ACSES: Entrepreneurship in context S.E.S (Social – Effective – Sustainable) (Q3097082)

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Project Q3097082 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
ACSES: Entrepreneurship in context S.E.S (Social – Effective – Sustainable)
Project Q3097082 in Romania


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    7,127,713.74 Romanian Leu
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    1,425,542.7480000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    8,511,984.75 Romanian Leu
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    1,702,396.9500000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    83.74 percent
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    1 August 2019
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    31 July 2022
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    45°47'19.36"N, 26°53'1.68"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    44°59'38.98"N, 24°50'56.08"E
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    46°25'34.07"N, 26°42'43.38"E
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    47°51'8.42"N, 26°45'34.24"E
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    45°16'17.80"N, 27°58'27.44"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E
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    44°10'36.19"N, 28°39'2.74"E
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    44°55'36.62"N, 25°28'59.20"E
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    44°35'45.89"N, 27°12'5.90"E
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    47°9'41.51"N, 27°35'1.00"E
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    46°59'26.38"N, 26°29'5.71"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in consolidarea capacitatii intreprinderilor de economie sociala de a functiona intr-o maniera auto-sustenabila prin dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale si manageriale in domeniul economiei sociale si cresterea numarului de entitati de economie sociala in regiunile Nord-Est, Sud-Est si Sud-Muntenia cu scopul facilitarii incluziunii sociale, reducerii saraciei si a oricarei forme de discriminare prin crearea de noi locuri de munca accesibile persoanelor apartinand grupurilor vulnerabile in cadul intreprinderilor sociale nou create. Proiectul isi propune sa genereze un efect pozitiv pe termen lung ca urmare a promovarii economiei sociale– atat prin elementele de formare pentru cele 112 persoane, cat si prin cele 17 noi structure de economie sociala dezvoltate. Cele 17 de noi afaceri sociale demarate vor asigura noi locuri de munca contribuind la obiectivul Strategiei Nationale pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca 2014- 2020 de crestere a gradului de ocupare. Prin obiectivul general si obiectivele specifice propuse, proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea Obiectiv Specific (O.S.) 4.16: Consolidarea capacității întreprinderilor de economie socială de a funcționa într-o manieră autosustenabilă, cat si a obiectivelor aferente axei prioritare, prin dezvoltarea economiei sociale ce contribui la crearea de noi locuri de munca si la dezvoltarea serviciilor locale. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of social economy enterprises to operate in a self-sustainable manner by developing entrepreneurial and managerial skills in the field of social economy and increasing the number of social economy entities in the North-East, South-East and South-Muntenia regions in order to facilitate social inclusion, reduce poverty and any form of discrimination by creating new jobs accessible to people belonging to vulnerable groups in newly created social enterprises. The project aims to generate a positive long-term effect as a result of promoting the social economy – both through the training elements for the 112 people, as well as through the 17 new social economy structures developed. The 17 new social businesses started will provide new jobs contributing to the National Employment Strategy 2014-2020 objective of increasing employment. Through the general objective and the specific objectives proposed, the project contributes to the achievement of Specific Objective (SO) 4.16: Strengthening the capacity of social economy enterprises to operate in a self-sustainable manner, as well as the objectives of the priority axis, by developing the social economy that contributes to the creation of new jobs and the development of local services. (English)
    16 September 2021
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