Modern times – Modern classrooms in Zoltán Kodály’s Elementary School in Galanta with Hungarian language (Q3110526)
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Project Q3110526 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Modern times – Modern classrooms in Zoltán Kodály’s Elementary School in Galanta with Hungarian language |
Project Q3110526 in Slovakia |
37,026.95 Euro
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43,561.12 Euro
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85.0 percent
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4 January 2019
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3 January 2020
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Mesto Galanta
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Cieľom projektu je rozvíjanie kľúčových kompetencií a vedomostí žiakov ZŠ Zoltána Kodálya v Galante v materinskom jazyku, vo výučbe cudzích jazykov, IKT zručností a polytechnickej výchovy. Prostredníctvom modernizácie interného zariadenia a didaktických pomôcok odbornej jazykovej učebne, učebne IKT a polytechnickej učebne plánuje mesto Galanta zlepšiť výsledky žiakov v medzinárodnom, ako aj národnom meraní dosiahnutých vedomostí a ich úspešnosti na trhu práce. (Slovak)
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The aim of the project is to develop key competences and knowledge of primary school pupils in Zoltán Kodály in Galanta in the mother tongue, foreign language teaching, ICT skills and polytechnic education. Through the modernisation of the in-house equipment and teaching tools of the professional language classroom, ICT classroom and polytechnic classroom, the city of Galanta intends to improve the performance of pupils in international as well as national measurement of acquired knowledge and their success in the labour market. (English)
15 September 2021
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