Quality education for all (Q3096667)

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Project Q3096667 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Quality education for all
Project Q3096667 in Romania


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    5,342,837.052 Romanian Leu
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    1,068,567.4104000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    6,366,493.4 Romanian Leu
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    1,273,298.6800000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.84 percent
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    20 April 2018
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    19 January 2021
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    44°28'12.94"N, 26°2'50.75"E
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    46°1'1.31"N, 22°2'14.24"E
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    45°57'53.86"N, 22°10'11.96"E
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    47°24'53.93"N, 27°10'50.38"E
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    47°15'45.61"N, 22°15'29.23"E
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    46°3'48.10"N, 21°16'53.11"E
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    Obiectivul general: Creşterea calităţii serviciilor educaţionale în şcolile arădene prin îmbunătăţirea competenţelor actorilor implicaţi în activităţi educaţionale şi prin valorificarea valenţelor formative ale procesului de mentorat asupra trinomului educaţional în vederea reducerii şi prevenirii abandonului şcolar timpuriu şi promovarea accesului egal la educaţie. Proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung prin cresterea numarului copiilor/elevilor care promoveaza nivelurile invatamantului obligatoriu – primar, respectiv secundar si acced in nivelul superior si implicit prin cresterea sanselor acestora de integrare in piata muncii prin dobandirea competentelor de baza. De asemenea, un alt efect pozitiv pe termen lung va fi mentinerea in sistemul de invatamant a persoanelor cu risc de abandon si implicit cresterea sanselor acestora de dobandire a competentelor necesare integrarii pe piata muncii. Nu in ultimul rand, prin cresterea calificarii personalului implicat in dezvoltarea si implementarea programelor destinate grupului tinta vizat, proiectul va sprijini mentinerea acestora in piata muncii, respectiv cresterea sanselor de a avansa la locul de munca. Totodata, prin campaniile de constientizare se vor promova principiile unei educatii incluzive respectiv nediscriminarea persoanelor indiferent de mediul de provenienta, etnie, sex, religie, etc, acestea ducand in timp la o imbunatatire a imaginii persoanelor provenind din grupuri vulnerabile in randul comunitatilor beneficiare. (Romanian)
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    General objective: Increase the quality of educational services in Transylvanian schools by improving the skills of the actors involved in educational activities and by capitalising on the formative values of the mentoring process on the educational trinome in order to reduce and prevent early school leaving and promote equal access to education. The project will generate a positive long-term effect by increasing the number of children/students who promote the levels of compulsory education – primary, respectively secondary and acced at the upper level and implicitly by increasing their chances of integration into the labour market by acquiring basic skills. Also, another positive long-term effect will be to maintain in the education system people at risk of abandonment and implicitly increasing their chances of acquiring the skills needed to integrate into the labour market. Last but not least, by increasing the qualification of the personnel involved in the development and implementation of programs for the target group, the project will support their maintenance in the labour market, namely increasing the chances of progressing in the workplace. At the same time, awareness campaigns will promote the principles of inclusive education, i.e. the non-discrimination of people regardless of background, ethnicity, sex, religion, etc., leading in time to an improvement of the image of people from vulnerable groups among the beneficiary communities. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Arad, Romania
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    Şagu, Romania
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    Bata, Romania
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    Şepreuş, Romania
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    Oraş Sântana, Romania
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    Oraş Curtici, Romania
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    Birchis, Romania
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    Mişca, Romania
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    Fântânele, Romania
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