No label defined (Q3098467)
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Project Q3098467 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3098467 in Romania |
3,815,175.53 Romanian Leu
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4,724,677.78 Romanian Leu
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0.81 percent
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1 March 2021
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28 February 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului, il reprezinta creșterea participării la programele de formare profesională continuă a angajatilor, cu accent pe acei adulți, cu un nivel scăzut de calificare, din zona rurala, persoane cu vârsta de peste 40 ani. Pe piața muncii, adesea angajații nu au acces la informații despre oportunitățile de formare, iar angajatorii nu beneficiază de stimulente suficiente pentru a oferi formare profesională. Angajații au acces limitat la informații despre oportunitățile de formare, în special angajații peste 50 de ani şi cei cu un nivel redus de educație. Participarea angajatilor la programele de formare aduce beneficii atat celui implicat direct in achizitionarea de competente, cat si angajatorului. Motivele care sustin aceasta participare la dezvoltare profesionala sunt multiple si sunt deopotriva extrinseci(generate de nevoia de a stii) si intrinseci(generate sau impuse de surse exterioare) celui care se formeaza. Indiferent de natura si ponderea lor, de categoria de personal din care face parte angajatul, participarea la programe de formare reprezinta o practica fata de care angajatii manifesta din ce in ce mai mult interes, insa adeseori angajatorii nu sunt dispusi sa investeasca in acest domeniu, iar angajatii cu nivel scazut de calificare au venituri prea mici sa isi cofinanteze formarea. In toate cazurile, acordul angajatorului este necesar, fie ca reprezinta acceptul acestuia pentru scoaterea temporara din productie/servicii a angajatului, fie reprezinta o garantie pentru angajat, ca o data ce a devenit mai calificat, poate accede la o functie mai bine platita. proiectul vine in intampinarea nevoilor atat a angajatului, cat si a angajatorului, atat prin cursuri de calificare, cat de specializare si perfectionare, aducand beneficii acestora, nu doar in planul acoperirii costurilor de formare, dar si in planul cresterii calitatii produselor/serviciilor realizate, datorita unor performate crescute a angajatilor (pentru angajator), sau in planul dezvoltarii personale, stabilitatii locului de munca, avansarii in cariera, ori unei remuneratii marite (pentru angajati). Avand in vedere aceste aspecte, consideram ca proiectul este in acord atat cu Obiectivul Specific.6.12 al Programului de finantare, cat si cu obiectivul Strategiei Învățarea pe tot Parcursul Vieții: creșterea participării la învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții şi creșterea relevanței sistemelor de educație şi formare profesională pentru piața muncii. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase participation in continuous training programs of employees, with a focus on those low-skilled adults in rural areas, people over 40 years old. On the labour market, employees often lack access to information about training opportunities and employers do not have sufficient incentives to provide training. Employees have limited access to information about training opportunities, especially employees over 50 and those with a low level of education. The participation of employees in training programs brings benefits both to the one directly involved in the acquisition of skills, and to the employer. The reasons that support this participation in professional development are multiple and are both extrinsic (generated by the need to know) and intrinsic (generated or imposed by external sources) to the one who is formed. Regardless of their nature and weight, the category of staff to which the employee belongs, participation in training programmes is a practice that employees are increasingly interested in, but employers are often not willing to invest in this field, and low-skilled employees have little income to co-finance their training. In all cases, the employer’s consent is necessary, whether it represents its acceptance for temporary removal from production/services of the employee, or is a guarantee for the employee, as once he has become more qualified, he can access a better paid position. The project meets the needs of both the employee and the employer, both through qualification courses, specialisation and improvement, bringing benefits to them, not only in terms of covering training costs, but also in the plan of increasing the quality of the products/services made, due to increased performances of the employees (for the employer), or in the plan of personal development, job stability, career advancement, or increased pay (for employees). In view of these aspects, we believe that the project is in line with both Specific Objective.6.12 of the Financing Programme and the objective of the Lifelong Learning Strategy: increasing participation in lifelong learning and increasing the relevance of education and training systems to the labour market. (English)
16 September 2021
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