Improving quality of life in Buhusi city through investments in public spaces and socio-educative – recreational services (Q2741000)

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Project Q2741000 in Romania
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Improving quality of life in Buhusi city through investments in public spaces and socio-educative – recreational services
Project Q2741000 in Romania


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    19,794,375.0 Romanian Leu
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    3,958,875.0 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    23,287,499.98 Romanian Leu
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    4,657,499.996 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 November 2020
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    31 December 2023
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    46°42'58.64"N, 26°42'16.92"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este : Imbunatatirea calitatii vietii prin investitii in spatii publice si in servicii socio-educative recreative in orasul Buhusi, judetul Bacau Contributia proiectului la realizarea OS 13.1 - Imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei in orasele mici si mijlocii din Romania Proiectul va contribui direct la: - imbunatatirea serviciilor sociale oferite populatiei prin infiintare de servicii noi - imbunatatirea serviciilor culturale oferite populatiei prin infiintare de servicii noi - imbunatatirea serviciilor educationale oferite populatiei prin infiintare de servicii noi - imbunatatirea calitatii mediului inconjurator prin amenajare de spatii verzi - imbunatatirea calitatii serviciilor publice din domeniul rutier prin reabilitare de strazi. Contributia proiectului la indeplinirea obiectivelor Prioritatii de Investitii 9b - Oferirea de sprijin pentru revitalizarea fizica, economica si sociala a comunitaþilor defavorizate din regiunile urbane si rurale. Implementarea proiectului va contribui la: - promovarea incluziunii sociale si prevenirea marginalizarii unor grupuri defavorizate sau grupuri vulnerabile prin dezvoltarea serviciilor sociale, infiintarea unor servicii sociale noi si infiintarea unor servicii publice noi in domeniul culturii si petrecerii timpului liber; - promovarea sanatatii populatiei urbane; - combaterea segregarii teritoriale prin imbunatatirea accesului la servicii publice ca urmare a reabilitarii unor drumuri de pe teritoriul orasului; - ameliorarea calitatii vietii in comunitate, consolidarea atasamentului si a nivelului de implicare a cetatenilor; - promovarea valorilor şi a identitaţii locale. (Romanian)
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    The overall objective of the project is to: Improving the quality of life through investments in public spaces and in recreational socio-educational services in Buhusi, Bacau county The project contribution to the realisation of OS 13.1 – Improving the quality of life of the population in small and medium-sized cities in Romania The project will contribute directly to: — improving the social services offered to the population by setting up new services – improving the cultural services offered to the population by setting up new services – improving the educational services offered to the population through the establishment of new services – improving the quality of the environment through the development of green spaces – improving the quality of public services in the road sector through street rehabilitation. Contribution of the project to meeting the objectives of Investment Priority 9b – Providing support for physical, economic and social revitalisation of disadvantaged communities in urban and rural regions. The implementation of the project will contribute to: — promoting social inclusion and preventing marginalisation of disadvantaged groups or vulnerable groups by developing social services, establishing new social services and establishing new public services in the field of culture and leisure; — promoting the health of the urban population; — combating territorial segregation by improving access to public services as a result of the rehabilitation of some roads on the territory of the city; — improving the quality of life in the community, strengthening the attachment and level of involvement of citizens; — promoting local values and identity. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Buhuşi, Romania
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