Streamlining, modernising and expanding the public lighting system in Negresti-Oas city (Q2746348)
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Project Q2746348 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Streamlining, modernising and expanding the public lighting system in Negresti-Oas city |
Project Q2746348 in Romania |
10,248,997.14 Romanian Leu
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2,049,799.4280000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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12,057,643.71 Romanian Leu
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1 December 2017
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31 October 2022
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ORAS NEGRESTI-OAS/Directia Managementul Proiectelor, Achizitii Publice si Turism
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Obiectivul general al proiectului propus spre finantare îl reprezinta cresterea calitatii vietii locuitorilor din Orasul Negresti-Oas prin modernizarea si extinderea sistemului de iluminat public stradal, astfel încât acesta sa asigure satisfacerea integrala a necesitatilor orasului si a locuitorilor sai, în conditii de maxima eficienta din punct de vedere al consumului de resurse si cu rezultate benefice în privinta costurilor acestor utilitati pentru populatie si oras. Realizarea noului sistem va contribui la crearea unui climat de siguranta si confort atat pentru locuitorii municipiului cat si pentru toate categoriile de populatie care au ca destinatie sau tranziteaza municipiul, contribuind prin aceasta la accelerarea procesului general de dezvoltare urbana. Pentru atingerea obiectivului general, proiectul propune implementarea unui sistem eficient de iluminat public în oras, care va reduce consumul de energie dupa implementarea proiectului. Proiectul are în vedere ameliorarea eficientei si a distribuirii iluminatului, în scopul sigurantei traficului, sigurantei cetatenilor, confortului vizual, din punct de vedere urbanistic, al economiei de energie si diminuarii poluarii luminoase, urmarind obtinerea urmatoarelor beneficii pentru comunitate: • Realizarea unui iluminat public corect, orientat catre utilizatori, adaptat la functiunile spatiului public si la ritmul orasului, care contribuie astfel la prelungirea accesibilitatii spatiilor urbane; • Gestionarea în timp real a sistemului de iluminat public, având ca efect reducerea costurilor de întretinere; • Realizarea unui iluminat dinamic corelat cu ritmul orasului (modificarea dinamica a nivelului luminantei si/sau a iluminarii ca urmare a monitorizarii traficului auto si/sau pietonal) conducând la economii de energie electrica; • Operarea prin aprinderea/stingerea corecta a sistemului de iluminat prin folosirea unui sistem inteligent de management prin telegestiune, la nivelul fiecarui aparat de iluminat; • Propunerea de aparate de iluminat care respecta principiile eco-designului, contribuind astfel la economisirea de resurse. Proiectul se adreseaza Axei prioritare 3 “Sprijinirea tranzitiei catre o economie cu emisii scazute de carbon”, Prioritatea de investitii 3.1 „Sprijinirea eficientei energetice, a gestionarii inteligente a energiei si a utilizarii energiei din surse regenerabile în infrastructurile publice, inclusiv în cladirile publice, si în sectorul locuintelor”, Operatiunea C: Iluminat Public”, deoarece îsi va aduce contributia la cresterea calitatii vietii in Orasul Negresti-Oas prin cresterea eficientei energetice a sistemului de iluminat public, aspect inclus în obiectivul specific al liniei de finantare mentionate. Proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivelor specifice identificate în Programul de Imbunatatire a Eficientei Energetice al Orasului Negresti, respectiv la: cresterea gradului de eficienta energetica a sistemului public de iluminat în vederea reducer (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project proposed for financing is to increase the quality of life of the inhabitants of Negresti-Oas City by modernising and expanding the public street lighting system, so that it can ensure the full satisfaction of the needs of the city and its inhabitants, in conditions of maximum resource efficiency and with beneficial results in terms of the costs of these utilities for the population and the city. The implementation of the new system will contribute to creating a climate of safety and comfort both for the inhabitants of the municipality and for all categories of population that have as destination or transit through the municipality, thereby contributing to the acceleration of the overall urban development process. In order to achieve the general objective, the project proposes the implementation of an efficient public lighting system in the city, which will reduce the energy consumption after the implementation of the project. The project aims to improve the efficiency and distribution of lighting, for the purpose of traffic safety, citizen safety, visual comfort, from an urban point of view, energy saving and light pollution reduction, aiming to obtain the following benefits for the community: • The realisation of a correct public lighting, user-oriented, adapted to the public space functions and the city rhythm, which thus contributes to the extension of the accessibility of urban spaces; • Real-time management of the public lighting system, with the effect of reducing maintenance costs; • The realisation of a dynamic lighting related to the rhythm of the city (dynamic change in luminance level and/or lighting as a result of car and/or pedestrian traffic monitoring) leading to electricity savings; • The correct operation of the lighting system by using an intelligent remote management system at the level of each lighting device; • Proposing luminaires that comply with the principles of eco-design, thus helping to save resources. The project addresses Priority Axis 3 “Supporting transition towards a low carbon economy”, Investment Priority 3.1 “Supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infrastructure, including public buildings, and housing sector”, Operation C: Public lighting", because it will contribute to increasing the quality of life in the city of Negresti-Oas by increasing the energy efficiency of the public lighting system, which is included in the specific objective of the mentioned financing line. The project contributes to the achievement of the specific objectives identified in the Energy Efficiency Improvement Programme of Negresti City, namely: increasing the energy efficiency of the public lighting system in order to reduce (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Negreşti-Oaş, Romania
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