Regional Project for the Development of Water and Water Infrastructure in Brăila County in 2014-2020 (Q3095709)

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Project Q3095709 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Regional Project for the Development of Water and Water Infrastructure in Brăila County in 2014-2020
Project Q3095709 in Romania


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    932,088,758.1 Romanian Leu
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    186,417,751.62 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,096,575,009.0 Romanian Leu
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    219,315,001.8 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    16 November 2020
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    31 December 2023
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    45°14'35.56"N, 27°13'29.46"E
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    Proiectul regional pentru dezvoltarea infrastructurii de apă și ape uzate din jud. Braila, în perioada 2014 - 2020, are ca scop continuarea strategiei de dezvoltare locală a sectorului apelor și apelor uzate din judet, in vederea conformarii cu prevederile acquis-ului european si respectarii angajamentelor asumate prin sectorul de mediu, in contextul AP 3 POIM/OT 6. Coerența Proiectului cu AP 3, OS 3.2 Creșterea nivelului de colectare și epurare a apelor uzate urbane, precum și gradului de asigurare a alimentării cu apă potabilă a populației, constă în contribuția preconizată în cadrul obiectivului specific acestei axe prioritare: „Creșterea nivelului de colectare și epurare a apelor uzate urbane, precum și a gradului de asigurare a alimentării cu apă potabilă a populației”. Investitiile promovate pentru infrastructura de apa si apa uzata din jud Braila vor conduce la realizarea obiectivelor Axei 3 POIM –„Dezvoltarea infrastructurii de mediu in conditii de management eficient al resurselor”, anume:Obiectiv Tematic 6 „Conservarea si protectia mediului si promovarea utilizarii eficiente a resurselor”, respectiv,Obiectiv specific 3.2 “Cresterea nivelului de colectare si epurare a apelor uzate urbane, precum si a gradului de asigurare a alimentarii cu apa potabila a populatiei” si vor asigura conformarea cu prevederile acquis-ului european si cu angajamentele asumate in sectorul de mediu. Prin intermediul proiectului, urmatorii indicatori prevazuti in POIM vor fi atinsi pana in 2023: - CO18 Distribuția apei: Populație suplimentară care beneficiază de o mai bună alimentare cu apă: 57.535persoane din care pop. benef.apa conforma 39.456 si pop.benef.extindere 18.079.Gradul de conectare, inainte de proiect, la sistemul de alimentare cu apa, in aria de proiect, este de 89,76% - 181.710 locuitori (an 2023), din care 70,27% - 142.254 locuitori (an 2023), alimentati cu apa de calitate conforma cu Directiva 98/83/CE). Prin POIM se va ajunge la o rata de conectare de 98,69% - 199.789 loc. (an 2023), integral alimentati cu apa de calitate conforma cu Directiva 98/83/CE, contribuind la indicatorul 2S33. Procentul va creste in viitor la 99,44 % prin intermediu unor investitii din alte surse de finantare. - CO19 Epurarea apelor uzate: Populație suplimentară care beneficiază de o mai bună tratare a apelor uzate: 186.178 populatie echivalentă din care pop.benef. sist.tratare ape uzate conf.Directiva 91/271/CEE 155.648 LE si pop.extindere 30.530 LE Nivelul de conformare, inainte de proiect, a incarcarii organice biodegradabile (în l.e.) la sisteme de colectare a l.e. in aglomerarile din aria de acoperire a proiectului este de 6,05 % (12.478 l.e). Dupa implementarea Proiectul, nivelul de conformare va fi 96,30 % (198.656 l.e.). Gradul de conectare a incarcarii organice biodegradabile la sistemele de colectare in aglomerari cu peste 10000 L.E. va creste de la 94,94% - 155.520 L.E., la 98,64 % după finalizarea proiectului va fi 161.576 L.E., contribuind a (Romanian)
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    Regional project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in the county Braila, in the period 2014-2020, aims to continue the local development strategy of the water and waste water sector in the county, in order to comply with the provisions of the European acquis and to comply with the commitments made through the environmental sector, in the context of PA 3 LIOP/TO 6. The coherence of the project with PA 3, OS 3.2 Increasing the level of collection and treatment of urban waste water, as well as the degree of assurance of drinking water supply to the population, consists of the expected contribution under the specific objective of this priority axis: “Increase the level of collection and treatment of urban waste water and the degree of assurance of drinking water supply to the population”. The investments promoted for water and wastewater infrastructure in Braila county will lead to the achievement of the objectives of Axis 3 LIOP – “Development of environmental infrastructure under conditions of efficient resource management”, anume:Obiectiv Theme 6 “Conservation and protection of the environment and promotion of resource efficiency”, respectively, Specific Objective 3.2 “Creating the level of collection and treatment of urban waste water, as well as the degree of supply of drinking water to the population” and will ensure compliance with the provisions of the European acquis and the commitments made in the environmental sector. Through the project, the following indicators set out in the LIOP will be achieved by 2023: — CO18 Water distribution: Additional population benefiting from better water supply: 57.535 people of whom pop. benef. water complies with 39.456 and pop.benef.extension 18.079.The degree of connection, before the project, to the water supply system, in the project area, is 89.76 % – 181.710 inhabitants (year 2023), of which 70.27 % – 142.254 inhabitants (year 2023), supplied with quality water in accordance with Directive 98/83/EC. The LIOP will reach a connection rate of 98.69 % – 199.789 place. (year 2023), fully supplied with quality water complying with Directive 98/83/EC, contributing to indicator 2S33. The percentage will increase to 99.44 % in the future through investments from other financing sources. — CO19 Wastewater treatment: Additional population benefitting from better waste water treatment: 186.178 equivalent population of which pop.benef. sist. waste water treatment under Directive 91/271/EEC 155.648 LE and pop.extension 30.530 LE The level of compliance, prior to the project, of biodegradable organic load (in l.e.) to systems for collecting l.e. in agglomerations in the project area is 6.05 % (12.478 l.e.). After the implementation of the Project, the compliance level will be 96.30 % (198.656 l.e.). The degree of connection of biodegradable organic load to collecting systems in agglomerations with over 10000 L.E. will increase from 94.94 % – 155.520 L.E., to 98.64 % after project completion will be 161.576 L.E., contributing to (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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