Acquisition of equipment specific to the construction activity of fluid utility projects (Q2742327)
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Project Q2742327 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Acquisition of equipment specific to the construction activity of fluid utility projects |
Project Q2742327 in Romania |
3,945,801.28 Romanian Leu
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6,555,412.32 Romanian Leu
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1,311,082.4640000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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3 January 2018
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30 November 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este: O.G. - Cresterea competitivitatii societatii Vector Impex SRL, prin dezvoltarea de noi capacitati de productie, extindere a ariei geografice de prestare a serviciilor si cresterea productivitatii muncii. Pornind de la viziunea VECTOR IMPEX SRL : "VECTOR IMPEX - un partener solid si de încredere pe piata construcțiilor din Romania" identificam scopul proiectului care este acela de „CRESTERE A COMPETITIVITĂȚII FIRMEI PRIN CREȘTEREA PRODUCTIVITĂȚII MUNCII „ Propunerea de proiect reprezinta inca o punere in practica a strategiei de dezvoltare cu pasi mici, in directia strategica urmărita de echipa de management a firmei In acest context MISIUNEA pe care si-o asuma echipa de management a companiei VECTOR IMPEX SRL este de a oferi un management performat, adaptiv pentru punerea in aplicare a VIZIUNII companiei. In același timp MISIUNEA pe care VECTOR IMPEX SRL si-o asuma este aceea de a: " ATINGE STANDARDELE DE PRODUCTIVITATE si COMPETITIVITATE EUROPENE SI DE A SE MENTINE CA UN PARTENER ECONOMIC PERFORMANT, INOVATIV SI ONEST IN PEISAJUL ECONOMIC LOCAL, REGIONAL SI NATIONAL". (Romanian)
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The overall objective of the project is to: O.G. – Increasing the competitiveness of Vector Impex SRL, by developing new production capacities, expanding the geographical area of service provision and increasing labor productivity. Starting from the vision of VECTOR IMPEX SRL: “Vector IMPEX – a solid and reliable partner on the construction market in Romania" we identify the goal of the project which is to "REETITIVE TO THE COMPETITIVITION OF THE FIRMING TO THE RIGHT OF WORK" "The project proposal represents another implementation of the development strategy with small steps, in the strategic direction pursued by the company’s management team in this context, the MISISION that the management team of VECTOR IMPEX SRL assumes is to offer a performance, adaptive management for the implementation of the company’s VISION. At the same time, the MISSION that VECTOR IMPEX SRL assumes is to: “To achieve the standards of European production and competitiveness and to maintain itself as a PERFORMAN, NATIONAL and NATIONAL ECONOMIC PARTNER”. (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Măcin, Romania
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