Health-promoting activities for employees at the Broker’s firm Rożek Brokers Group Bernard Rożek (Q128201)

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Project Q128201 in Poland
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Health-promoting activities for employees at the Broker’s firm Rożek Brokers Group Bernard Rożek
Project Q128201 in Poland


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    167,883.5 zloty
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    40,292.04 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    197,510.0 zloty
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    47,402.4 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    2 January 2018
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    30 June 2019
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    Głównym celem projektu „Działania prozdrowotne dla pracujących w Kancelarii Brokerskiej Rożek Brokers Group” jest wdrożenie rozwiązań prozdrowotnych, które przyczynią się do osiągnięcia celu szczegółowego projektu:przeciwdziałaniu przedwczesnemu opuszczaniu rynku pracy przez osoby w wieku aktywności zawodowej, Grupą docelową projektu będzie 8 osób pracujących w Kancelarii: w tym 7 kobiet (poniżej 50 r.ż.) i 1 mężczyzna (właściciel, osoba powyżej 60 r.ż.). Wszystkie osoby pracują na stanowiskach biurowych Działania przewidywane do realizacji w projekcie: 1) Pakiety diagnostycznych badań medycznych 2) Edukacje zbiorowe w zakresie profilaktyki chorób cywilizacyjnych 3) Kompleksowe działania na rzecz wali ze stresem, a w nich edukacje zbiorowe z psychologiem na temat technik radzenia sobie ze stresem, jego redukcji, konsultacje indywidualne z psychologiem/psychoterapeutą dla osób tego potrzebujących, aktywność ruchową – basen, zajęcia fitnessu oraz pikniki dla rodzin pracowników połączone z edukacją prozdrowotną, 4) Działania podejmowane na rzecz ochrony i poprawy stanu narządu ruchu (diagnoza zachowań zdrowotnych pracowników na stanowiskach pracy dokonana przez fizjoterapeutę, warsztaty grupowe i konsultacje indywidualne z fizjoterapeutą, pokazanie technik ćwiczeń relaksacyjnych, pakiet rehabilitacyjny dla pracowników (zajęcia indywidualne z fizjoterapeutą i EMA – trening polegający na elektrostymulacji mięśni, dla osób z najpoważniejszymi problemami), masaż biurowy wykonywany w miejscu pracy, w trakcie przerwy w pracy, przez fizjoterapeutę na zakupionym specjalnie do tego celu fotelu do masażu), 5) Doposażenie stanowisk pracy oraz reorganizacja biura celem zakupu niezbędnego wyposażenia i sprzętu poprawiającego stan zdrowia pracowników, komfort pracy oraz ergonomię. Całkowita wartość projektu: 197.510 zł, w tym kwota dofinansowania projektu: 177.530 zł, wkład własny 19.980 zł Okres realizacji projektu: 18 m-cy,od 02.01.2018 do 30.06.2019 r. (Polish)
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    The main objective of the project “Health-promoting actions for employees at Rożek Brokers Group” is to implement health-promoting solutions that will contribute to the achievement of the specific project’s objective: preventing premature exit from the labour market by people of working age, the target group of the project will be 8 people working in the Chancellery: of which 7 women (below 50 years of age) and 1 male (owner, person over 60). All persons work at office posts Measures expected to be implemented in the project: 1. Requisitions of medical examinations 2) Collective education in the field of prevention of civilizational diseases 3) Comprehensive actions for the benefit of stress, including collective education with a psychologist on the subject of techniques for dealing with stress, reduction, individual consultation with the psychologist/phychot therapist for those in need, recreational exercises – swimming pool, exercise exercises and picnics for the families of workers combined with health education, 4) Fichotology of the work of the workmen, improving work-working and improving work-working exercises – exercise exercises, exercise exercises and picnics for the families of workers combined with health education, 4) Measures taken on the work of work and the improvement of work of the workforces, recalculation of the recumulation of the masses of the recuperiology in the field of prevention of civilizational diseases 3) Comprehensive activities for the sake of vases with stress, including collective education with a psychologist with a psychologist on the subject of techniques for dealing with stress, reduction thereof, individual consultation with the psychologist/physiotherapy for those in need, correcting exercise exercises – exercise exercises – exercise exercises, exercise exercises and picnics for the families of workers combined with health education, fichotherapeutic exercises for the work of people in need of work, recitation exercises – swimming exercises, exercises and picnics for families of workers combined with pro-healthy education, 4) Measures taken on the work of the work and the improvement of work of the workmen, the exercise of the recitation of the work of the staff, the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the work of the workers, the exercise of the exercises and the exercise of the work of the workers, the exercises of the exercises and the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the exercises, the exercises of the exercises, the exercise of the exercises and the recreation of the work of the staff, the exercises of the recalculation of the work and the recalculation of the work of the workers, the exercises of the recalculation of the work, the exercises and the recalculation of the work of the workers, the exercises of the recalculation of the work of the staff, the exercise of the recalculation of the work of the staff, the exercise of the recalculation of the work, and the recalculation of the work of the staff, the recalculation of the work, and the recalculation of the workplace, the recalculation of the recalculation of the work, the recalculation of the work, the recalculation of the work, the recalculation of the work, the exercise of the work, the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the recalculation of the work, the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the exercise, the exercise of the work, the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise exercises, the exercise of the exercise of the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the exercise of the work, the exercise of the exercise of the work, the exercise of the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the exercises, the exercise of the exercise of the work of the staff, the exercise of the exercise of the work of the work, the exercise of the work of the work of the staff, the exercise of the work of Total value of the project: PLN 197,510, including the amount of funding of the project: PLN 177.530, own contribution PLN 19.980 Period of project implementation: 18 m-cy, from 02.01.2018 to 30.06.2019 (English)
    21 October 2020
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