Expansion and ambulatory equipping Hospital chronic diseases Smeeni commune, Buzau County (Q2742072)

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Project Q2742072 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Expansion and ambulatory equipping Hospital chronic diseases Smeeni commune, Buzau County
Project Q2742072 in Romania


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    7,490,525.01 Romanian Leu
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    1,498,105.002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    10,700,750.0 Romanian Leu
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    2,140,150.0 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1 June 2018
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    31 August 2023
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    44°59'44.74"N, 26°51'28.91"E
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    Proiectul “EXTINDERE SI ECHIPARE AMBULATORIU SPITAL DE BOLI CRONICE COMUNA SMEENI JUDETUL BUZAU” are drept obiectiv cresterea accesibilitatii serviciilor de sanatate prin extinderea si dotarea ambulatorului Spitalului de Boli Cronice Smeeni, investitii ce vor contribui la accesul ridicat la servicii de ingrijire medicala primara a populatiei. Obiectivul proiectului este in concordanta cu obiectivul specific al Axei prioritare 8 Dezvoltarea infrastructurii sanitare si sociale, Prioritatea de investitii 8.1 – Investiþii în infrastructurile sanitare si sociale care contribuie la dezvoltarea la nivel naþional, regional si local, reducând inegalitaþile în ceea ce priveste starea de sanatate si promovând incluziunea sociala prin îmbunataþirea accesului la serviciile sociale, culturale si de recreere, precum si trecerea de la serviciile instituþionale la serviciile prestate de comunitaþi, Obiectivul Specific 8.1 – Cresterea accesiblitaþii serviciilor de sanatate, comunitare si a celor de nivel secundar, în special pentru zonele sarace si izolate. In consecinta, prin modernizarea ambulatorului din comuna Smeeni, proiectul va contribui la realizarea acestui obiectiv specific. (Romanian)
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    The project “EXTINDATION AND ECHIPATION SPITAL AMBULATION OF CRONIC BOLIS COMMUNA Smeeni JUDETUL BUZAU” aims to increase the accessibility of health services by expanding and equipping the outpatient of Smeeni Chronic Disease Hospital, investments that will contribute to the high access to primary medical care services of the population. The objective of the project is in line with the specific objective of Priority Axis 8 Development of sanitary and social infrastructure, Investment Priority 8.1 – Investments in sanitary and social infrastructures that contribute to development at national, regional and local level, reducing inequalities in health status and promoting social inclusion by improving access to social, cultural and recreational services, as well as the transition from institutional services to community services, Specific Objective 8.1 – Increasing access to health, community and secondary level services, especially for poor and isolated areas. Consequently, by modernising the ambulator in Smeeni commune, the project will contribute to the achievement of this specific objective. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Smeeni, Romania
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