Increasing the competitiveness of DPH Parquet SRL through endowment with modern equipment (Q2745182)

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Project Q2745182 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Increasing the competitiveness of DPH Parquet SRL through endowment with modern equipment
Project Q2745182 in Romania


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    3,731,200.72 Romanian Leu
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    746,240.1440000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    9,464,377.87 Romanian Leu
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    1,892,875.574 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.39 percent
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    1 October 2019
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    31 March 2022
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    45°46'26.00"N, 21°37'7.97"E
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    Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect de investitie constra in extinderea capacitatii de productie a solicitantului DPH PARQUET SRL cu implicatii directe in imbunatatirea competitivitatii economice ca urmare a cresterii productivitatii muncii si a calitatii produselor realizate. Prin obiectivul general pe care si-l propune si prin rezultatele preconizate, proiectul este relevant, oportun si necesar contribuind in mod direct la realizarea obiectivelor specifice Axei Prioritate 2.2 Obiectivul general propus prin prezentul proeict consta in asigurarea mijloacelor tehnice si umane necesare cresterii nivelului de competivitiate economica a DPH PARQUETSRL. In stabilirea obiectivului general s-a tinut cont de concluziile analizei SWOT aplicata activitatii firmei in toate functiuniile acesteia: cercetare &dezvoltare, productie, comerciala &marketing, financiar- contabila si de personal. Concluziile analizei SWOT sunt: puncte tari - adaptabilitatea echipei la cerintele si nevoile clientilor; - preocuparea continua pentru inovare de proces si de produs; - aplicarea continua a metodelor de cercetare de marketing in vedere identificarii de noi nevoi la nivelul clientilor existenti si potentiali puncte slabe - dotarea insuficienta pentru lansarea noului produs dezvoltat - resursa umana insuficienta oportunitati - preocuparea tot mai acuta a firmelor pentru implementarea si mentinerea procedurilor legate de dezvoltarea durabila in general si reciclarea deseurilor in special - pastrarea tendintei crescatoare de localizare a firmelor din industria constructiei de automobile in vestul Romaniei si a volumului de marfa comercializata in hiper si supermarket uri care genereaza deseuri din material plastic amenintari - instabilitatea politicilor de mediu conduc la reconsiderarea frecventa strategiilor referitoare la dezvoltarea durabila si responsabilitatea corporatista; - educatia precara a populatiei vis a vis de colectarea selectiva si reciclarea diverselor tipuri de deseuri fapt ce conduce la loscuri ridicate de reciclare Prezentul proiect de investitie vine sa rezolve punctele slabe identificate asigurand totodata premisele corecte pentru exploatarea oportunitatilor identificate in favoarea dezvoltarii competivitatii firmei. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of this investment project is to extend the production capacity of the applicant DPH Parquet SRL with direct implications in improving economic competitiveness as a result of increasing the productivity of the work and the quality of the products made. Through the general objective it proposes and the expected results, the project is relevant, timely and necessary directly contributing to the achievement of the specific objectives of the Priority Axis 2.2 The general objective proposed by this project is to provide the necessary technical and human means to increase the level of economic competitiveness of DPH PARQUETSRL. In establishing the general objective, account was taken of the conclusions of the SWOT analysis applied to the company’s activity in all its functions: research & development, production, commercial & marketing, financial-accounting and personnel. The conclusions of the SWOT analysis are: strengths – team adaptability to customer requirements and needs; continuous concern for process and product innovation; — the continuous application of marketing research methods in order to identify new needs at the level of existing customers and potential weaknesses – insufficient endowment for the launch of the new developed product – insufficient human resource opportunities – the increasing concern of companies to implement and maintain procedures related to sustainable development in general and recycling of waste in particular – keeping the increasing trend of localisation of companies in the automotive industry in Western Romania and the volume of goods sold in hyper and supermarkets that generate plastic waste threats – environmental policy instability leads to frequent reconsideration of strategies related to sustainable development and corporate responsibility; — the poor education of the population dream of selective collection and recycling of various types of waste, which leads to high recycling loops This investment project comes to solve the identified weaknesses while ensuring the correct premises for exploiting the identified opportunities in favor of developing the company’s competitiveness. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Topolovăţu Mare, Romania
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