And you have the right to education (Q3096291)

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Project Q3096291 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
And you have the right to education
Project Q3096291 in Romania


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    2,743,089.058 Romanian Leu
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    548,617.8116 Euro
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    3,397,015.16 Romanian Leu
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    679,403.0320000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.81 percent
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    30 June 2018
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    31 December 2019
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    Cresterea numarului de persoane ocupate, care anterior au beneficiat de imbunatatirea nivelului de competente, prin evaluarea si certificarea competentelor dobandite in sistem non-formal si informal, persoane ocupate provenind din randul somerilor si al persoanelor inactive, al somerilor de lunga durata, al lucratorilor varstnici (55-64 ani), al persoanelor cu dizabilitati, al persoanelor cu nivel redus de educatie, al cetatenilor romani apartinand minoritatii roma, al persoanelor din mediul rural, in special cele din agricultura de subzistenta si semi-subzistenta din regiunea Centru.Prezentul proiect contribuie la atingerea obiectivului general al POCU “dezvoltarea resurselor umane” si ”valorizarea capitalului uman, ca resursă pentru o dezvoltare sustenabilă în viitor”, datorita activitatilor ce vizeaza dezvoltarea competentelor coroborate cu cele specifice din domeniul ocuparii pentru un grup tinta de minimum 370 de persoane (someri, persoane inactive, lucratori varstnici, persoane cu dizabilitati, romi, femei, persoane cu un nivel redus al educatiei, persoane din mediul rural), care îsi au resedinta sau domiciliul în regiunea Centru si care doresc sa-si creasca sansele de a obtine statutul de persoana ocupata. Prin proiect se dezvolta oportunitati crescute de schimbare a statutului de ”somer” in ”persoana ocupata” pe piata fortei de munca (finantarea a 23stagii de formare profesionala, implementarea masurilor personalizate de ocupare) ce vor genera pe termen scurt si lung beneficii personale si la nivelul comunitatilor, fapt ce va contribui la dezvoltarea regiunilor mai putin dezvoltate din Romania, obtinandu-se ocuparea susutenabila si de calitate, dar si sprijinirea mobilitatii fortei de munca, datorita asistentei si activitatilor de sprijin derulate in cadrul proiectului, prin intermediul parteneriatului. Scopul final al proiectului este ca prin intermediul masurilor specializate de ocupare aplicate personalizat, prin educatie informala si non-formala, sa creasca abilitatile si competentele persoanelor de a- si schimba statutul pe piata munci si de a deveni persoane ocupate, fapt ce va contribui la atingerea obiectivului tematic 8-Axa prioritara 3-POCU. Pe termen lung, efectul pozitiv al proiectului este dat de: dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale in randul a cel putin 300 de persoane(minim absolvente), recunoasterea competentelor dobandite pe alte cai decat cele formale , promovarea conceptului de invatare pe tot parcursul vietii, cresterea gradului de educatie profesionala in randul populatiei active, transferul de expertiza si experiente practice catre grupul tinta, ceea ce va genera schimabarea statutului pe piata fortei de munca din somer in persoana ocupata pentru 150 de persoane, consolidarea capacitatii intreprinderilor de a se dezvolta si crea noi locuri de munca. Prin toate acestea, obiectivul specific al Prioritatii de investitie 8.i al POCU va fi atins. (Romanian)
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    Increasing the number of persons employed, who previously benefited from the improvement of the level of competence, by assessing and certifying the skills acquired in a non-formal and informal system, employed persons coming from unemployed and inactive persons, long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years old), persons with disabilities, people with low education, Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority, this project contributes to the achievement of the general objective of POCU “development of human resources” and “valorisation of human capital, as a resource for sustainable development in the future”, due to the activities aimed at developing skills in conjunction with the specific ones in the field of employment for a target group of at least 370 people (somers, inactive persons, elderly workers, people with disabilities, Roma, women, people with a low level of education, people from rural areas), who have their residence or residence in the Centre region and who wish to increase their chances of obtaining the status of an occupied person. The project develops increased opportunities to change the status of “somer” in “occupied person” on the labour market (funding of 23 training stages, implementation of personalised employment measures) that will generate short and long term personal and community benefits, which will contribute to the development of the less developed regions in Romania, achieving sustainable and quality employment, as well as supporting labour mobility, thanks to the assistance and support activities carried out within the project, through the partnership. The final goal of the project is to increase the skills and competences of individuals to change their status on the labour market and to become employed persons through specialised measures of employment, through informal and non-formal education, which will contribute to the achievement of the 8-Priority Axis 3-POCU thematic objective. In the long term, the positive effect of the project is given by: developing professional skills among at least 300 people (minimum graduates), recognising skills acquired on other than formal paths, promoting the concept of lifelong learning, increasing the degree of professional education among the active population, transferring expertise and practical experiences to the target group, which will generate change of status on the labour market from unemployed to occupied for 150 people, strengthening the capacity of enterprises to develop and create new jobs. By all this, the specific objective of investment priority 8.i of POCU will be achieved. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Judeţul Alba, Romania
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    Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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    Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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    Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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    Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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