    46°34'35.15"N, 24°36'15.16"E
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    Scopul proiectului este: cresterea calitatii fortei de munca si in special a celei reprezentate de tineri care nu au un loc de munca, educatie sau formare, inclusiv a celor aflati in risc de excluziune sociala si a tinerilor din comunitatile marginalizate (tineri NEETs) prin facilitarea accesului la programe de suport si tranzitie catre piata muncii din comunitatile de la nivelul regiunii Centru. Raportat la obiectivul general, persoanele ale caror nevoi stau la baza acestui proiect provin din categoriile delimitate de GS-CG – tinerii NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-29 ani inregistati la SPO, care au parasit prematur sistemul de educatie (inclusiv cei care nu a fost inscrisi in sistemul de educatie potrivit reglementarilor in vigoare). In baza analizei nevoilor, a reiesit necesitatea de a sprijini, la nivel educational si la nivelul dezvoltarii, consilierii si orientarii a tinerilor NEETs din comunitatile marginalizate prin cresterea a accesului egal la resurse educationale si materiale prin programe de tipul „A Doua Sansa”, oferirea de suport educational integrat membrilor grupului tinta al proiectului astfel incat, pe termen lung, proiectul sa contribuie la cresterea calitatii fortei de munca si, implicit la facilitarea tranzitiei catre o integrare sustenabila pe piata muncii a tinerilor NEETs. In acest fel, proiectul, prin activitațile propuse si rezultatele urmarite, va contribui la cresterea accesului la programe de educatie de tip „A Doua Sansa” a tinerilor din medii cu probleme social-economice, afectati de o criza in dezvoltarea lor psiho-cognitiva, dar si la cresterea oportunitatior acestora pe termen lung. Prin intermediul acestei interventii, contributia la cresterea participarii la oportunitati de educatie in programe de tip a doua sanse pentru tinerii NEETs, inclusiv sprijin in consiliere si orientare (cf. OS 1.3 al GS-CG) vor fi asigurata prin: - Programe educationale de tip „a doua sana” pentru tinerii din comunitatile marginalizate astfel incat acestia, odata cu finalizarea programului, isi vor spori sansele de ocupare si isi vor imbunatati standarul de viata pe termen lung, - Investie, pe termen lung, in beneficiarii programului de tipul „A Doua Sansa” astfel incat acestia sa devina persoane-resursa in comunitati, care sa sustina dezvoltarea educationala a membrilor familiilor din care fac parte - Servicii conexe de sprijin material, informare, consiliere si sprijin pentru grupul tinta, inclusiv dezvoltare personala, menite sa ofere baza pentru cresterea sanselor la insertia pe piata muncii, pe termen lung. Programele educationale, faciltiarea oportunitatilor de ocupare si suport pentru tinerii NEETs care vor participa la activitatile proiectului vor contribui la cresterea calitatii fortei de munca, pe termen lung si dezvoltarea unui climat educational incluziv. De asemenea, prin intremediul activitatilor interate pentru membrii grupului tinta, proiectul va contribui la Strategia Nationala privind Reducerea P (Romanian)
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    The aim of the project is to: increase the quality of the workforce and especially of young people who do not have a job, education or training, including those at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalised communities (young NEETs) by facilitating access to support programs and transition to the labor market in the communities of the Centre region. In relation to the general objective, the people whose needs underpin this project come from the categories defined by GS-CG – unemployed NEETs aged 16-29 years registered with the SPO, who left the education system prematurely (including those who were not enrolled in the education system according to the regulations in force). Based on the needs analysis, it emerged the need to support, at the educational level and at the level of development, counselling and guidance of NEETs from marginalised communities by increasing equal access to educational and material resources through “Doua Sansa” programs, providing integrated educational support to members of the target group of the project so that, in the long term, the project contributes to increasing the quality of the workforce and, implicitly, facilitating the transition towards a sustainable integration of NEETs into the labour market. In this way, the project, through the proposed activities and the results pursued, will contribute to increasing the access to “second chance” education programs for young people from backgrounds with social and economic problems, affected by a crisis in their psycho-cognitive development, but also to increasing their opportunities in the long term. Through this intervention, the contribution to increasing participation in education opportunities in two-chance programmes for NEETs, including support in counselling and guidance (cf. OS 1.3 of GS-CG) will be ensured by: — “second breast” educational programs for young people from marginalised communities so that they, with the completion of the program, will increase their chances of employment and improve their long-term living standard, – invest, in the long term, in the beneficiaries of the Second Sansa program so that they become people-resource in communities, to support the educational development of their family members – Related services of material support, information, counselling and support for the target group, including personal development, designed to provide the basis for increasing the chances of insertion on the labour market, in the long term. Educational programs, facilitating employment opportunities and support for NEETs who will participate in the project activities will contribute to increasing the quality of the workforce, in the long term and developing an inclusive educational climate. Also, through the activities involved for the members of the target group, the project will contribute to the National Strategy on Reducing P (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Petelea, Romania
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    Sângeorgiu de Mureş, Romania
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    Municipiul Târnăveni, Romania
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    Ernei, Romania
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