Support for VO Bistrita (Q3098857)

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Project Q3098857 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for VO Bistrita
Project Q3098857 in Romania


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    2,065,531.69 Romanian Leu
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    413,106.338 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,430,037.28 Romanian Leu
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    486,007.456 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 December 2019
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    30 April 2021
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    44°29'18.56"N, 26°0'43.70"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este asigurarea unei capacitati de circulatie adecvate si conditii corespuzatoare in vederea sporirii gradului de accesibilitate a zonei Municipiului Bistrita la reteaua TEN-T globala, cu efecte negative minime la nivelul mediului si ale ocuparii de terenuri. Realizarea proiectului va duce la imbunatatirea conditiilor de circulatie la nivel de retea rutiera nationala de transport, inclusiv sub aspect de siguranta rutiera, reducerea emisiilor poluante, reducerea costurilor de operare, raspunzind astfel cerintelor de dezvoltarea economica concretizata prin adaptarea retelei rutiere nationale la cererea reala de transport. Obiectivul general al proiectului este imbunatatirea competitivitatii economice a României prin dezvoltarea infrastructurii de transport care faciliteaza integrarea economica in UE, contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea pietii interne cu scopul de a crea conditiile pentru cresterea volumului investitiilor, promovarea transportului durabil si a coeziunii in reteaua de drumuri europene. Realizarea prezentului proiect - faza Studiu de Fezabilitate a variantei de ocolire Bistrita contribuie la indicatorul de rezultat 2S81 – Cerere de finanțare transmisă, spre analiză și aprobare, la AMPOIM/OIT. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to ensure adequate traffic capacity and corresponding conditions in order to increase the accessibility of the Bistrita area to the global TEN-T network, with minimal negative effects on the environment and land occupation. The implementation of the project will lead to the improvement of the traffic conditions at the level of the national road transport network, including in terms of road safety, reducing pollutant emissions, reducing operating costs, thus meeting the requirements of economic development realised by adapting the national road network to the real demand for transport. The general objective of the project is to improve Romania’s economic competitiveness by developing transport infrastructure that facilitates economic integration in the EU, thus contributing to the development of the internal market in order to create the conditions for increasing the volume of investments, promoting sustainable transport and cohesion in the European road network. Implementation of this project – Phase of Feasibility Study of Bistrita bypass contributes to the result indicator 2S81 – Grant application submitted for analysis and approval to AMPOIM/ITO. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Bistriţa, Romania
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