No label defined (Q3056892)

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Revision as of 12:39, 15 July 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to invest in the production unit of “Rettenmeier Baltic Timber” Ltd. in order to use energy resources more efficiently and to reduce energy consumption in the production process.Within the project, planots take measures to promote efficient use of energy resources and reduction of energy consumption in the production unit of “Rettenmeier Baltic Timber”, which is located at 30, 26 and 28, Plānupes streets, Inčukalns, Inč...)
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Project Q3056892 in Latvia
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Project Q3056892 in Latvia


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    226,950.0 Euro
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    576,461.96 Euro
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    4 April 2019
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    2 April 2021
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    "Rettenmeier Baltic Timber" SIA
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    57°5'54.38"N, 24°34'11.39"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir veikt investīcijas SIA "Rettenmeier Baltic Timber" ražotnē, lai efektīvāk izmantotu patērētos energoresursus un samazinātu enerģijas patēriņu ražošanas procesā.Projekta ietvaros planots veikt pasākumus, lai veicinātu efektīvu energoresursu izmantošanu un enerģijas patēriņa samazināšanu SIA "Rettenmeier Baltic Timber" ražotnē, kas atrodas Plānupes ielā 30, 26 un 28, Inčukalnā, Inčukalna novadā.Projektā planotas sekojošas galvenās darbības:1. Projekta vadība;2. Zāģmateriālu žāvētavas nomaiņa, - pamatu un grīdas izbūve; - zāģmateriālu žāvētavas iekārtas ar 4 kamerām iegāde un palaišana ekspluatācijā; 4. Četru saspiestā gaisa kompresoru nomaiņa un palaišana ekspluatācijā;Projekta rezultātā plānots panākt kopējo enerģijas patēriņa samazinājumu 5535,61 MWh/gadā un siltumnīcefekta gāzu samazinājumu 1358,46 CO2 tonnas gadāProjekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir 756 500 EUR, bet Kohēzijas fonda atbalsta apjoms plānots 226'950 EUR apmērā jeb 30% no attiecināmajām izmaksām.Projekta īstenošanu plānots uzsākt 2019.gada marta beigās, bet pabeigt īstenot līdz 2021.gada aprīļa mēnesim. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is to invest in the production unit of “Rettenmeier Baltic Timber” Ltd. in order to use energy resources more efficiently and to reduce energy consumption in the production process.Within the project, planots take measures to promote efficient use of energy resources and reduction of energy consumption in the production unit of “Rettenmeier Baltic Timber”, which is located at 30, 26 and 28, Plānupes streets, Inčukalns, Inčukalns. Project management;2. Replacement of the Sawn Timber Drying Station, including: — Foundation and floor construction; — Acquisition and commissioning of lumber dryer equipment with 4 cameras; 4. Replacement and putting into service of four compressed air compressors.The project results in total energy consumption reduction of 5535.61 MWh/year and greenhouse gas reduction of 1358.46 CO2 tonnes per yearProject total eligible costs are EUR 756500, but the amount of Cohesion Fund support is planned to amount to EUR 226'950 or 30 % of eligible costs.Project implementation is planned to start at the end of March 2019, but to be completed by April 2021. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Plānupes iela 30, Inčukalns, Inčukalna pag., Siguldas nov., LV-2141
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