Era of digitalisation in maintenance (Q3097325)

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Project Q3097325 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Era of digitalisation in maintenance
Project Q3097325 in Romania


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    845,665.18 Romanian Leu
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    169,133.03600000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,989,881.4 Romanian Leu
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    397,976.28 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.42 percent
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    24 May 2021
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    23 November 2022
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului este imbunatatirea nivelului de cunostinte /competente /aptitudini ale angajatilor care isi desfasoara activitatea in sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si domeniilor de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI prin formare pentru un numar de 319 de angajati din cadrul Solicitantului, care activeaza in sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv, identificate conform SNC si in domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI, pe durata a 18 luni in regiuni mai putin dezvoltate ale Romaniei. Proiectul se incadreaza in sectorul economic eligibil cu potential competitiv, conform SNC „Industria auto si componente”, "Tehnologia informatiilor si telecomunicatii" si respectiv in domeniile de specializare inteligenta identificate de SNCDI – "ECO-NANO-TEHNOLOGII SI MATERIALE AVANSATE" si "TEHNOLOGII INFORMATIONALE SI DE COMUNICATII, SPATIU SI SECURITATE”. Solicitantul isi desfasoara activitatea in cadrul codului CAEN eligibil autorizat: „2910 Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier” din cadrul acestui sector, in Anexa nr. 5 la Ghidul Solicitantului, acest cod CAEN fiind incadrat la „Industria auto si componente”. De asemenea, Solicitantul are codurile CAEN secundare 5829 - Activitati de editare a altor produse software, 6202 Activitati de consultanta in tehnologia informatiei etc., incadrate la „Tehnologia informatiilor si telecomunicatii”, conform datelor din Certificatul Constatator incarcat in sectiunea Solicitant. Precizam ca, in conformitate cu SNCDI, exista o legatura intrinseca intre aceste sectoare si domeniile "ECO-NANO-TEHNOLOGII SI MATERIALE AVANSATE" si „TEHNOLOGII INFORMATIONALE SI DE COMUNICATII, SPATIU SI SECURITATE ”, activitatea solicitantului incadrandu-se si in acest domeniu de specializare inteligenta. “Referitor la domeniul „Tehnologia informatiilor si telecomunicatii”, mentionam ca acesta are o valoare adaugata transversala in toate sectoarele economiei moderne si Industriei 4.0, valoarea adaugata a acestuia in sectorul auto crescand semnificativ odata cu implementarea planurilor de integrare a energiei verzi si a rationalizarii consumului la nivel european.” Astfel, activitatea realizata de Solicitant este incadrata atat intr-un sector economic competitiv (conform SNC), cat si intr-un domeniu de specializare inteligenta (conform SNCDI), iar prin atingerea obiectivului general se va facilita dezvoltarea competitivitatii fortei de munca din Romania, in vederea reducerii disparitatilor de dezvoltare dintre regiunile Statelor Membre ale UE, in acest fel obiectivul fiind convergent cu obiectivul general al Fondului Social European. Conform SNCDI si acestui ghid si, asa cum a fost evidentiat in nota justificativa, activitatea solicitantului este direct corelata cu domeniul de specializare inteligenta identificat prin SNCDI „TEHNOLOGII INFORMATIONALE SI DE COMUNICATII, SPATIU SI SECURITATE”, elementul central al activitatii sale si valorile sale fun (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective of the project is to improve the level of knowledge/competence/skills of the employees working in the economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI through training for a number of 319 employees within the Applicant, who work in economic sectors with competitive potential, identified according to the NCNS and in the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI, over 18 months in less developed regions of Romania. The project falls within the eligible economic sector with competitive potential, according to the SNC “Automotive and Components Industry”, “Information and Telecommunications Technology” and respectively in the fields of intelligent specialisation identified by SNCDI – “ECO-NANO-TEHNOLOGES AND AVANSED MATERIAL” and “Information AND COMMUNICATIONAL TECHNOLOGES, SPACE AND SECURITY”. The applicant carries out his activity under the authorised eligible CAEN code: “2910 Manufacture of road transport vehicles” within this sector, in Annex 5 to the Applicant’s Guide, this CAEN code being classified under “Car industry and components”. Also, the Applicant has the secondary CAEN codes 5829 – Editing activities of other software products, 6202 Consulting activities in information technology, etc., classified under “Information and Telecommunications Technology”, according to data from the Finder Certificate uploaded in the Applicant section. We would point out that, according to SNCDI, there is an intrinsic link between these sectors and the areas “ECO-NANO-TEHNOLOGY AND AVANSED MATERIAL” and “Information AND COMMUNICATIONAL TECHNOLOGES, SPACE AND SECURITY”, the applicant’s activity is also included in this field of intelligent specialisation. “Regarding the field "Information and Telecommunications Technology", we mention that it has a cross-cutting added value in all sectors of the modern economy and Industry 4.0, its added value in the automotive sector being significantly increased with the implementation of green energy integration plans and the rationalisation of consumption at European level. as well as in a field of intelligent specialisation (according to SNCDI), and the achievement of the general objective will facilitate the development of the competitiveness of the Romanian workforce, in order to reduce the development disparities between the regions of the EU Member States, thus converging with the general objective of the European Social Fund. According to SNCDI and this guide and, as highlighted in the supporting note, the applicant’s activity is directly correlated with the field of intelligent specialisation identified by SNCDI “INFORMATIONAL AND COMMATIONAL TECHNOLOGES, SPACE AND SECURITY”, the central element of its activity and its fun values (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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    Oraş Mioveni, Romania
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