Today we invest for ME – a sustainable economic and social development of Solovăstru, through integrated measures (Q3097946)

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Project Q3097946 in Romania
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Today we invest for ME – a sustainable economic and social development of Solovăstru, through integrated measures
Project Q3097946 in Romania


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    4,599,792.02 Romanian Leu
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    919,958.404 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,841,886.33 Romanian Leu
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    968,377.2660000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    95.0 percent
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    22 March 2021
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    21 March 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este abordarea integrata a dificultatilor majore cu care se confrunta persoanele aflate in risc de saracie sau excluziune sociala din comunitatea marginalizata rurala Solovastru, care face parte din teritoriul vizat de Strategia de Dezvoltare Locala a GAL Prietenia Mures Harghita, selectata pentru finantare prin Măsura 19 din PNDR 2014-2020 in 8.08.2016, astfel incat, la finalul interventiei preconizate in cadrul proiectului, gradul de dezvoltare socio-umana a membrilor comunitatii mentionate sa fie vizibil imbunatatit intr-o maniera sustenabila. Proiectul va viza dezvoltarea locala plasata sub responsabilitatea comunitatii intrucat interventiile se vor concentra pe nevoile localitatii vizate, asa cum au fost acestea identificate in Strategia de Dezvoltare Locala a GAL Prietenia Mures Harghita coroborat cu analiza de teren de tip FSE realizata de Solicitant si Parteneri in prima parte a anului 2020, anterior scrierii cererii de finantare. Proiectul va conduce la rezultate concrete, masurabile in termeni de crestere raportat la parametrii actuali ai localitatii. Dezvoltarea locala va fi integrata in sensul ca vor fi vizate aspectele de baza ce definesc gradul de dezvoltare a unei comunitati – asigurarea unor calificari profesionale de baza pentru membrii comunitatii apti de lucru, cresterea gradului de ocupare, imbunatatirea conditiilor de trai, infiintarea unor servicii de baza (sociale, socio-medicale, medicale) ce vor fi sustenabilizate – la care se adauga o valoroasa componenta antidiscriminare, ce va sustine coeziunea sociala, aceasta din urma fiind dovedita a se constitui ca vector al cresterii economice. La finalul proiectului, se va produce schimbarea previzionată la nivelul comunității marginalizate rurale Solovastru, constatandu-se urmatoarele efecte concrete generate de actiunile intreprinse: - 100% din membrii grupului tinta al proiectului (reprezentand 9,35% din totalul locuitorilor localitatii Solovastru) vor fi beneficiat de serviciile sociale, socio-medicale, medicale, dezvoltate in cadrul proiectului; - 53,57% din totalul copiilor inscrisi in sistemul educational local, ciclul primar si gimnazial, vor fi beneficiat de masuri sociale si medicale; - 41,24% din totalul varstnicilor din localitate vor fi beneficiat de masuri socio-medicale; - 8,13% din totalul persoanelor in varsta de munca din localitate vor fi beneficiat de masuri din domeniul ocuparii, dar si de servicii medicale si sociale; - 51,85% din membrii grupului tinta al proiectului vor fi beneficiat de masuri de consiliere si formare profesionala, conditie de accedere pe piata muncii si de depasire a vulnerabilitatilor socio-economice ale persoanelor beneficiare; - 12,96% din membrii grupului tinta al proiectului (reprezentand 2,03% din totalul persoanelor in varsta de munca din localitatea marginalizata rurala Solovastru), respectiv 25% din grupul tinta beneficiar de masuri de ocupare din cadrul proiectului vor fi doba (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is the integrated approach to the major difficulties faced by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion from the marginalised rural community Solovastru, which is part of the territory covered by the Local Development Strategy of the Friendship Mures Harghita LAG, selected for funding through Measure 19 of the 2014-2020 NRDP on 8.08.2016, so that, at the end of the planned intervention within the project, the degree of socio-human development of the members of the community mentioned to be visibly improved in a sustainable manner. The project will target local development placed under the responsibility of the community because the interventions will focus on the needs of the targeted locality, as identified in the Local Development Strategy of the LAG Friendship Mures Harghita in conjunction with the ESF-type field analysis carried out by Applicant and Partners in the first part of 2020, prior to writing the financing application. The project will lead to concrete results, measurable in terms of growth in relation to the current parameters of the locality. Local development will be integrated in the sense that the basic aspects that define the degree of development of a community – ensuring basic professional qualifications for the members of the working community, increasing employment, improving living conditions, setting up basic services (social, socio-medical, medical) that will be sustainable – plus a valuable anti-discrimination component that will support social cohesion will be addressed, which will be proven to be a vector of economic growth. At the end of the project, the expected change will occur at the level of the rural marginalised community Solovastru, finding the following concrete effects generated by the actions undertaken: — 100 % of the members of the target group of the project (representing 9.35 % of the total inhabitants of Solovastru village) will have benefited from the social, socio-medical, medical services developed within the project; — 53.57 % of all children enrolled in the local education system, primary and secondary school, will have benefited from social and medical measures; — 41.24 % of all elderly people in the locality will have benefited from socio-medical measures; — 8.13 % of all older people working in the locality will have benefited from measures in the field of employment, but also from medical and social services; — 51.85 % of the members of the target group of the project will have benefited from measures of counseling and training, condition of access to the labour market and of overcoming the socio-economic vulnerabilities of the beneficiary persons; — 12.96 % of the members of the target group of the project (representing 2.03 % of the total working age in the rural rural settlement Solovastru), and 25 % of the target group of the beneficiary of the employment measures within the project will be the doba (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Solovăstru, Romania
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