Support for social competitiveness in the South East region (Q3097854)

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Project Q3097854 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for social competitiveness in the South East region
Project Q3097854 in Romania


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    8,111,898.21 Romanian Leu
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    1,622,379.642 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    9,627,632.52 Romanian Leu
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    1,925,526.504 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    84.26 percent
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    1 October 2019
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    30 September 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta incurajarea antreprenoriatului si sprijin oferite pentru infiintarea de intreprinderi sociale in Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud-Est. Obiectivul general al proiectului va fi atins prin derularea in proiect a 2 etape (activitati) principale si 3 transversale/secundare (managementul de proiect, informare si publicitate si cheltuieli indirecte). Proiectul isi propune o PRIMA ETAPA cu o durata de implemnetare de 12 luni care sa demareze cu o informare a publicului de pe teritoriul Regiunii Sud-Est cu privire la elementele specifice ale proiectului cu accent pe oportunitatile oferite si principalele conditii pentru a beneficia de acestea, beneficiile si oportunitatile implicarii intr-un program de formare antreprenoriala in domeniul social precum si modul prin care acestia isi pot pune in practica ideile de afaceri prin participarea la concursul organizat in cadrul proiectului prin care cele mai bune 21 planuri de afaceri vor putea primi finantare de pana la 70.000 euro, echivalent in lei. Activitatile de informare vor avea ca rezultat selectarea grupului tinta al proiectului care va fi format din minim 310 persoane cu domiciliul/resedinta in Regiunea Sud-Est, mediul rural sau urban. Persoanele selectate in grupul tinta vor parcurge un program de formare antreprenoriala specifica, persoanele participand la cursuri de antreprenor in economie sociala (COR 112032) si manager de intreprindere sociala (COR 112036), program ce se va finaliza cu minim 101 certificate de absolvire si minim 56 planuri de afaceri intocmite. Persoanele ce au realizat planuri de afaceri vor avea oportunitatea de a beneficia si de alte activitati de sprijin in vederea infiintarii de intreprinderi sociale (cursuri de specializare, perfectionare, specializare etc in domenii relevante pentru antreprenroriatul social). Planurile de afaceri realizate vor fi supuse unei selectii pe baza de concurs care va avea ca rezultat premierea a 21 idei de afaceri, conform unei metodologii de selectie bine definite in prealabil si cu participarea unui juriu cu experienta in ceea ce insemna infiintarea si dezvoltarea de afaceri. Prima etapa a proiectului s eintinde pe o perioada de 12 luni. Pentru ca proiectul isi doreste oferirea de suport complet in demararea si dezvoltarea afacerilor propuse, in ETAPA A DOUA a proiectului, sprijinul pentru viitorii antreprenori continua prin furnizarea de catre cei doi parteneri a unui pachet complet de servicii personalizate de consiliere in domeniul antreprenoriatului social si al antreprenoriatului, inclusiv cu privire la identificarea pietelor de desfacere. Cele 21 persoane ale caror planuri de afaceri vor primi finantare, vor fi sprijinite in demersurile in infiintare a intreprinderii sociale, de realizare a achizitiilor prevazute prin planul de afaceri, de angajare a personalului necesar derularii activitatii (minim 3 persoane / plan de afaceri). Tot in aceasta etapa cele 21 afaceri vor primi si fonduril (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to encourage entrepreneurship and support for the establishment of social enterprises in the South-East Development Region. The general objective of the project will be achieved by carrying out in the project two main stages (activities) and 3 transversal/secondary stages (project management, information and advertising and overheads). The project proposes a PRIMA ETAPA with a duration of 12 months to start with a public information on the specific elements of the project focusing on the opportunities offered and the main conditions to benefit from them, the benefits and opportunities of getting involved in an entrepreneurial social training program as well as how they can put their business ideas into practice by participating in the competition organised within the project whereby the best 21 business plans will be able to receive funding of up to EUR 70,000, equivalent in lei. The information activities will result in the selection of the target group of the project which will consist of at least 310 persons residing/residence in the South-East Region, rural or urban areas. The persons selected in the target group will complete a specific entrepreneurial training program, the participants participating in courses as an entrepreneur in social economy (COR 112032) and social enterprise manager (COR 112036), a program that will be completed with a minimum of 101 graduation certificates and a minimum of 56 business plans drawn up. The persons who have made business plans will have the opportunity to benefit from other support activities in order to set up social enterprises (specialisation courses, improvement, specialisation etc. in areas relevant to social entrepreneurs). The business plans will be subject to a selection based on the competition that will result in the award of 21 business ideas, according to a well-defined selection methodology in advance and with the participation of a jury with experience in setting up and developing business. The first stage of the project stretches over a period of 12 months. Because the project wants to provide full support in the start-up and development of the proposed business, in ETAPA A TOUA of the project, the support for future entrepreneurs continues through the provision by the two partners of a complete package of personalised counseling services in the field of social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, including on the identification of markets. The 21 persons whose business plans will receive financing, will be supported in the setting up of the social enterprise, to realise the acquisitions provided by the business plan, to employ the staff needed to carry out the activity (minimum 3 persons/business plan). Also in this stage the 21 businesses will receive the funds (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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    Judeţul Vrancea, Romania
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    Judeţul Tulcea, Romania
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    Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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